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Configuration File

The Production System configuration file defines the settings used when processing cross tabulations. You can edit the settings in this configuration file to set your default configuration for Production System.

You can override any of the settings defined in the configuration file using the command line options.

The configuration file is located in the SuperSERVER program data directory. By default, it is located at C:\ProgramData\STR\SuperSERVER SA\sa2ps.config.xml.


This section defines settings such as the user account to use and the SuperSERVER to connect to. It appears inside the ProductionSystem section:

    <KEY name="ProductionSystem">
        <KEY name="Connection">
            <STRING name="ConnectionType">REMOTE_SUPERADMIN</STRING>
            <STRING name="DatabasePath">svdatabase.xml</STRING>
            <STRING name="LocalLegacySXV4Codepage"></STRING>
            <STRING name="HostName">localhost</STRING>
            <NUMBER name="Port" value="9230" />
            <STRING name="User">user1</STRING>
            <STRING name="Password">user1</STRING>

The type of connection to the server. This setting can have one of the following values:

Run production system in local mode, connecting to local SXV4 files (do not use SuperSERVER).
Connect to SuperSERVER. This is the default.
<STRING name="DatabasePath">svdatabase.xml</STRING>

The location of the XML file containing details of the database catalogue. This file is only required for local mode; it tells Production System where to find the local SXV4 databases.

You can either use an absolute path or a relative path. If you specify a relative path, then it must be relative to the location of sa2ps.config.xml.

By default, this is set to use svdatabase.xml, which is located in the same directory as sa2ps.config.xml.

<STRING name="LocalLegacySXV4Codepage"></STRING>

The codepage to use when loading old SXV4s. If this is empty then Production System will use the current system locale.

If you have SXV4s created prior to version 8.0 that contain non English/ASCII characters, then you may need to change this setting to use these with Production System in local mode. See Unicode for more information.

<STRING name="HostName">localhost</STRING>
<NUMBER name="Port" value="9230" />

The hostname and port number of the SuperSERVER to connect to.

These settings are only used for REMOTE_SUPERADMIN mode.

<STRING name="User">user1</STRING>
<STRING name="Password">user1</STRING>

The username and password to use to connect to SuperSERVER. You will need to change these to a valid user account on your deployment. Make sure this user account has access to all the databases on the SuperSERVER that you will be using with Production System.

These settings are only used for REMOTE_SUPERADMIN mode.


This section contains details of the source table files to be processed by Production System. It appears inside the ProductionSystem section:

    <KEY name="ProductionSystem">
        <KEY name="TableProcessing">
            <NUMBER name="NumberOfThreads" value="1" />
            <STRING name="InputPath"></STRING>
            <STRING name="OutputPath"></STRING>
            <STRING name="TableName"></STRING>
            <STRING name="TableListFile"></STRING>
            <STRING name="RecodeListFile"></STRING>
            <KEY name="OutputFormats"></KEY>
<NUMBER name="NumberOfThreads" value="1" />
The number of threads to use for concurrent processing.
<STRING name="InputPath"></STRING>
<STRING name="OutputPath"></STRING>
The paths to the input and output directories for table processing.
<STRING name="TableName"></STRING>
The name of the table to be processed. Do not include the file extension (.txd).
<STRING name="TableListFile"></STRING>
The filename of a table list file containing details of tables for processing. All files in the list file must be specified without their file extensions. See Processing Multiple Tables for more information about creating the table list file.
<STRING name="RecodeListFile"></STRING>
The filename of a text file containing recodes to be cached. See Performance for more information.
<KEY name="OutputFormats"></KEY>
Not used. Do not edit. 


This section contains settings that determine how Production System will display its progress. It appears inside the ProductionSystem section:

    <KEY name="ProductionSystem">
        <KEY name="ProgressDisplay">
            <BOOL name="Display" value="false" />
            <STRING name="TimeFormat">%X</STRING>
            <STRING name="ElapsedTimeFormat">$H:$i:$s</STRING>
            <NUMBER name="ProgressDots" value="40" />
            <BOOL name="Verbose" value="false" />
<BOOL name="Display" value="false" />

Whether to display job progress.

Do not display progress.
Display job progress using the settings defined in this section.
<STRING name="TimeFormat">%X</STRING>
The time format to use when displaying progress.
<STRING name="ElapsedTimeFormat">$H:$i:$s</STRING>

The time format to use to display the elapsed time. You can use the following codes:

The number of hours elapsed (without a leading zero).
The number of hours elapsed (with a leading zero).
The number of minutes elapsed (without a leading zero).
The number of minutes elapsed (with a leading zero).
The number of seconds elapsed (without a leading zero).
The number of seconds elapsed (with a leading zero).
<NUMBER name="ProgressDots" value="40" />
The number of dots to output to indicate how much of the job is complete.
<BOOL name="Verbose" value="false" />

Whether to display detailed progress information.

