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This command configures the settings used to connect to the administration domain.

Displays information about the connection to SuperADMIN.
connection domain
Displays the connection settings for the active SuperSTAR domain.
connection <id>
Displays the connection settings for the specified domain. If you omit the domain ID and type domain instead, this command displays settings for the active SuperSTAR domain.
connection setdomain <id>
Sets the current domain configuration to the one with the specified ID.
connection remove <id>
Removed the configuration profile of the domain with the specified ID from the list of available domains.
connection rmiport <port>
Sets the port that will be used by the client to receive RMI communications.
connection registryport <port>
Sets the port that will be used to connect to the SuperADMIN server.
connection host {<hostname>|<ip>}

Changes the host name or IP address used to connect to the SuperADMIN server that controls the active SuperSTAR domain.

Note: If specifying an IP address, you must enclose the address in quotes, for example:

connection host ""
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