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Add your Support Contact Email to Error Messages

There are some login error messages included with SuperWEB2 that contain an email address link for the user to contact support. For example:

By default, these support links are configured to use a dummy email address ( Before going into production, you should update these messages so that they use your real support email.

To update the links, you need to edit <tomcat_home>\webapps\webapi\WEB-INF\classes\

There may be multiple copies of this file for different languages and locales, with names like, and You need to make these changes in all versions of the file. The properties file that is used will depend on the language settings in the end user's web browser and the set of supported locales defined in the faces-config.xml configuration file (see Multilingual and Localisation Support for more information about localisation and how SuperWEB2 uses the properties files).

  1. Open the file in a text editor.
  2. Search the file for all the instances of and change the email address to your real support email.
  3. For example, change these lines from:

    login.error.accountLocked=Account locked, please contact <a href="">support</a>.
    login.error.serverUnreachable=The system is currently unavailable. Please contact <a href="">support</a> or try again later.
    login.error.internalServer=The system has encountered an internal error and you have been logged out. Please try again or contact <a href="">support</a> if this problem persists.
    login.error.accountNoDatabaseAccess=Your user account does not have access to any datasets, please contact <a href="">support</a>.
    register.invalidResponse.description=Please try again or contact <a href="">support</a> if this problem persists.
    register.resendLink.notSent.description=Reload the page and try again. Please contact <a href="">support</a> if this problem persists.
    register.notProcessed.description=Please click on the link from your email and try this again. Please contact <a href="">support</a> if this problem persists.


    login.error.accountLocked=Account locked, please contact <a href="">support</a>.
    login.error.serverUnreachable=The system is currently unavailable. Please contact <a href="">support</a> or try again later.
    login.error.internalServer=The system has encountered an internal error and you have been logged out. Please try again or contact <a href="">support</a> if this problem persists.
    login.error.accountNoDatabaseAccess=Your user account does not have access to any datasets, please contact <a href="">support</a>.
    register.invalidResponse.description=Please try again or contact <a href="">support</a> if this problem persists.
    register.resendLink.notSent.description=Reload the page and try again. Please contact <a href="">support</a> if this problem persists.
    register.notProcessed.description=Please click on the link from your email and try this again. Please contact <a href="">support</a> if this problem persists.
  4. Apply this change to all versions of this file for all the languages in use on your deployment.
  5. Save your changes and restart Tomcat or the SuperWEB2 service.
JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.