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This section contains a reference guide to the tables required in your external metadata database. Most of these tables will be created automatically when you run BuildMetadataTemplate.bat during the set up process.

However, you may subsequently need to manually create additional tables and columns. For example, if you want to add translations for a new SuperSTAR dataset or add a new language translation without recreating the entire metadata database.

The following diagram shows the different tables that make up the metadata databases, and how they are connected to each other:

See below for more details about each table:

You will need to manually create the keyword and folders tables.

Overview: Populating Names and Descriptions

Following is a quick reference guide to where to populate the different translations and descriptions in the metadata database.


Summation Option (Measure)col_<dataset_id>_<fact_table>
Summation Option (Fact Table Count)fact_<dataset_id>
Field Groupfact_<dataset_id>
Field Valueva_<classification_table>
Name of value set in the Select all at level drop-down listvs_<dataset_id>


The metadata database must contain one of these tables for every fact table in every SXV4).

This table stores the translations and descriptions for all the fields in the dataset.

  • <dataset_id> must match the ID set in SuperADMIN.
  • <fact_table> must match the original name of the fact table from the SXV4 (BuildMetadataTemplate.bat automatically extracts the name of the fact table from the SXV4).

It contains the following columns:


Contains the original code of the fact table column from the SXV4.

For example, for the F_Account fact table in Retail Banking this column contains values such as:

  • Acc_Profit
  • Avg_Acc_Balance
  • Product_Type

The translated name of this fact table column.

For example:

  • Account Profit
  • Average Account Balance
  • Product Type
A translated description of the column.


The metadata database must contain one db_domain table.

It contains details of the SXV4s:

The <dataset_id> of the SXV4.
The name of the table in the metadata database that contains the list of fact tables for this SXV4. The referenced table will be named fact_<dataset_id>
The name of the table in the metadata database that contains translations for the annotations (footnotes) for this SXV4. The referenced table will be named fnote_<dataset_id>
The name of the table in the metadata database that contains the translations for the value set labels for this SXV4. The referenced table will be named vs_<dataset_id>
The translated name of the SXV4.
A description of the SXV4. This can be displayed in SuperWEB2 on the Datasets page.


The metadata database must contain one dom_<repository_id> table. It is the master table in the metadata database; it contains a single record that tells Metadata Server the name of the db_domain table and your folders table:

This must be set to domain.
The name of the db_domain table.
The name of the table that contains translations for your folder names.
There will also be one <lang>_name column for every language in the repository. These are created automatically by the initial batch setup process, but are not used.
There will also be one <lang>_desc column for every language in the repository. These are created automatically by the initial batch setup process, but are not used.


The metadata database must contain one of these tables for every SXV4.

It contains details of the fact tables and field groups:

The original name of the fact table or field group in the SXV4. For example: F_Customer or Customers_XGRP.
The name of the table in the metadata database that contains the translations and descriptions for the fact table's columns. The referenced table will be named col_<dataset_id>_<fact_table>
The translated name of the fact table or field group. In the case of fact tables, this name will be used for the count summation option for this fact table.
A description of the fact table or field group. In the case of fact tables, the description will be used as metadata for the count summation option for this fact table.


The metadata database must contain one of these tables for every SXV4 that has annotations. It contains translations for the annotations:

The annotation symbol that is displayed in the table (this is the value in the AnnotationSymbol column of the AnnotationDetails table for this annotation).
The translation of the annotation text.


If you want to translate the names of SuperADMIN folders then you will need to create a folders table containing the translations.

You can call this table whatever name you like (as long as it is not the same as one of the other standard table names). Once you have created the folders table you must insert the folder name into the ss_fldr column in the dom_<repository_id> table.

Your folders table needs to contain the following columns:

The ID of the folder (defined in SuperADMIN).
The translated name of the folder.

Each folder has its own multilingual property in SuperADMIN. You must set this to true in addition to setting it for individual datasets if you want the folders to pick up the translations.


The keyword table is not created by default when you run BuildMetadataTemplate.bat.

You need to create a table in your metadata database called keyword and populate it with the translations for various keywords used in SuperCROSS and SuperWEB2, such as "and", "by", "count", "mean" and "median".

The keyword table must have the following columns:

Contains the untranslated keyword codes.
The translation of the keyword in this language. You need to create one <lang>_name column for each language you want to support. Replace <lang> in the column name with the two character language code.

For example, if you are supporting English, French and German, your keyword table would need four columns: ss_code (keyword codes), en_name (English translations), fr_name (French translations), and de_name (German translations).

The columns should be set to a varchar type that is long enough to accommodate the longest keyword translation in that language.

