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Validate with Your Own Data - SuperSTAR

If you wish to use your own data to validate the installation, you can follow the steps in this section.

These instructions describe how you can import data from an Excel spreadsheet or an Access database. Each set of instructions has a corresponding video tutorial, which you can find in the STR_Assist directory in your installation (if you selected the standard installation options, this will be located at C:\Program Files\STR_Assist).

Quick Start InstructionsTutorial Video Name
SuperSTAR 8.0 GA Suite – QuickSTART with Excel (Summary Sheet).pdfSuperSTAR 8.0 GA Suite - Quickstart with Excel
SuperSTAR 8.0 GA Suite – QuickSTART with Access (Summary Sheet).pdfSuperSTAR 8.0 GA Suite - Quickstart with Access

The recommended approach is to watch the video and following along with the summary sheet. You can then use the summary sheet as a reminder when you start to import your own Excel or Access data.


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