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Open Data API

The SuperWEB2 Open Data API allows you to harness the tabulation power and confidentiality protections of the SuperSTAR engine in your own applications.

For example:

Live Reports, Visualisations and Infographics

Make SuperSTAR the single source of truth for all your data by building live reports, visualisations and infographics that use data direct from SuperSTAR.

When your SuperSTAR data gets updated, your reports, visualisations and infographics automatically update too.

Power Third-Party Applications

The API allows you or your users to build their own applications, such as mobile apps, that use your data.

Open your Data to the World

As a data publisher, the Open Data API allows you to open up your data to the world in a way the community will love. It is a standards-based REST API that your users can adopt to build their own tools and applications with your data.

The Open Data API is an optional component that can be added to your SuperWEB2 deployment. You can control who has access to the API, and configure rate limiting settings to prevent any particular applications from overloading the API.

Learn more about configuring the API as a system administrator.

To see some examples of what you can do with the API, and to use our live demo, visit

Learn More

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