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Files, Samples and Documentation - Data Access API

The Data Access API includes the following directories and files.


Configuration files, including administrationServerCatalog.xml, which is used to configure the connection between the Data Access API and SuperSERVER/SuperADMIN.

docsJavadoc documentation of the available methods and interfaces. To view the documentation, open docs\index.html in a web browser.

Third-party open source software that is required to use the API.

When you execute your application, you must use the command line option -Djava.endorsed.dirs and pass in the location of the endorsed directory.

libThird-party libraries that are required to use the API.

Sample code demonstrating the use of the API. This directory contains:

auThe source code for the samples. See below for more details.
build.xmlAn Ant build file for compiling the same code.
dataAccessAPISamples.jarThe sample code compiled into a JAR file.
jacorb.propertiesThe properties file for the CORBA communication between the Data Access API and SuperSTAR.
runSamples.batA script for executing the sample code.
txd01.txdA table definition (TXD) file for use with the sample code.

Sample Code

The following samples are provided with the API:

Sample FileDemonstrates...Code Summary
samples\au\com\str\samples\query\SimpleTxdQuery.javaHow to submit a static query using a TXD and output the results to a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file.
  1. Gets an authenticated connection to SuperSTAR.
  2. Submits a table query using the specified TXD file(s).
  3. Writes the cross-tabulation output to a CSV file.
  4. Closes the connection to SuperSTAR.

How to access a single branch of a hierarchy. The example code outputs the hierarchy of the Area field from the sample Retail Banking Database.

This technique can also be used for a flat field branch and multiple branches.

  1. Gets an authenticated connection to SuperSTAR.

  2. Gets a handle to the database (by default, Retail Banking).

  3. Gets a handle to a classification field (by default, Area).

  4. Recursively retrieves the classification fields and prints them.

  5. Closes the connection to SuperSTAR.

samples\au\com\str\samples\schema\SummationGroupNavigation.javaHow to navigate a summation group. The example code outputs a list of the measures from a database.
  1. Gets an authenticated connection to SuperSTAR.
  2. Gets a handle to the database.
  3. Recursively retrieves the measures from the database and prints them.
  4. Closes the connection to SuperSTAR
samples\au\com\str\samples\util\CSVWriter.javaCode for writing output to a CSV file. This code is called by SimpleTxdQuery to write the results to a CSV file.Writes the table results to a CSV file.



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