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Configuration Guide - SuperWEB2

This section is aimed at SuperWEB2 system administrators. It contains information about the different ways to configure SuperWEB2.


You can apply your own branding to the SuperWEB2 interface. Learn more about what you can configure and how to make the changes...


You can add metadata about databases, tables, and fields within tables to SuperWEB2. Once the metadata is set up, end users can click the links in the SuperWEB2 interface to read the additional information about the data they are working with.

Learn more about setting up metadata in SuperWEB2...

User Data Repository

The User Data Repository (UDR) is designed to allow SuperWEB2 users to save their own table design definitions so they can use them again the next time they login. 

The default installation of SuperWEB2 uses an embedded HyperSQL database to store the UDR, but this is only really suitable for demonstration use. For production use, you should replace the default database with a higher volume relational store such as MySQL or an Oracle database.

Learn more about configuring the User Data Repository...

Query Caching

You can use query caching to give a performance boost to SuperWEB2.

Once you have configured it, SuperWEB2 will start caching query results. This means that if the same table is created/tabulated more than once, the tabulation result can be obtained from the cache instead of using SuperSERVER to perform the tabulation.

Learn more about the available caching strategies and how to configure them...

How To...

Did you know you can allow users to log in automatically as a guest, disable totals from being automatically added to tables and set the number of decimal places displayed in tables?

See the How To section to learn more about these and other customisations you can make to SuperWEB2.


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