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Understanding the Field List

When you access Table View in SuperWEB2, you can see a list of all the available fields on the left. Items in the list have different icons so you can tell what they represent:

The field list in SuperWEB2

If you do not see the list of fields, click the arrow to open the Customise Table pane:

Clicking the arrow icon to open the Customise Table Pane when it is retracted

The icons are as follows:

The field icon

A field, such as Gender or Marital Status. Click the field or its icon to see the available field items.

The field icon for a geographical field that can be used to build a map

A mappable field. If you add this field to the table you will be able to access Map View.

The icon for a field item

An individual item within a field, such as Male or Married. If this field is a hierarchy, then you can click the field item to see the items at the next level in the hierarchy.

The icon for a mandatory field

A mandatory field. If the administrator has configured mandatory fields then they will be indicated with a small red * image on the field icon. Mandatory fields will be added to your tables automatically.

The icon for a mandatory field item

A mandatory field item.

The icon for a group of fields

A group of fields. Click to expand the group.

The icon for a group of summation options

A group of summation options.

The icon for a temporary recode

A temporary recode (for example a recode that was loaded from a saved table). Removing a temporary recode from the table will also remove it from the field list. Your administrator may have changed this symbol to an alternative character. See Customise the Temporary Recode Icon for more details.

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