Do not display detailed progress information.
Display detailed progress information.


This section contains settings related to table structure and memory sizes for optimisation. It appears inside the TableManager section:

    <KEY name="TableManager">
        <KEY name="Cube">
            <NUMBER name="MaxSizeForDenseDataCube" value="1000000" />
            <NUMBER name="MaxSizeForCacheAll" value="1024" />
            <NUMBER name="MinSizeForCacheNone" value="1000000" />
            <NUMBER name="MaxSizeForDenseItemMapping" value="1024" />
            <BOOL name="EngineConfidentialityModuleOff" value="false" />
            <KEY name="CalculationModules">
                <STRING name="MathModule">import math</STRING>
                <STRING name="StatDerivModule">import statderiv</STRING>
            <STRING name="WeightingsXML"></STRING>
            <STRING name="ConfidIni"></STRING>
            <BOOL name="AllowZeroSuppression" value="false" />
<NUMBER name="MaxSizeForDenseDataCube" value="1000000" />

The maximum number of cells in a table before the results will be stored in a sparse data cube. Below this threshold, the results will be stored in a dense data cube.

See Performance for more information.

<NUMBER name="MaxSizeForCacheAll" value="1024" />
The maximum number of items that can be in a dimension for it to be cached. If the number of items exceeds this amount then no caching will be used.
<NUMBER name="MinSizeForCacheNone" value="1000000" />
The minimum number of items in a dimensions before no caching will be used. Contact Space-Time Research if you need to change this setting.
<NUMBER name="MaxSizeForDenseItemMapping" value="1024" />
The maximum number of items that can be in a dimension for it to still use dense mapping.
<BOOL name="EngineConfidentialityModuleOff" value="false" />
Whether to use Data Control confidentiality modules (such as perturbation).
<KEY name="CalculationModules">
    <STRING name="MathModule">import math</STRING>
    <STRING name="StatDerivModule">import statderiv</STRING>
These setting are no longer used. Do not change.
<STRING name="WeightingsXML"></STRING>
The location of the weighting configuration file.
<STRING name="ConfidIni"></STRING>
The location of the Tau-Argus rules file.
<BOOL name="AllowZeroSuppression" value="false" />

Whether to allow zero suppression (suppression of rows and columns that contain only zeros):

Do not allow zero suppression, regardless of what setting is specified in the TXD.
Allow zero suppression if the TXD specifies that rows and columns containing only zeros should be suppressed.


The settings in the Input section are no longer used. Do not change from the defaults. It appears inside the TableManager section:

    <KEY name="TableManager">
        <KEY name="Input">
            <KEY name="TextualTable">
                <STRING name="CalculationDefineString">import math</STRING>


This section defines rules for Tau-Argus to apply consequential suppression to cells in multi-dimensional tables. It appears inside the TableManager section.

Do not change any of these settings unless you are using Tau-Argus on your system, and refer to the Tau-Argus reference manual before modifying any Tau-Argus configuration.

    <KEY name="TableManager">
        <KEY name="TauArgus">
            <BOOL name="DebugOutput" value="false" />
            <STRING name="TauArgusTotal">Total</STRING>
            <STRING name="Separator">,</STRING>
            <STRING name="QuoteString">"</STRING>
            <STRING name="ConcealString">x</STRING>
            <STRING name="TauARGUSLocation">C:\Program file\TauARGUS</STRING>
            <STRING name="TauARGUSExe">TauArgus</STRING>
            <STRING name="TauARGUSLogPath"></STRING>
            <NUMBER name="Precision" value="6" />
<BOOL name="DebugOutput" value="false" />

Determines whether intermediate files are deleted at the end of processing.

Do not delete intermediate files.
Delete intermediate files.
<STRING name="TauArgusTotal">Total</STRING>
The label that Production System will look for to indicate a table total.
<STRING name="Separator">,</STRING>
The character used to separate columns in the Tau-Argus interchange file.
<STRING name="QuoteString">"</STRING>
The quote character used to surround data items in the Tau-Argus interchange file.
<STRING name="ConcealString">x</STRING>
The character used to indicate a concealed value when processing Tau-Argus output.
<STRING name="TauARGUSLocation">C:\Program file\TauARGUS</STRING>
The location of the Tau-Argus executable.
<STRING name="TauARGUSExe">TauArgus</STRING>
The name of the Tau-Argus executable.
<STRING name="TauARGUSLogPath"></STRING>
The location of the Tau-Argus log file.
<NUMBER name="Precision" value="6" />
The number of decimal places output to the Tau-Argus interchange file.


