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Installation Requirements, Compatibility and Supported Platforms

This section defines the hardware and software requirements for the SuperSTAR suite of products.

This information is subject to change. Please contact customer support if you wish to confirm specific details.

Support Levels

The following table defines four "support levels". These support levels are used throughout the compatibility tables in this section.

Support LevelWill SuperSTAR Work?Bug Reports Accepted?
Not CompatibleNoKnown to be incompatible.No
Not SupportedUnknownHas not been tested by WingArc.No
CompatibleYesSupported but is not actively tested by WingArc.Yes
Actively TestedYesSupported and actively tested.Yes

Hardware and Operating System Compatibility

Server Components

32/64 bitMinimum
Service Pack
SuperSERVERSuperADMINSuperSERVICE ManagerProduction System
Windows Server 200864SP2CompatibleCompatibleCompatibleCompatible
Windows Server 2008 R264SP1CompatibleCompatibleCompatibleCompatible
Windows Server 201264
Windows Server 2012 R264
Windows Server 201664
Actively TestedActively TestedCompatibleCompatible
Windows Server 201964
Actively TestedActively TestedCompatibleCompatible
OpenSUSE 12 (x86-64)6412.3CompatibleCompatibleNot CompatibleCompatible
Ubuntu 1964
Actively TestedActively TestedNot CompatibleCompatible
Other Linux (x86-64)64
CompatibleCompatibleNot CompatibleCompatible
SUSE Linux (Platform z)64
Not SupportedNot SupportedNot SupportedNot Supported
The metadata utilities (supplied with SuperADMIN) are not available for Z Linux.

Web Server Support

SuperVIEWSuperWEB2Open Data APIJob Queue ManagerSDMX Web Services
Apache Tomcat 6.0.xPlease contact us if you wish to use SuperVIEW with SuperSTAR 9.10Not CompatibleNot CompatibleNot CompatibleNot Compatible
Apache Tomcat 7.0.xPlease contact us if you wish to use SuperVIEW with SuperSTAR 9.10

Compatible with Tomcat versions 7.0.57 and 7.0.65.

Not Compatible with Tomcat version 7.0.59.

Compatible with Tomcat versions 7.0.57 and 7.0.65.

Tomcat version 7.0.41 or above is required for CORS support.

Compatible with Tomcat version 7.0.57.Not Supported
Apache Tomcat 8.5.xNot SupportedActively Tested with Tomcat version 8.5.41. Compatible up to version 8.5.47 only.Actively Tested with Tomcat version 8.5.41. Compatible up to version 8.5.47 only. Actively Tested with Tomcat version 8.5.41. Compatible up to version 8.5.47 only. Not Supported
Apache Tomcat 9.0.xNot Supported

Compatible. Actively Tested with Tomcat version 9.0.20.

Compatible. Actively Tested with Tomcat version 9.0.20.

Compatible. Actively Tested with Tomcat version 9.0.20.

Not Supported

Web Server RAM Settings

If you use the supplied version of Tomcat to run SuperWEB2 then the scripts supplied with SuperWEB2 will allocate 4GB of RAM to Tomcat when it starts up, using the following Catalina options: -Xms4g -Xmx4g

If you have a large dataset catalog, we recommend increasing this to 8GB RAM where possible. Please contact us for assistance if you want to discuss Tomcat RAM requirements.

Java Requirements

Oracle Java SE 6Not CompatibleNot CompatibleNot CompatibleNot CompatibleNot Compatible
Oracle Java SE 7Compatible

Not Compatible

Not CompatibleNot CompatibleCompatible
Oracle Java SE 8Not Supported

Actively Tested

Actively Tested

Actively Tested

Not Supported
Open JDK 8Not SupportedActively TestedActively TestedActively TestedNot Supported
IBM Java SE 6Not CompatibleNot CompatibleNot CompatibleNot CompatibleNot Compatible
IBM Java SE 7Not SupportedNot CompatibleNot CompatibleNot SupportedNot Compatible
IBM Java SE 8Not SupportedCompatibleCompatibleNot SupportedNot Compatible

Installed Client Applications

32/64 bit?Minimum
Service Pack
Windows Vista32 and 64SP2CompatibleCompatibleCompatible
Windows 732 and 64SP1CompatibleCompatibleCompatible
Windows 832 and 64
Windows 8.132 and 64
Windows 10 Pro64
Actively TestedActively TestedActively Tested
Windows Server 200864SP2CompatibleCompatibleCompatible
Windows Server 2008 R264SP1CompatibleCompatibleCompatible
Windows Server 201264
Windows Server 2012 R264
Windows Server 201664
Actively TestedActively TestedCompatible
Windows Server 201964
Actively TestedActively TestedCompatible
OpenSUSE 12 (x86-64)6412.3Not CompatibleNot CompatibleCompatible
Ubuntu 1964
Not CompatibleNot CompatibleActively Tested
Other Linux (x86-64)64
Not CompatibleNot CompatibleCompatible
SUSE Linux (Platform z)64
Not CompatibleNot CompatibleNot Compatible

SuperCROSS requires the .NET Framework (the installer will install this automatically if necessary).

