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Example Macro - LDAP

As an alternative to typing out all the commands to configure LDAP/Active Directory, you can create a macro file and then run the macro in SuperADMIN.

The following is an example of a complete macro for setting up an authentication service for an Active Directory server.

login user1 user1
auth strad active false
auth strad removeauth add LDAP strad
auth strad url "ldap://"
auth strad user basedn "dc=company,dc=com"
auth strad user userClass person
auth strad user groupAttr memberOf
auth strad user idAttr sAMAccountName
auth strad group basedn "cn=Users,dc=company,dc=com"
auth strad group groupclass group
auth strad group memberAttr member
auth strad adminGroup "SuperSTAR Administration"
auth strad contextLogin true
auth strad contextLogin userdn "cn=superadmin,cn=Users,dc=company,dc=com"
auth strad contextLogin password "superadmin_pwd" auth strad useKerberos true 
auth strad priority 200 
auth strad active true

To use the macro:

  1. Replace the details with the appropriate settings for your LDAP/Active Directory server.
  2. Save the macro file as adauth.sam
  3. Copy it to the C:\ProgramData\STR\SuperADMIN\console\macros directory (if you chose the default installation location for SuperSTAR).
  4. Start SuperADMIN and type:
macro play adauth
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