This section allows you to specify which output formats will be generated. It appears inside the TableManager/Output section:

    <KEY name="TableManager">
        <KEY name="Output">
            <KEY name="OutputFormats">
                <BOOL name="EnableCharSepOutput" value="true" />
                <BOOL name="EnableTXDOutput" value="false" />
                <BOOL name="EnableSXV4Output" value="false" />
                <BOOL name="EnableXMLOutput" value="false" />
                <BOOL name="EnableCALSOutput" value="false" />
                <BOOL name="EnableRVOutputCSV" value="false" />

Set the value of any of the following to true to enable that output format; set the value to false to disable that output format.

<BOOL name="EnableCharSepOutput" value="true" />
Character separated file output.
<BOOL name="EnableTXDOutput" value="false" />

TXD format.

This option is included for testing purposes only. Please note that when running in remote mode any user defined fields in the TXD will be removed when the TXD output is generated by Production System.

<BOOL name="EnableSXV4Output" value="false" />
SXV4 output.
<BOOL name="EnableXMLOutput" value="false" />
XML output.
<BOOL name="EnableCALSOutput" value="false" />
CALS output.
<BOOL name="EnableRVOutputCSV" value="false" />
Record View output in CSV format.

See Output Formats for more details about each of the available formats.


This section contains settings for character separated (CSV) output. It appears inside the TableManager/Output section:

    <KEY name="TableManager">
        <KEY name="Output">
            <KEY name="CharSep">
                <BOOL name="MultithreadedOutput" value="false" />
                <BOOL name="WriteNullRecords" value="false" />
                <NUMBER name="FileWriterBufferSize" value="32768" />
                <NUMBER name="FuzzFactor" value="5.0e-9" />
                <STRING name="Separator">,</STRING>
                <STRING name="PrimaryDimension">wafer</STRING>
                <STRING name="SecondaryDimension">row</STRING>
                <STRING name="Organisation"></STRING>
                <BOOL name="WritePrimaryHeadings" value="true" />
                <BOOL name="WriteSecondaryHeadings" value="true" />
                <BOOL name="WriteTertiaryHeadings" value="true" />
                <BOOL name="WriteBlankIfNoPrimaryHeadings" value="true" />
                <BOOL name="WriteBlankIfNoSecondaryHeadings" value="true" />
                <BOOL name="WriteBlankIfNoTertiaryHeadings" value="true" />
                <BOOL name="WriteHeader" value="false" />
                <BOOL name="WriteFooter" value="false" />
                <BOOL name="WriteXLSTertiaryHeadings" value="false" />
                <BOOL name="UseZeroString" value="true" />
                <STRING name="CodePage"></STRING>
<BOOL name="MultithreadedOutput" value="false" />

Whether to use multiple threads to write the output. Using multiple threads can make Production System generate the output more quickly.

Do not use multiple threads.
Use multiple threads.
<BOOL name="WriteNullRecords" value="false" />

Whether to output rows containing only zeros.

Do not output rows containing records.
Output rows containing only zeros.
<NUMBER name="FileWriterBufferSize" value="32768" />
The size in bytes of that is buffered before being written to disk. Having a larger size means that more buffering will happen before a commit to disk and this will usually be faster.
<NUMBER name="FuzzFactor" value="5.0e-9" />
The fuzz factor to use in output. See Configure the Fuzz Factor for more information.
<STRING name="Separator">,</STRING>
The character used to separate columns in the output file.
<STRING name="PrimaryDimension">wafer</STRING>

The axis to iterate across first. You can set this to wafer, row, or column.

Character separated files represent two dimensional tables (rows and columns), while Space-Time Research files have three dimensions (rows, columns and wafers). The output module therefore needs to merge two of those dimensions together. Use the PrimaryDimension and the SecondaryDimension settings to specify which dimensions to merge and display in the rows.

By default, PrimaryDimension is set to wafer and SecondaryDimension is set to row. This means the wafer and row dimensions will be merged and placed into the rows in the output as follows:

Wafer    Row     1     2     3
                 4     5     6
         Row     7     8     9
                 10    11    12 
<STRING name="SecondaryDimension">row</STRING>
The second axis to iterate across. This will be nested within the rows (as shown in the example above).
<STRING name="Organisation"></STRING>
The organisation name to write in the output file.
<BOOL name="WritePrimaryHeadings" value="true" />
Whether to output headings in the primary dimension.
<BOOL name="WriteSecondaryHeadings" value="true" />
Whether to output headings in the secondary dimension.
<BOOL name="WriteTertiaryHeadings" value="true" />
Whether to output headings in the tertiary dimension.
<BOOL name="WriteBlankIfNoPrimaryHeadings" value="true" />
Whether to display blanks if there are no primary headings.
<BOOL name="WriteBlankIfNoSecondaryHeadings" value="true" />
Whether to display blanks if there are no secondary headings.
<BOOL name="WriteBlankIfNoTertiaryHeadings" value="true" />
Whether to display blanks if there are no tertiary headings.
<BOOL name="WriteHeader" value="false" />
Whether to output a header.
<BOOL name="WriteFooter" value="false" />
Whether to output a footer.
<BOOL name="WriteXLSTertiaryHeadings" value="false" />
Whether to output tertiary headings when writing Excel output.
<BOOL name="UseZeroString" value="true" />

Whether to output the zero string:

Output 0.
Output the zero string instead of 0.
<STRING name="CodePage"></STRING>

The system codepage to use when saving the CSV output. By default the output will be saved in UTF-8, but if you want to specify a specific codepage you can do so here.

