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Change the Name of the WAR File - SuperWEB2

By default, SuperWEB2 is deployed as a .war file called webapi.war.

When this is installed on Tomcat, it will extract to a directory called webapi, meaning that the URL to your SuperWEB2 deployment will contain /webapi/. For example:


You may wish to change the name of the SuperWEB2 .war file so that the URL of your instance reflects your branding and the name you have given to your data analytics and dissemination platform:

  • If you are installing a new instance of SuperWEB2, simply rename the webapi.war file to your preferred name (for example superweb2.war) before copying it to the <tomcat_home>\webapps directory. When you start the SuperWEB2 or Tomcat service, the .war file will automatically be expanded to a directory with the same name as the .war. For example <tomcat_home>\webapps\superweb2
  • If you have an existing SuperWEB2 installation, stop the Tomcat or SuperWEB2 service, then rename both the <tomcat_home>\webapps\webapi.war file and the current <tomcat_home>\webapps\webapi directory to match your preferred name. For example: <tomcat_home>\webapps\superweb2.war and <tomcat_home>\webapps\superweb2

There are a number of places in the SuperWEB2 configuration files where the /webapi/ part of the URL is hard-coded, so you will also need to make the following changes:

FileChanges Required
\help\metadataRedirect.htmlIf you are using static metadata pages, change webapi part of the Metadata base URL definition: var metadataBaseUrl = "/webapi/metadata/";
  • In the ONLINE HELP section, change the webapi part of the path in each of the externalLink properties.
  • In the METADATA section, change the webapi part of the path in the externalLink.dataConfidentialityURL and externalLink.metaInfoBaseURL properties.
  • In the LOGIN AND LOGOUT section, change the webapi part of the path in both of the externalLink properties.
  • Locate the publicBaseResourceUrl parameter and change the <param-value> to match your SuperWEB2 URL.
  • Locate the HomeForwardingServlet servlet definition and change the webapi part of the param-value.

When you have finished making these changes, restart SuperWEB2 or the Tomcat service.

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