Web Applications

Chrome - Latest ReleaseCompatibleActively Tested
Edge - Latest ReleaseCompatibleActively Tested
Firefox - Latest ReleaseCompatibleActively Tested
Internet Explorer 8 (or Earlier)Not CompatibleNot Compatible
Internet Explorer 9CompatibleNot Compatible
Internet Explorer 10CompatibleNot Compatible
Internet Explorer 11CompatibleCompatible *
Safari 7CompatibleActively Tested

Internet Explorer 11

While we continue to ensure that SuperWEB2 will work with Internet Explorer 11, due to the age of this browser and the additional effort required to maintain consistency with modern browsers, there may be some product features that appear differently in this browser.

For example, text and element alignment and the appearance of the drag and drop feature may be different, and visual effects such as drop-shadows may not be present. Where possible, we strongly recommend that you encourage your users to transition to a modern browser, such as Chrome, Firefox or Edge.

Please contact support for assistance if your users are unable to upgrade from Internet Explorer 11 and they encounter issues that prevent them from using SuperWEB2.

GIS and Mapping Compatibility

The SuperSTAR web products support the following mapping services:

Mapping ServiceSuperVIEWSuperWEB2
ESRI ArcIMS 9.1Not SupportedNot Supported
ESRI ArcGIS Server 9.3.xNot SupportedNot Supported
ESRI ArcGIS Server 10.0.xActively TestedActively Tested
ESRI ArcGIS Server 10.1.xNot SupportedCompatible
ESRI ArcGIS Server 10.2.xNot SupportedCompatible
ESRI ArcGIS Server 10.3.xCompatibleCompatible
Microsoft Bing Maps (in conjunction with ArcGIS Server 10)CompatibleNot Supported
Google MapsCompatibleNot Supported

Database Compatibility

The list of databases that have been tested as part of this release are shown below.

DatabaseSuperCHANNELSuperWEB2 - UDRJob Queue ManagerMdcorbaserver
Oracle 11g R2CompatibleCompatibleCompatibleCompatible
Oracle 12cCompatibleCompatibleCompatibleCompatible
MariaDBNot SupportedActively TestedActively TestedNot Supported
MySQL 5.5.28CompatibleActively TestedActively TestedCompatible
DB2 11CompatibleCompatibleCompatibleCompatible
SQL Server 2017Actively TestedActively TestedActively TestedActively Tested
Teradata Express SupportedNot SupportedNot Supported
H2CompatibleNot SupportedNot SupportedNot Supported
HSQL 2.2.8Not SupportedCompatibleNot SupportedNot Supported

H2 file mode is not supported by the SuperCHANNEL GUI and can only by used with SNU (the SuperCHANNEL Command Line Utility). H2 server mode works with both the GUI and SNU. 

The drivers that have been used for testing are shown in the table below:

DatabaseSuperCHANNELSuperWEB2 - UDRJob Queue ManagerMetadata Server (OBDC)
Oracle 11g R2, Oracle 12c


MySQL 5.5.28mysql-connector-java-5.0.8-bin.jarmysql-connector-java-5.1.21-bin.jarmysql-connector-java-5.1.21-bin.jar
DB2 11db2jcc4.jar


SQL Server




Teradata Express;terajdbc4.jarNot CompatibleNot CompatibleNot Compatible


Available Ports

The default installation of SuperSERVER and SuperWEB2 requires a number of ports to be available on your internal network for communication between components. See Port Usage for full details.

Accessibility Support

Accessibility standards exist to allow people with disabilities to be able to use websites. From version 9.12 onwards, SuperWEB2 complies with version 2.1 of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), as published by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). SuperWEB2 complies at the AA level. See Accessibility for more information.

Other Support

Citrix Remote Access

Citrix can be used to remote desktop to SuperCROSS. The supported version of Citrix is:

  • Client - Receiver
  • Server - XenApp 6 Fundamentals
LDAP Support

LDAP v3 is supported for user authentication and group membership. LDAP v3 is defined by IETF RFC 4510.

Microsoft Active Directory on Windows Server 2008 is supported and actively tested.

Hardware Hypervisor Support

STR use VMware based Test Infrastructure for internal testing – ESX 4.1

The software is virtualisation-neutral and can run without modification on a virtualised server running any of our supported operating systems. The key point to keep in mind is that the SuperSTAR platform makes heavy use of CPU and disk. Providing adequate access to these resources is important for optimal performance and requires planning to achieve in a virtualised environment.

Single Sign On / KerberosSingle Sign On with Kerberos is only supported when SuperADMIN is running on Windows.
Web Security

SuperWEB2 has not gone through an independent Security Review in this release.

The last independent Security Review with penetration testing was carried out in SuperSTAR Release 7.1.

Discontinued Support

SuperCROSS ChartingSuperCROSS charting functionality has been discontinued. Please contact us if you still want to use charting in SuperCROSS.
JavaScript errors detected

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