Connect to SuperSTAR Database Server - SuperCROSS
In order to open a database from a SuperSERVER, you need to configure the connection to the SuperSTAR database server in SuperCROSS.
If your SuperSERVER connection is not configured, then the Catalogue - Select Database or Table window will only show options for Catalogue and Local Access:

To configure your connection.
- Close the Catalogue - Select Database or table Window if it is open (click Close).
Select File > SuperADMIN Connection. The SuperADMIN Connection window displays.
In the Authentication section, enter your username and password.
If your system is configured to use automatic sign-on (Kerberos) then you may be able to select the Automatic sign-on using Windows credentials (Kerberos) check box instead of entering your username and password. Check with your system administrator or see Single Sign On with Kerberos.
- In the Servers section, click Add. The Add SuperADMIN window displays.
Enter the details provided to you by your system administrator and click OK.
The SuperSERVER details are added to the Servers section.
If you see the message Authentication Exception, then this indicates that there is a problem with your username and password. Check you have entered the correct details and try again.
If you see the message Unable to connect to SuperADMIN at given address and port number then this indicates that there is a problem with the server details you entered. Correct the server details and try again.
- Click OK to close the SuperADMIN Connection window.
Select File > New to reopen the Catalogue - Select Database or table window and check that your SuperSTAR database server now appears in the list: