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Add a New Language - Metadata

Suppose you have followed the instructions and set up metadata already and now want to add an additional language to your deployment.

Do not re-run the metadata configuration scripts, as this will replace your existing populated metadata database.

To add another language to an existing metadata database, simply follow these steps:

Step 1 - Add the Language to your Metadata Database

Go to your metadata database and find the table called meta_<repository_id> (where <repository_id> is the repository ID you used when you set it the database).

You will see that this defines the languages that exist in your metadata database:

Add new rows to this table to represent your new language. For example:

Step 2 - Add Columns and Metadata to Each Table

For each table that you want to translate, you now need to add new columns for your new language:

Once you have added the columns, simply populate those columns with the metadata for that language:


If there are any tables that you do not add the new columns and translations to, the client will simply display the values from the default language (English in the examples shown here).

Step 3 - Update Metadata Config for SuperCROSS

The final step is to check that the new language is specified in the SuperCROSS metadata configuration file, metadata.config.xml. In a default installation, this file is located in C:\ProgramData\STR\SuperCROSS

Make sure SuperCROSS is not running. Every time you close SuperCROSS, it writes out its current metadata configuration to metadata.config.xml. If you edit the file while SuperCROSS is running, the changes will not be picked up by the client, and when you subsequently close SuperCROSS your changes will be overwritten by the old settings from the client.

Make a backup copy of this file before making any changes.

Open metadata.config.xml in a text editor, and locate the language map section:

<KEY name="Lang-Map">
    <STRING name="cy">Welsh</STRING>
    <STRING name="de">German</STRING>
    <STRING name="en">English</STRING>
    <STRING name="fr">French</STRING>
    <STRING name="it">Italian</STRING>

If your new language is not specified, add it to the list:

<KEY name="Lang-Map">
    <STRING name="cy">Welsh</STRING>
    <STRING name="de">German</STRING>
    <STRING name="en">English</STRING>
    <STRING name="fr">French</STRING>
    <STRING name="it">Italian</STRING>
    <STRING name="es">Spanish</STRING>

Step 4 - Restart the Metadata Server and Client

Finally, restart the metadata server and the SuperCROSS client and check that your changes have been picked up:




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