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Job Queue Manager

Some complex tasks in SuperWEB2 may take a long time to run. Examples include large queries or tables, or a big group of cross-tabulation requests. The Job Queue Manager diverts user requests for large tables to a background processing queue so that the user session does not lock up and become unresponsive.

JQM also ensures that the table processing is not terminated by browser timeouts. The user can log out of SuperWEB2 while processing is ongoing, and log back in again later to retrieve the tabulated results.

 The Job Queue Manager is an optional component that requires a separate license. It is not installed by default.

Architecture Overview

The Job Queue Manager consists of four major components:

SuperWEB2 clientUsed to design the table and submit the query for processing.
Job Queue Manager ProcessorManages the job queue.
Job Queue Manager DatabaseA relational database store for holding jobs and their results.
User Data Repository

A relational database store for saving user tables.

By default, SuperWEB2 uses an in-memory database for storing user tables. In order to use Job Queue Manager you must replace this with a relational database such as Oracle or MySQL.

 SuperWEB2, Job Queue Manager, the Job Queue Manager database, and the User Data Repository can all be located on the same system or split across multiple systems.

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