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Change the Supported User Interface Languages - SuperWEB2

The list of supported languages for SuperWEB2 is defined in <tomcat_home>\webapps\webapi\WEB-INF\faces-config.xml.

To change the default and supported languages, edit the following section:


If you make any changes to the settings in faces-config.xml, you must restart Tomcat or the SuperWEB2 service to apply the changes.

Change the Default Language

The default language is used if the user's browser does not send a list of supported languages, or none of the user's preferred languages are supported.

To change the default language to something other than English, change the value of <default-locale>. For example, to set the default to German (de):


Configure SuperWEB2 to Use a Single Language Only

If you want to disable multilingual access and ensure that SuperWEB2 always displays in a specific language, regardless of the user's browser settings, simply remove all the <supported-locale> settings and change the value of the <default-locale>.

For example, to configure SuperWEB2 to display in Arabic:


Add a New Supported Language

If you have created a resource bundle for an additional language, then you need to add this to the list in faces-config.xml to make it available to end users.

For example, if you have created a resource bundle for French (fr), add this to the <supported-locale> list as follows:

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