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Dry Run Setup Mode

If you experience problems running the BuildMetadataTemplate.bat batch file, you may wish to run the process in "dry run" mode. This generates all of the SQL statements required to create the external metadata database and saves those statements to a text file, but does not actually create anything in the external database.

This can be useful if you need to overcome limitations in the external database. For example, Oracle has a limit of 30 characters for object names. To work around any such issues, you can use dry run mode to write the SQL statements to a file, edit the statements in the file, and then execute the SQL statements against your database directly.

This might also be useful if corporate policy does not allow your database user to have CREATE TABLE privileges. In this case you can provide the file containing the SQL statements to your database administrator to execute against the database.

To use dry run mode:

  1. Complete all the standard steps to configure BuildMetadataTemplate.bat, and also databases.txt and metacolumns.txt.
  2. Before running BuildMetadataTemplate.bat, open the file in a text editor.
  3. Go to the end of the file:

    "%JAVA_CMD%" -Xms128m -Xmx1024m ^ ^
    -Djava.library.path="%META_PROGRAM_FILES%" ^
    -Dsxv4driver.home="%META_PROGRAM_DATA%" ^
    -Dsxv4driver.library="SXV4DriverJNI-ro" ^
    -classpath "%META_CLASSPATH%" ^ ^
    -jdbc_driver %DB_DRIVER_CLASS% ^
    -database_url %DB_URL% ^
    -repository %REPOSITORY% ^
    -database_list %DB_FILE_LIST% ^
    -metacolumn_list %META_COLUMNS% ^
    -valueset_option %VALUESET% ^
    -overwrite_database %OVERWRITE% ^
    -export_valuesets %EXPORT_VALUESET%
  4. Add the -dryrun <file> option to the end of the file. <file> can either be a simple filename, a relative path, or an absolute path. For example:

    -valueset_option %VALUESET% ^
    -overwrite_database %OVERWRITE% ^
    -export_valuesets %EXPORT_VALUESET% ^
    -dryrun DatabaseScripts.sql
  5. You can now run the batch process, edit the SQL output as necessary, and then execute it against your database.
  6. Once you have finished these steps you can continue with the standard process for setting up Metadata Server.
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