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Annotation Repository Schema - Data Control API

The annotation repository schema supports the following functions:

  • Add/delete an annotation
  • Update an annotation's symbol
  • Update an annotation's description
  • Enforce the uniqueness of annotation symbols
  • Add/delete database assignments
  • Add/delete field assignments
  • Add/delete field value assignments
  • Add/delete cell assignments
  • Update assignments with a new annotation symbol

The annotation repository schema is represented in the following database entity diagram:

The tables in the annotation repository schema are:

TableDescriptionPrimary KeyForeign Key

Stores annotation symbols and descriptions.


Stores database annotation assignments.

 Refers to the primary key in the AnnotationDetails table.

Stores field annotation assignments.

AnnotationID. Refers to the primary key in AnnotationDetails.
Stores field value annotation assignments.
AnnotationID. Refers to the primary key in AnnotationDetails.
Stores the joins between AnnotationDetails and CellAssignment.
AnnotationID. Refers to the primary key in AnnotationDetails.

Stores cell assignment.

All records that share the same AnnotationAssignID will be used to identify the position of cells. When a measure is used, ValueSetName and FieldValueCode must be left empty (") and not be set to null.

 AnnotationAssignID. Refers to the primary key in Annotation.
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