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Go-Live Checklist

Following is a checklist of activities you should complete before going live with a new instance of SuperWEB2:


More Information

SuperSERVER performance configurationFollow the advice on Performance Considerations - SuperSERVER to configure SuperSERVER performance to make best use of the available processing capacity on the server.Performance Considerations - SuperSERVER

Port usageConfirm that only the minimum set of required ports have been opened, in line with the port usage documentation.Port Usage

Tomcat RAM usage (SuperWEB2)The supplied scripts for running Tomcat are set to use only 4GB of RAM. You should increase this to take advantage of the available RAM on the server running Tomcat. 

SuperADMIN RDBMSUsing a relational database to store SuperADMIN data is strongly recommended.Use a Relational Database to store SuperADMIN data

Default user accountsSuperSTAR is supplied with several default user accounts. You must change the passwords (or delete these accounts) before going live.Default User Accounts

Guest user accountGuest access to SuperWEB2 is enabled by default: confirm whether you want to allow guest access and set permissions appropriately so that guests users can see the correct set of datasets. Configure Guest Access

SuperWEB2 User Data RepositoryBy default, SuperWEB2 is configured to use a file-based storage system for user data such as saved tables. This is not recommended for production use and you should configure a relational database for the User Data Repository. User Data Repository

Configure audit logging

Audit logging provides detailed information about everything that happens on your system. SuperSERVER audit logging is enabled by default, but SuperADMIN, SuperWEB2 and other components will not write audit logs unless you enable this feature. 

Note that if you are using a reverse proxy then you will likely need to do some additional configuration to ensure that the audit logs capture the end user's IP address, rather than the gateway IP address. See Configure Reverse Proxy and Audit Logging for more details.

Audit Logging

Branding and customisation

SuperWEB2 can be extensively customised to fit with your organisation's branding. Review and update the following:


User Registration

If you decide to use the user registration system, make sure that you:

  • Set default permissions for registered users.
  • Update the text and branding in the email templates. 
Configure User Registration

Update the search indexSuperWEB2's search feature uses a pre-built search index. This index needs to be regenerated every time you make any changes to the datasets in the catalogue. Update the Search Index
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