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Working With Tables - Totals, Percentages, Sorting and Codes

This section describes some of the options available when working with tables. It is assumed that you have already read the guide to getting started and you know how to login to SuperWEB2 and create a basic table by dragging and dropping fields or selecting the values you want and using the Add buttons.


SuperWEB2 automatically adds totals to tables, but you can choose whether to show totals. To show or hide totals, click the menu icon next to the field name:

The SuperWEB2 menu icon
Selecting Total from the in-table menu
Total selected on the in-table menu

In some cases, it may not make sense to add totals for certain fields (for example, a time series). In this case, your administrator may have configured a setting in the SXV4 file that prevents you from adding a total for a particular field.


Use the option at the top of the table area to change the values in the table to percentages:

You can choose from the following options:

None Do not show percentages.

A table with Marital Status and Gender and no percentages

Column Replace the values in the table with a percentage of the total in each column.

A table with Marital Status and Gender and column percentages

Row Replace the values in the table with a percentage of the total in each row.

A table with Marital Status and Gender and row percentages


Replace the values with a percentage of the grand total.

If you are using wafers then this will show the total percentage across all the wafers.

A table with Marital Status and Gender and row and column percentages

Some of the percentage options are not available for certain types of table. For example, the Total percentage option is not available when the table contains multiple summation options.

SuperWEB2 will save your percentage settings if you save the table. For saved tables that were created in SuperCROSS in TXD format and have been loaded into SuperWEB2 (for example as system tables), SuperWEB2 supports percentages that were added using the SuperCROSS Replace Percent option only. Tables with percentages added in SuperCROSS using Append Percent cannot be loaded into SuperWEB2.


Click the arrows to sort the table:

Use the arrows in the column headings to sort based on the values in that column:

A table showing the sorting option on columns

Use the arrows shown against the row field name to sort based on the row labels:

A table showing the sorting option on rows

In both cases, your first click will sort the column or row in ascending order, your second click will sort it in descending order, and your third click will revert back to the default sort order.


By default, the field labels show the names of the values (such as Male and Female). Select the Codes option from the field menu to display the field codes instead:

A table showing the sub menu with the codes option highlighted
A table with the Gender field names replaced with codes

Automatically Retrieving Data

By default, whenever you change the fields in the table, you need to click Retrieve Data to run the cross tabulation and display the values.

To avoid the need to click Retrieve Data, you can select the Automatically Retrieve Data option:

The main Table View buttons with the mouse pointer hovering over Automatically Retrieve Data Off

When this option is activated, SuperWEB2 automatically performs the cross tabulation whenever you change the table.

For performance reasons you may find it better to leave this option turned off, particularly if you are working with large tables.
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