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Customise On Screen Text - SuperWEB2

You can modify most of the text that appears in SuperWEB2 to suit your requirements. This section demonstrates just one example by showing how to change the labels that appear in the browser/tab title and on the login screen:

To make this change you need to edit the file <tomcat_home>\webapps\webapi\WEB-INF\classes\

Make a backup copy of this file before making any changes.

Open in a text editor and change the following parameters:

application.titleThe application name that appears at the start of the browser/tab title throughout the application.
page.login.window.titleThe second half of the title that appears in the browser/tab title on the login screen.
page.login.form.headingThe heading that appears above the User Name and Password boxes on the login screen.
page.login.form.messageThe message that appears above the User Name and Password boxes on the login screen.

When you have finished making changes save the file and restart Tomcat (or the SuperWEB2 Service if using our SuperSTAR Suite).

For example, changing the code as follows:

application.title=My Branded SuperWEB2
page.login.form.heading=My SuperWEB2 - Main Login screen
page.login.form.message=Type your username and password:

Produces the following result:

This is just one example of how you might choose to customise the SuperWEB2 labels. There are a wide variety of other labels you can change in the configuration file.


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