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Understanding SuperSERVER, SuperCROSS and SuperWEB2 Weighting Differences

Prior to version 9.7, weighting configuration in SuperSTAR was different depending on whether you were using SuperWEB2 or SuperCROSS, and it was not possible to apply weightings consistently in both SuperCROSS and SuperWEB2. From version 9.7 onwards you can choose to configure consistent weighting across both clients (although you can continue to use the old behaviour if you wish).

This section explains the different options that are now available.

Overview of SuperSERVER and SuperCROSS Weighting

SuperSTAR continues to support two types of weighting: server weighting and client-side SuperCROSS weighting.

SuperSERVER Weighting

Configuration involves:

  • A weightings XML file that specifies which measures in the SXV4 are to be used as weights.
  • A formulas file, although this is optional. SuperSERVER only uses this to read the template string used to set the names for the weights displayed in the clients; the actual formulas for weighting are defined in SuperSERVER itself.
SuperCROSS Client Weighting

Weightings can be configured and calculated client-side in SuperCROSS. Configuration involves:

  • A weightings XML file that specifies which measures in the SXV4 are to be used as weights.
  • A formulas file, which defines the formulas used for weighting.

The SuperSERVER approach to calculating weightings offers a number of key advantages over the older client-side functionality:

  • Consistent results and configuration across both SuperWEB2 and SuperCROSS.
  • Allows for weighting in conjunction with confidentiality (such as perturbation).
  • Faster calculations of weighting values (results are calculated at the server level).

Weighting Options

From version 9.7 onwards, there are four options you can choose from for weighted databases. Each SXV4 can have its own setting (the default is auto, which replicates the behaviour from older versions of SuperSTAR).

The following table describes the behaviour of the clients for each setting:

Use This Option If...
SuperCROSS Uses...
SuperWEB2 Uses...

You have existing weighting configuration and you want to replicate the behaviour from earlier releases.

Client-side weighting methodology.

The weighting XML file must be named <database_id>_weightings.xml and located either in the same directory as the SXV4 (for SXV4s opened in SuperCROSS local mode) or in the [DefaultDBPath] directory (for SXV4s opened through SuperSERVER).

SuperSERVER weighting methodology.

The weighting XML file must be named <sxv4_filename>_sa_weightings.xml file and located in the same directory as the SXV4.

You want to use client-side weighting in SuperCROSS.

Client-side weighting methodology.

The weighting XML file must be named <sxv4_filename>_sa_weightings.xml and located either in the same directory as the SXV4 (for SXV4s opened in SuperCROSS local mode) or in the [DefaultDBPath] directory (for SXV4s opened through SuperSERVER).

If the XML file is missing then the database will not open in SuperCROSS.

No weighting.
You want to use consistent weighting across SuperCROSS and SuperWEB2.

SuperSERVER weighting methodology.

The weighting XML file must be named <sxv4_filename>_sa_weightings.xml and located in the same directory as the SXV4 file.

If the XML file is missing then the database will not open in SuperCROSS.

SuperSERVER weighting methodology.

The weighting XML file must be named <sxv4_filename>_sa_weightings.xml and located in the same directory as the SXV4 file.

If the XML file is missing then the database will not open in SuperWEB2.

You do not want any weighting (even if the relevant files exist).No weighting.No weighting.

Setting the Type of Weighting for a Database

Each SXV4 has its own weighting methodology setting. For SXV4s that are loaded through SuperSERVER, you can change the setting in SuperADMIN using the following command:

cat <database_id> weightings <option>

For example, the following command sets the database with ID bank to use the SuperSERVER weighting methodology:

cat bank weightings server

You can check the current setting using the cat command:

> cat bank
[ Database : Retail Banking (id:bank) (security:false) ]
    [ Location              : databases/RetailBanking.sxv4 ]
    [ Record View           : true   Enable : true ]
    [ Multilingual          : true ]
    [ Enable Recode Totals  : true ]
    [ Disable Methods       : true ]
    [ Select Table Methods  : true ]
    [ Weightings            : server ]
    [ Server                : localhost ]
> cat bank weightings

Setting the Type of Weighting for Local SuperCROSS Databases

For databases loaded locally in SuperCROSS, you can set the weighting option by editing a setting in the CatalogLocal.xml configuration file. If you installed to the default location this file is located in C:\ProgramData\STR\SuperCROSS:

  1. In SuperCROSS, add the database to the Local Access section of the Catalogue.
  2. Close SuperCROSS and open CatalogLocal.xml in a text editor.
  3. Locate the section that applies to your database, which will be similar to the following:

        <db:database id="weighteddb">
            <db:displayName>My Weighted Database</db:displayName>
  4. Add an element called <db:weightings> with the appropriate weighting setting.

    For example, the following configuration configures SuperCROSS to use the SuperSERVER weighting methodology for local databases (this allows you to test weighted databases locally in SuperCROSS and see the same results as users would see in SuperWEB2):

        <db:database id="weighteddb">
            <db:displayName>My Weighted Database</db:displayName>
  5. Save your changes and restart SuperCROSS.

Opening TXDs from SuperCROSS in SuperWEB2

If you plan to create TXDs in SuperCROSS and load them into SuperWEB2, then there are some specific compatibility issues related to weighted databases that you should be aware of:

  • TXDs created in SuperCROSS with a database that uses client-side SuperCROSS weightings are not supported in SuperWEB2. You must use server weightings when creating the TXDs in SuperCROSS.
  • The two clients handle Relative Standard Error (RSE) differently: SuperCROSS uses Summation Options to add RSE to a table, whereas SuperWEB2 displays RSE for the whole table when users select the option on the settings menu. If you save a table in SuperCROSS that contains the RSE Summation Options then this can be loaded into SuperWEB2, but the values in those columns will not be the correct RSE values. You should remove the RSE from the table before saving it in SuperCROSS (or manually remove these items from the TXD file in a text editor).
  • SuperWEB2 does not support tables that contain a Grand Total from SuperCROSS (or any of the totals that can be added using the Calculations menu in SuperCROSS). If you have included these in your table then the TXD will not open in SuperWEB2. You can either:
    • Remove the totals from the table in SuperCROSS (by selecting Calculations > Reset) and then resave the TXD.
    • Open the TXD file in a text editor and manually remove the entire BLOCKPERCENT section.
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