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IPv6 Support

Some additional configuration steps may be required when deploying SuperSERVER on an IPv6 environment.

Command Line Options

The following command line options have been added to SuperSERVER and Metadata Server to enable configuration on IPv6 environments:

--bind <address>

The address to bind on. This may be set to a specific address or hostname that resolves to this machine, or to any of the wildcard addresses: * (IPv4 and 6), (IPv4 only), :: (IPv4 and 6). The default value of this is / :: (the IPv4/IPv6) bind any addresses.

--port <port>
The port used for incoming connections.
--proxy <host>:<port>

The address used to access this instance. This address is also reported as the SuperSERVER address to SuperADMIN and will show up when you run the server command. If you do not set this, the machine's hostname will be used as the address of this instance. If this does not resolve correctly in your environment then other SuperSTAR components will not be able to communicate with it.

<host> can be either an IP address or hostname.

That support for IPv6 should be disabled.
--nat64-prefix <prefix>
The 96 bit NAT64 prefix you want to use, specified in the form of an IPv6 address. This will automatically be prepended to the server address in outgoing connection attempts.
--resolution-priority <priority>

The priority to give to different address types when making an outgoing connection, and when determining which address to bind to.

Outgoing connections will always be attempted on all resolved addresses, but this argument provides a way to tune performance for outgoing connections, based on your network configuration.

For binding addresses it determines which address will be selected by default to use in CORBA IORs.

This can be set to one of the following values (note that the names are not case sensitive):

  • IPv6
  • IPv4
  • RFC6724
  • Default (indicates that it should use whatever order the system provides)
--corba-log-files <path>
The path and file name of a log file for CORBA information.
--corba-log-level <level>

The level of logging information for CORBA. This can be set to one of the following values (the names are not case sensitive):

This is the only setting recommended for production use if users wish to set a log file.
This setting is recommended for testing/development.
This setting logs everything at the WARNING and INFO levels, plus raw packet information.

The port for Metadata Server can also be configured using the MDServer_PORT option in the metadata.config.xml configuration file. If present, the setting in the XML file takes precedence over the command line setting or the file.

Configuration Files for SuperSERVER and Metadata Server

As an alternative to setting the network properties through the above command line options, these can be configured in configuration files called (SuperSERVER) and (Metadata Server). These files do not exist by default, so if you want to use them you need to create them in a text editor and save them to the SuperSERVER data directory (if you installed to the default location, this will be C:\ProgramData\STR\SuperSERVER SA on Windows; on Linux save the files to the same directory as the scsa executable).

Specify any options you want to set in the following format (replace <option> with the command line option, minus any initial - characters):


For example:

# Which local IP address to bind to. This can be a IPv4 or IPv6 address. If you wish to bind to all local addresses, use "" or "::"
# Tell clients that your machine address is my-machine-name:9232 when constructing IORs

# Which local IP address to bind to. This can be a IPv4 or IPv6 address. If you wish to bind to all local addresses, use "" or "::"
# Tell clients that your machine address is my-machine-name:8005 when constructing IORs

Production Server Configuration

Additional configuration settings are now available for production system. These can either be set in the Production System configuration file (in the connection section) or on the command line:

  • ResolutionPriority

  • NAT64Prefix

  • CorbaLogLevel

  • CorbaLogFile

See Configuration File for full details.

SuperCROSS Configuration

The following properties have been added to the [General] section of the super.ini configuration file:

  • DisableIPv6
  • NAT64Prefix
  • ResolutionPriority
  • CorbaLogLevel
  • CorbaLogFile
If you wish to connect SuperCROSS to SuperSERVER over a NAT64 bridge then extra care is necessary. If the servers running SuperSERVER and SuperADMIN have names that can be resolved by machines on both sides of the bridge (IPv4 and IPv6 sides), then extra configuration should not be necessary. However, if there are issues resolving machine names and you are using IP addresses instead then it is necessary to set the NAT64Prefix on both SuperSERVER and SuperCROSS. The NAT64Prefix should be the string prefixed to the IPv4 address to allow them to be accessed over the NAT64 bridge. This will be specific to your network configuration.

See super.ini for more details on the new SuperCROSS properties.

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