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Database Formats - SuperCROSS

SuperCROSS supports the following database file formats:

SXV4This is the proprietary SuperSTAR database format. SXV4 is a highly optimized, compressed file format used for tabulating complex hierarchies and relationships for unit records and aggregated data.

Statistical Data and Metadata eXchange is a standard format for the exchange of statistical information.

SDMX files are compressed ZIP archives that contain two XML files:

dataset.xmlContains the statistical data.
structure.xmlConĀ­tains the SDMX schema.

Learn more about SDMX format.

SXV3An earlier version of the SuperSTAR database format. This format is now deprecated, but existing SXV3 files can still be loaded into SuperCROSS for analysis.
SXV2An earlier version of the SuperSTAR database format. This version contains aggregated data only. This format is also deprecated, but can still be loaded into SuperCROSS.
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