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Use the CLASSIFICATIONS registry table to specify which tables are classification tables, and which columns in those tables represent the code and the name.

A table cannot be both a fact table and a classification. If the same table is incorrectly specified in both the FACTS registry table and the CLASSIFICATIONS registry table, then the FACTS table takes priority.

If a table is not defined as either a fact or classification table, it will automatically be treated as a plain table (these tables are not included in the SuperSTAR database).

Table Definition

Column Name
Data Type
Primary Key
TABLENAMEstring128YESThe name of a table that should be treated as a classification table.
VALUECODEstring128 The column in this table to use as the CODE. This column must be a primary key.
DISPLAYNAMEstring128 The column in this table to use as the NAME.



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