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SuperSTAR Database Server is the core of the system. It enables high-performance tabulation, and consists of several components collectively known as one product:


SuperSERVER is the SuperSTAR tabulation engine, and is the power behind the entire SuperSTAR product suite. It is a common platform and database format for all the clients, offering consistent privacy protection and access control, integrated metadata and fast tabulations across microdata.

SuperSERVER is a C / C++ based server that exposes its services over CORBA, and collaborates with SuperADMIN Server for access control.

SuperADMIN Server and the SuperADMIN Client/Console

SuperADMIN is the administrator's toolkit for configuring and managing the SuperSTAR environment.

  • SuperADMIN Server is a standalone Java process providing authentication, access control, configuration management and search services. Its services are available over CORBA and RMI interfaces.
  • SuperADMIN Client or Console is a standalone Java process providing a command-line interface for managing SuperSERVER configuration data. The SuperADMIN console can be installed on client machines, but it is a mandatory component for the management of SuperSERVER.

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