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Change the User Interface Language

SuperWEB2 determines which language to show you by default based on your browser's language settings.

If SuperWEB2 is not being displayed in your preferred language, then you can change this by selecting a different language from the menu in the top right corner:

The SuperWEB2 menu with the mouse pointer hovering over the language options

You can only change to a language that your SuperWEB2 deployment has been configured to support.

Selecting an option from this list changes the SuperWEB2 user interface. It does not change the language of any fields and field values in the currently open dataset.

If the administrator has configured multilingual datasets, then there will be a second language option that allows you to change the dataset language:

The SuperWEB2 menu with the mouse pointer hovering over the dataset language options

Setting the Default Language

You can change the default language for the SuperWEB2 user interface by modifying the preferences in your browser settings (although if SuperWEB2 does not support your chosen language then it will fall back to the default language set by the system administrator).

Follow the steps that apply to your web browser:


  1. Click on the Menu icon
    in the top right-hand corner of your browser window, and then select Settings from the menu.
    The Chrome browser menu with mouse pointer clicking the Settings option
  2. Under the Advanced option, locate the Language section and click on the down arrow to expand the section.
    The Chrome browser Advancd Settings menu with the mouse hoviering over the Langauge dropdown menuarrow
  3. Click Add languages to display the Add languages dialog.
    The Chrome browser Languages settings with the Add languages option
  4. Search and/or scroll for the languages you require and tick the check box for each.

    The Chrome browser Add Languages dialog wi Spanish entered in the seach bar and the option for Spanish - espaƱol selected

  5. When you have finished, click Add.
  6. Reload SuperWEB2 to confirm that it is now using your preferred language by default.


  1. Click on the Application Menu icon
    in the top right-hand corner of the browser window, and then select Settings from the menu.
    The Firefox Application menu with the mouse pointer clicking on the Settings option
  2. Under the General tab, scroll down to the Language and Appearance section.
  3. Under Language, click the arrow icon
    to expand the dropdown menu and select Search for more languages.
    The Firefox language settings opitons with the mouse clicking on Search for more languages
  4. The Firefox Language Settings dialog displays.
    The Firefox Language Settings dialog
  5. Click Select a language to add, then select the language you require.
    Clicking on Japanese from the Select a language pop-up menu
  6. Click Add to add the selected language to the list.
    Th Fireforx Language Settings with Japanese selected and the mouse pointer clicking on Add
  7. The selected language appears at the top of the order of preference. Select additional languages (if required) and use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to change the order. SuperWEB2 will use the first language in this list that it supports.
    The Fireforx Language Settings with Japanese added to the top of the order of preference and the mouse pointer clicking on OK
  8. When you have finished, click OK.
  9. Reload SuperWEB2 to confirm that it is now using your preferred language by default.

Microsoft Edge

  1. Click the 'Settings and more' icon
    in the top right-hand corner of the browser window, then and then select Settings from the menu.
    The Edge browser's Settings and more menu with the mouse clicking on Settings
  2. Under the Settings menu, select Languages.
    The Settings menu with the mouse pointer clicking on Languages
  3. Click Add languages.
    The Languages panel with the mouse pointer clicking on Add languages
  4. Search and/or scroll for the language you require and tick the check box. When you have finished, click Add.
    The Add languages dialog with Japanese selected and the mouse pointer clicking on Add
  5. The newly selected language is added the the bottom of the list.
    The Languages panel with Japanese added to the bottom of the list
  6. Click the Settings icon
    to the right of the language, and select Move to the top.
    The Setting dialog for Japanese with the mouse pointer clicking on Move to the top
  7. The selected language is moved to the top of the order of preference.
    The Languages panel with Japanese at the top of the order of preference
  8. Reload SuperWEB2 to confirm that it is now using your preferred language by default.
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