Users, Groups and Permissions
User access to the SuperSTAR software suite is managed by the SuperADMIN service. The SuperSTAR clients (Such as SuperCROSS and SuperWEB2) connect to SuperADMIN to authenticate users.
SuperADMIN uses the typical system of Users and Groups of users to manage authentication, authorisation and permissions. By default, these are a locally maintained list of users and groups that you can manage using the SuperADMIN console. However, if you have an existing directory of users and groups then you can configure SuperADMIN to connect to your external user directory using protocols such as Active Directory, eDirectory or LDAP, rather than having to duplicate your user directory within SuperADMIN.
Learn More...
- Several default user accounts are provided so you can complete the initial configuration and set up. You must remove these accounts or change the default passwords before going into production.
- Find out how to create users and groups in SuperADMIN.
- Learn about how to configure user permissions.
- Read the Permissions Model to understand how permissions are inherited, and what happens if a user belongs to multiple groups with conflicting permissions.
- Learn about Field Level Security, which allows you to configure permissions on a per-field basis.
- Follow a worked example of configuring LDAP Authentication.