The keywords you need to translate are as follows (the values in the ss_code column must exactly match the ones shown here):

allfunctionsAllIn the Select all at level option for Summation Options.
allcountsCountsIn the Select all at level option for Summation Options.
allsumsSumsIn the Select all at level option for Summation Options.
allmeansMeansIn the Select all at level option for Summation Options.
andandIn table names and axis labels. For example: Gender and Marital Status by Age.
bybyIn table names. For example: Gender by Age.
countCountIn the tree for the count summation.
countingCountingIn titles in SuperWEB2 Graph View, as well as in table downloads.
countof{0}As a translation of "count of". Not required as this is the default summation, but can be added if required for languages other than English. If you include {0} in your translation, it will be replaced by the name of the summation option.
dataSourceData SourceIn the data source footnote at the bottom of the table in Table View.
defaultSummationDefault SummationTo identify the default summation in the current table.
descriptionDescriptionIn the header row of the table listing annotation symbols and descriptions for the current cross tabulation table.
filtersFiltersIn titles in SuperWEB2 Graph View.
forforIn titles in SuperWEB2 Graph View.


MeanIn the summation options.

Mean of {0}

When the summation option appears in the table. For example: Mean of Customer Profit. If you include {0} in your translation, it will be replaced by the name of the summation option.
medianMedianIn the summation options.
medianofMedian of {0}When the summation option appears in the table. For example: Median of Customer Profit. If you include {0} in your translation, it will be replaced by the name of the summation option.
When the organisation name is displayed in table headers and footers.
percentilePercentileIn the summation options.
percentileofPercentile of {0}When the summation option appears in the table. For example: Percentile of Customer Profit. If you include {0} in your translation, it will be replaced by the name of the summation option.
rangesRangesTo identify the list of currently defined ranges in the field tree.
recode_totalTotalIn place of the total keyword when the table contains recodes.
sdmx-codelist-aggregationLevelAggregation LevelIn labels used in SDMX downloads. See Branding SDMX Downloads for more details.
sdmx-codelist-concept-measureDimensionMeasure dimension variablesIn labels used in SDMX downloads. See Branding SDMX Downloads for more details.
sdmx-codelist-measureMeasuresIn labels used in SDMX downloads. See Branding SDMX Downloads for more details.
sdmx-codelist-measureTypeMeasure TypeIn labels used in SDMX downloads. See Branding SDMX Downloads for more details.
sdmx-codelist-measureType-countCountIn labels used in SDMX downloads. See Branding SDMX Downloads for more details.
sdmx-codelist-measureType-meanMeanIn labels used in SDMX downloads. See Branding SDMX Downloads for more details.
sdmx-codelist-measureType-medianMedianIn labels used in SDMX downloads. See Branding SDMX Downloads for more details.
sdmx-codelist-measureType-sumSumIn labels used in SDMX downloads. See Branding SDMX Downloads for more details.
sdmx-codelist-unitMeasureUnit of MeasureIn labels used in SDMX downloads. See Branding SDMX Downloads for more details.
sdmx-codelist-unitMeasure-numberNumberIn labels used in SDMX downloads. See Branding SDMX Downloads for more details.
sdmx-concept-aggregationLevelRecord type used for aggregationIn labels used in SDMX downloads. See Branding SDMX Downloads for more details.
sdmx-concept-measureTypeMethod used to aggregate measuresIn labels used in SDMX downloads. See Branding SDMX Downloads for more details.
sdmx-concept-observationValueObservation valueIn labels used in SDMX downloads. See Branding SDMX Downloads for more details.
sdmx-concept-observationValue-descThe value, at a particular period, of a particular variable.In labels used in SDMX downloads. See Branding SDMX Downloads for more details.
sdmx-concept-timeTimeIn labels used in SDMX downloads. See Branding SDMX Downloads for more details.
sdmx-concept-unitMeasureUnit in which the data values are measuredIn labels used in SDMX downloads. See Branding SDMX Downloads for more details.
sdmx-concept-unitMultiplierExponent in base 10 .....In labels used in SDMX downloads. See Branding SDMX Downloads for more details.
sdmx-rse-descriptionSDMX relative standard error descriptionIn labels used in SDMX downloads. See Branding SDMX Downloads for more details.
sdmx-rse-nameRelative standard errorIn labels used in SDMX downloads. See Branding SDMX Downloads for more details.
sdmx-scaleDescriptionsUnit MultiplierIn labels used in SDMX downloads. See Branding SDMX Downloads for more details.
sdmx-scaleDescriptions-0UnitsIn labels used in SDMX downloads. See Branding SDMX Downloads for more details.
sdmx-scaleDescriptions-1TensIn labels used in SDMX downloads. See Branding SDMX Downloads for more details.
sdmx-scaleDescriptions-2HundredsIn labels used in SDMX downloads. See Branding SDMX Downloads for more details.
sdmx-scaleDescriptions-3ThousandsIn labels used in SDMX downloads. See Branding SDMX Downloads for more details.
sdmx-scaleDescriptions-default10^%1$d UnitsIn labels used in SDMX downloads. See Branding SDMX Downloads for more details.
selectsummationfunctionsSelect Summation FunctionsIn the Select all at level option for Summation Options.
sumSumIn the summation options.
summationOptionsSummation OptionsAs the title for the summation options in the customise table panel.
sumof{0}As a translation of "sum of" when the summation option appears in the table. Not required as this is the default summation, but can be added if required for languages other than English. If you include {0} in your translation, it will be replaced by the name of the summation option.
symbolSymbolIn the header row of the table listing annotation symbols and descriptions for the current cross tabulation table.
thenthenIn table titles, when listing items concatenated on an axis.
totalTotalIn tables when a row/column/wafer total is included.