For example:

<STRING name="CodePage">1251</STRING>


This section contains settings for SXV4 output. It appears inside the TableManager/Output section.

    <KEY name="TableManager">
        <KEY name="Output">
            <KEY name="SXV4">
                <BOOL name="WriteZeroRecords" value="false" />
                <NUMBER name="CommitInterval" value="5000" />
                <BOOL name="EnableCubeAggregation" value="false" />
                <STRING name="AggregationHierarchalField"></STRING>
                <BOOL name="PreferHierarchy" value="true" />
<BOOL name="WriteZeroRecords" value="false" />

Whether to write zero cells to the cube.

Do not write zero records to the cube.
Write zero records to the cube.
<NUMBER name="CommitInterval" value="5000" />

The number of records stored in memory before being written to disk.

You are not recommended to change this unless you encounter errors when building SXV4 cubes.

<BOOL name="EnableCubeAggregation" value="false" />

Whether to enable cube aggregation.

Do not aggregate cubes.
Aggregate cubes using the hierarchical field specified in the next setting.
<STRING name="AggregationHierarchalField"></STRING>
The name of a hierarchical field that you want to use to aggregate the cube. This setting is only used if EnableCubeAggregation is set to true.
<BOOL name="PreferHierarchy" value="true" />

Production System can build a cube from aggregated data. In some cases the data in the cube must not be aggregated further because it contains statistical functions (such as minimum, maximum or mean), and further aggregation of that data would lead to meaningless results. For example, the minimum income of Victoria is not the sum of the minimum incomes of all Victorian postcodes.

Use this setting to disable hierarchy tree building:

Build a flat classification.
Build the multi-level hierarchy.


This section contains settings for Record View output. It appears inside the TableManager/Output section

    <KEY name="TableManager">
        <KEY name="Output">
            <KEY name="RecordView">
                <STRING name="Separator">,</STRING>
                <BOOL name="Quotes" value="true" />
                <NUMBER name="LimitOfRecords" value="-1" />
                <NUMBER name="NumberDecimalPlaces" value="2" />
                <BOOL name="RelatedRecordView" value="false" />
                <STRING name="CodePage"></STRING>
<STRING name="Separator">,</STRING>
The character used to separate columns in the output file.
<BOOL name="Quotes" value="true" />

Whether to quote output data:

Do not quote output data.
Quote output data.
<NUMBER name="LimitOfRecords" value="-1" />

The maximum number of records to output.

Set this to -1 if you do not want to limit the number of records output.

<NUMBER name="NumberDecimalPlaces" value="2" />
The number of decimal places to use in the Record View output.
<BOOL name="RelatedRecordView" value="false" />

Whether to enable related Record View:

Do not enable related Record View.
Enable related Record View. The first field in the Record View configuration file will indicate the first table. Fields from other fact tables will then be retrieved based on the records from the initial table.
<STRING name="CodePage"></STRING>

The system codepage to use when saving the Record View output. By default the output will be saved in UTF-8, but if you want to specify a specific codepage you can do so here.

For example:

<STRING name="CodePage">1251</STRING>


This section defines the algorithm used for calculating medians, percentiles and paretos in derivations.

This setting only applies in local mode. When using Production System in remote mode, the aggregate statistical function method defined on SuperSERVER (using the cat aggregatestatfunction command in SuperADMIN) will be used.

    <KEY name="Mathematics">
        <STRING name="AggregateStatFunctions"></STRING>
<STRING name="AggregateStatFunctions"></STRING>
You can set this to either Parzen#1 or Parzen#2.


This section defines the quantile calculation method. This setting only applies in local mode. When using Production System in remote mode, the quantile calculation method defined on SuperSERVER (using the cat Quantile command in SuperADMIN) will be used.

    <KEY name="Quantile"> 
        <STRING name="Algorithm">Step</STRING> 
<STRING name="Algorithm">Step</STRING>

The quantile calculation method:

Empirical distribution.
Empirical distribution with averaging and interpolation.
Empirical distribution with interpolation.

The algorithm names are not case sensitive.

See the documentation for the SuperADMIN cat Quantile command for more information about these algorithms.

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