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Audit Logging - SuperSTAR

Audit logging is an optional SuperSTAR feature that you can use to monitor user activity.

You can activate audit logging for SuperWEB2, SuperADMIN and SuperSERVER. These applications will then log all user activity (such as who has logged in or out of the system, and what features they used). The audit logs will also record details of failed login attempts.

By default, SuperSERVER is automatically configured to use audit logging, so you only need to activate it for SuperADMIN and SuperWEB2.

This section describes how to activate the feature so that SuperSTAR generates the audit log files.

Analysis of the log files is not discussed here, but there are a number of third party tools available that you can use to combine the log files from each component and analyse the results.

Please contact us if you wish to discuss implementing a log analysis solution that meets your specific requirements.

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