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Adding Multiple Fields to an Axis: Nesting and Concatenation

You can add multiple fields to one axis in your table. You have two different options for doing this: nesting the fields, and concatenating them.

In this example, the Gender and Marital Status fields are nested on the row axis:

A table with Gender and Marital Status nested on the rows

In this example, Gender and Marital Status are concatenated on the row axis:

A table with Gender and Marital Status concatenated on the rows

In this example, Gender and Marital Status are nested on the wafer:

A table with Gender and Marital Status nested on the wafers

In this example, Gender and Marital Status are concatenated on the wafer:

A table with Gender and Marital Status concatenated on the wafers

Concatenation is enabled in SuperWEB2 by default, but it is possible your administrator may have disabled this feature on your deployment. If this is the case you will be able to nest fields in your tables but not concatenate them.

Some features are not available when you have nested or concatenated fields in your table. For example, mapping will not be available if you concatenate or nest a geographic field (although mapping will still be available if the nesting or concatenation is only on the opposite axis to the one that contains the geographic field).

Nesting Fields

There are two ways you can nest fields on an axis. The best one to choose will depend on whether you want to add all a field's items or whether you want to select specific items within the field.

Drag and Drop

This method is the quickest way to start building up a table. It adds all of the items for a particular field at once with a simple drag and drop technique.

  1. Click and drag the first field towards the table. As you start to do this, the Row, Column and Wafer options appear. Drop the field onto one of these options:

    Dragging the Gender field from the Field List onto the Row drop zone
  2. Click and drag the second field onto the same option:
    Dragging the Marital Status field from the Field List onto the Row drop zone
  3. SuperWEB2 nests the fields in the table:
    A table with Gender and Marital Status nested on the rows

The first field you added will be nested at the outermost level; if you want to change this you can rearrange the fields within the table by dragging and dropping the field names:

A table with Marital Status being dragged onto the Gender row heading drop zone

Use the Add to Row or Add to Column Button

This method is a better option if you only want specific items from a field.

  1. Select the check boxes next to the items you want to add from the first field and click Add to Row, Column, or Wafer:
    The field list with the Gender - Male and Gender - Female selected and the mouse pointer hovering over the Add to Row button
  2. Select the check boxes next to the items you want to add from the second field and click the button again:
    The field list with the Marital Status - Single, Married and Divorced items selected and the mouse pointer hovering over the Add to Row button
  3. SuperWEB2 nests the fields in the table:
    A table with Gender and Marital Status nested on the rows

Concatenating Fields

There are two ways you can concatenate fields on an axis. The best one to choose will depend on whether you want to add all a field's items or whether you want to select specific items within the field.

Drag the Fields to the Table

This method is the quickest way to concatenate two fields in a table. It adds all of the items for a particular field at once with a simple drag and drop technique.

  1. Click and drag the first field towards the table. As you start to do this, the Row, Column and Wafer options appear. Drop the field onto one of these options:

    The field list with the Gender field being dragged onto the Row drop zone
  2. Click and drag the second field. As you start to do this, drop zones become available inside the table on the last item of any existing fields. Drag and drop the new field onto the drop zone:
    The field list with the Marital Status field being dragged onto the drop zone at the bottom of the table rows
  3. SuperWEB2 concatenates the fields:
    A table with Gender and Marital Status concatenated on the rows

When you are using this method to concatenate fields on a wafer, the drop zone is the name of the existing field that is already in the wafer:

The field list and table with the Marital Status field being dragged onto an existing field in the wafers drop zone

Select Field Items from Multiple Fields

This method can be a better option if you want to select which items from a field you are adding to the table.

  1. Select the check boxes next to the field items from multiple fields, then click Add to Row, Column, or Wafer:
    The field list with Male, Female, Single, Married and Divorced selected and the mouse pointer hovering over the Add to Row button
  2. SuperWEB2 concatenates the fields in the table (the ordering is based on the order you selected the check boxes; in this example we selected items from the Gender field first):

    A table with Gender then Marital Status in the rows, with the items Male, Female, Single, Married and Divorced in the table rows

    If your administrator has disabled concatenation, then the fields will be nested instead.

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