Remove the Quantile Tab from the Range Dialog
By default, when you select Range for one of the summation options, SuperWEB2 displays the following dialog, which includes the Quantile tab:
If you wish, you can configure SuperWEB2 so that it does not display the Quantile tab. To do this you need to edit <tomcat_home>\webapps\webapi\tableView\modalRangesDialog.xhtml
Make a backup copy of this file before making any changes.
- Open modalRangesDialog.xhtml in a text editor.
Locate the following section of the file:
HTML/XML<rich:tab id="quantile" name="quantile" header="#{labels['']}" execute="@this" status="none"> <ui:include src="modalRangesQuantile.xhtml"/> </rich:tab>
Comment out this section by adding <!-- before it and --> after it:
HTML/XML<!-- <rich:tab id="quantile" name="quantile" header="#{labels['']}" execute="@this" status="none"> <ui:include src="modalRangesQuantile.xhtml"/> </rich:tab> -->
Restart Tomcat (or the SuperWEB2 Service if using our SuperSTAR Suite).
Review your changes: