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Configuration Files - SuperWEB2

This section describes some of the main SuperWEB2 configuration files.




Contains the settings for connecting SuperWEB2 to SuperADMIN. You will need to modify these settings if you install SuperWEB2 on a different machine to the machine running SuperSERVER.

For more information, see Configure the Connection to SuperSERVER - SuperWEB2.


Defines various text strings that appear in the SuperWEB2 interface.

For more information about localisation of SuperWEB2, see Multilingual and Localisation Support - SuperWEB2.


Contains various table settings, including the threshold for large table mode.


Defines various text strings that appear in the SuperWEB2 interface.

For more information about localisation of SuperWEB2, see Multilingual and Localisation Support - SuperWEB2.

<tomcat_home>\webapps\webapi\WEB-INF\database-metadata.xmlDefines database-level metadata used in SDMX downloads.
<tomcat_home>\webapps\webapi\WEB-INF\classes\ dumpcodes.propertiesAllows you to blacklist certain field values from mapping.
faces-config.xml  Contains various settings for the JSF framework, and some configuration parameters that you may need to modify.
<tomcat_home>\webapps\webapi\WEB-INF\classes\ log4j.xml

Contains log settings, such as the logging level and the location to store the log files.


Defines various text strings that appear in the SuperWEB2 interface.

For more information about localisation of SuperWEB2, see Multilingual and Localisation Support - SuperWEB2.


Defines rules that control table creation. For example, you can use the rules to restrict the maximum number of cells in a table, or to specify mandatory fields that must be included in all tables.


Defines the labels used to display field value sets in SuperWEB2. If you do not define the labels for your database, then SuperWEB2 will display the value set IDs instead.

For more information, see Configure Field Drop-down Labels - SuperWEB2.

<tomcat_home>\webapps\webapi\WEB-INF\ web.xml 

Contains various SuperWEB2 system parameters, including:

  • Enabling or disabling the Record View feature.
  • Configuring parameters for the cache.
  • Specifying the credentials for the Guest user account.
  • Setting attributes for inclusion in SDMX downloads.

Contains the configuration parameter for the maximum number of cells that can be downloaded in Record View.

For more information, see Enable Record View - SuperWEB2.

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