Add a Terms and Conditions Screen
It is possible to configure SuperWEB2 to display a terms and conditions screen during log in. Users will need to accept the terms and conditions in order to log in to SuperWEB2. For example:
To activate the terms and conditions screen, do the following:
Step 1 - Activate the Terms and Conditions Page
- Open <tomcat_home>\webapps\webapi\WEB-INF\classes\ in a text editor.
Locate the following line:
Set the property to
- Save your changes and restart SuperWEB2 or the Tomcat service.
Step 2 -Add your Terms and Conditions
The second step is to add the text of your terms and conditions. You can do this by editing <tomcat_home>\webapps\webapi\terms.html or replacing it with an HTML page containing your terms and conditions.
Only HTML body content is required in this file; your HTML page will be rendered inside the terms and conditions box during the login process.