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This file contains error/warning messages that are displayed in the SuperWEB2 interface when a user attempts to create or edit a table that breaches the configured table rules.

You can configure the text displayed in these messages by editing the message strings defined in this file.

Make a backup copy of before making any changes.

  1. Open in a text editor.
    Each line in the file contains a property and a value. For example, the following line defines the text displayed when the maximum number of group fields has been exceeded:

    maxGroupFieldsExceeded=Maximum number of fields in exclusion group exceeded.
  2. Change the value for an entry in the file as required (but do not change the name of the property itself).
    For example:

    maxGroupFieldsExceeded=Maximum number of fields in exclusion group exceeded. Reduce the number of fields to proceed.
  3. Save your changes and restart Tomcat or the SuperWEB2 service.

There may be multiple copies of this file for different languages and locales, with names like and Each one contains the text used for different languages. Depending on which languages are in use on your deployment, you may need to make these changes in multiple versions of the file. The properties file that is used will depend on the language settings in the end user's web browser, the set of supported locales defined in the faces-config.xml configuration file, and the language selected by the user from the drop-down list. See Multilingual and Localisation Support for more information about localisation and how SuperWEB2 uses the properties files. 

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Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

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