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The method command is used to set parameters for data control plugins and apply the plugins to a database.

To learn more about configuring Data Control plugins, see the documentation on Data Control in SuperSTAR.
Displays a list of all the methods available to assign to a database.
method <method_id>

Displays details of the specified method, including the:

  • ID
  • display name
  • type (mandatory or table)
  • common properties
  • details of the method's Data Control plugins (ID, library name, priority and properties)
method methods
Displays details of all the configured methods.
method addmethod <method_id> <type> <display_name>

Creates a new method.

The ID of the method to add.

The method type, either table or mandatory. If you omit this it defaults to mandatory.

  • Mandatory methods will be applied to the database by default. You can apply multiple mandatory methods to any given database.
  • Users with appropriate permissions can choose whether or not to apply table methods to the database in SuperCROSS. You can assign multiple table methods to a given database, but only one of them can be in use at any given time. See Method Catalogue Permissions for details on how to configure the permission to select and apply table methods in SuperCROSS.
A display name for the method. If you omit this it defaults to the method ID.
method <method_id> displayName <new_display_name>
Changes the display name of the specified method.
method <method_id> remove
Deletes the specified method. You can only delete a method using this command if it is not assigned to any databases. To delete a method that is assigned to a database, use the command method <method_id> remove increfs.
method <method_id> remove increfs
Deletes the specified method. This command will delete the method even if it is assigned to a database.
method removeall
Deletes all methods from the catalogue. You can only use this command if the methods are not assigned to any databases. To delete a method that is assigned to a database, use the command method <method_id> remove increfs.
method <method_id> dcplugins
Displays all the data control plugins assigned to this method.
method <method_id> <dc_plugin_id>
Displays the details of the specified data control plugin.
method <method_id> adddcplugin <dc_plugin_id> <library_name> <priority>

Assigns a data control plugin to this method.

The ID of the method to assign the plugin to.
The ID of the plugin. This must be unique within this method.
The name of the DLL file to use for the plugin. This executable must be located in the same directory as the SuperSERVER executable.

The priority of this plugin. A plugin with a lower number priority will be executed first.

If no priority is set, the plugin will automatically be assigned the highest value of all the existing plugins and will be executed last.

method <method_id> <dc_plugin_id> remove
Deletes the specified plugin from this method.
method <method_id> <dc_plugin_id> properties
Display the properties for the specified plugin
method <method_id> <dc_plugin_id> dcpluginid <new_id>
Changes the ID of the specified data control plugin.
method <method_id> <dc_plugin_id> libraryName <new_library_name>
Changes the library name of the specified data control plugin.
method <method_id> <dc_plugin_id> priority <priority>

Changes the priority of the specified data control plugin. A plugin with a lower number priority will be executed first.

If your new priority value is already assigned to an existing plugin, SuperADMIN automatically adjusts the priorities. For example, if plugin A already has a priority of 1 and you set plugin B to priority 1 then SuperADMIN will change the priority of plugin A to 2. In this example plugin B (priority 1) will be executed first, followed by plugin A (new priority 2).

method <method_id> <dc_plugin_id> addproperty <property_name> <property_value>

Adds a property to the specified plugin.


  • Enclose both the <property_name> and <property_value> with double quotes.
  • A property name cannot start with a number or be only numbers. The value can be any string.
  • You can add multiple values to a property; separate the values using a semicolon.
  • If the property name includes the semicolon character, then you must escape it with a backslash: \;
  • Any backslashes must be escaped with an additional backslash. For example if the property value contains a path the backslashes would be escape as follows: "C:\\ProgramData\\STR\\SuperSERVER SA\\databases"
method <method_id> <dc_plugin_id> removeproperty <property_name>
Removes a property from the specified plugin. Enclose the <property_name> with double quotes.
method <method_id> common <property_name>
Displays the details of this specific common property. Enclose the <property_name> with double quotes.
method <method_id> common properties
Displays the common properties defined for this method.
method <method_id> common addproperty <property_name> <property_value>

Adds a common property to the specified method.


  • Enclose both the <property_name> and <property_value> with double quotes.
  • A property name cannot start with a number or be only numbers. The value can be any string.
  • You can add multiple values to a property; separate the values using a semicolon.
  • If the property name includes the semicolon character, then you must escape it with a backslash: \;
  • Any backslashes must be escaped with an additional backslash. For example if the property value contains a path the backslashes would be escape as follows: "C:\\ProgramData\\STR\\SuperSERVER SA\\databases"
method <method_id> common removeproperty <property_name>
Removes a common property from this method. Enclose the <property_name> with double quotes.
method <method_id> type {mandatory|table}
Set the type of the specified method to either mandatory or table.
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