Values from {Min} to {Max} make up Quantile Range {Num}

In labels for custom quantiles. See Configure Quantiles and Ranges for more details.


Less than {Max}

In labels for custom ranges. See Configure Quantiles and Ranges for more details.


{Min} or more

In labels for custom ranges. See Configure Quantiles and Ranges for more details.


{Min} to less than {Max}

In labels for custom ranges. See Configure Quantiles and Ranges for more details.


{Max} or less

In labels for custom ranges. See Configure Quantiles and Ranges for more details.


More than {Min}

In labels for custom ranges. See Configure Quantiles and Ranges for more details.


More than {Min} to {Max}

In labels for custom ranges. See Configure Quantiles and Ranges for more details.
wafersWafersTo identify the list of wafers in the current table.
weightedcountWeighted Count of {0}When a weighted summation option appears in the table. For example: Weighted Count of Customer Profit. If you include {0} in your translation, it will be replaced by the name of the summation option.
weightedmeanWeighted Mean of {0}When a weighted summation option appears in the table. For example: Weighted Mean of Customer Profit. If you include {0} in your translation, it will be replaced by the name of the summation option.
weightedmedianWeighted Median of {0}When a weighted summation option appears in the table. For example: Weighted Median of Customer Profit. If you include {0} in your translation, it will be replaced by the name of the summation option.
weightedpercentile{0}Not currently used.
weightedsumWeighted Sum of {0}When a weighted summation option appears in the table. For example: Weighted Sum of Customer Profit. If you include {0} in your translation, it will be replaced by the name of the summation option.

The keyword table takes precedence over any keywords defined in the SuperWEB2 files. If a keyword is defined in both places, then the value from the Metadata database will be used. If the keyword is not defined in the metadata database then SuperWEB2 will fall back to the value in the properties file.


The metadata database must contain one meta_<repository_id> table. The <repository_id> is the ID you set in BuildMetadataTemplate.bat when you created the initial metadata database. This is also the ID that needs to be specified in the connection string in metadata.config.xml.

This table contains the details of the columns created in each metadata database table (the columns you specified in metacolumns.txt when you ran BuildMetadataTemplate.bat):

The column name. For example: en_name, en_desc, fr_name.
The language code denoting the language that this column contains. For example: en, fr, de.

The column type:

  • name - a translated column name.
  • desc - a translated description for the column.
  • link - a hyperlink to external metadata for this column.
The column size in characters.


The metadata database must contain one va_<classification_table> for every classification table in the SXV4 database(s).

<classification_table> must match the original name of the classification table from the SXV4 (BuildMetadataTemplate.bat automatically extracts the name of the classification table from the SXV4).

It contains the following columns:


Contains the original code of the classification table column from the SXV4.

For example, the C_Gender classification table in sample Retail Banking contains the codes M, F, U and -1.


The translated name of this column. For example: "Male", "Female", "Unknown", "Not Applicable"

A translated description of the column.


The metadata database must contain one vs_<dataset_id> table for every SXV4. This table contains translations for value set labels.

It contains the following columns:

The code for this value set from the SXV4.
The name of the table in the metadata database that contains the translations for the classification table this value set belongs to.

The translated name of this value set.

Value set labels are used in SuperWEB2: they appear in the Select all at level drop-down lists, and are also displayed in table titles and row/column/wafer/filter headings.

If you do not provide a translation for a given value set, then:

Not used.
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