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Row and Column Totals and Percentages - SuperCROSS


There are a number of ways you can include row and column totals in a table:

Activate row/column totals

Use the options on the Calculations menu to add automatic totals to your tables:

  • Select Calculations > Grand Total to show a total on both rows and columns.
  • Select Calculations > Row Total to show a total on the rows only.
  • Select Calculations > Column Total to show a total on the columns only.
  • Select Calculations > Reset to rest the table and remove all totals.
Add totals to recodesWhen you create a recode, you can include custom totals in the recode. For more information, see the introduction to recodes.
Use the Add Total With Default Recodes option

In the Fields window, there is a check box for the option to Add Total With Default Recodes. Select this check box to automatically include a total whenever you add any un-recoded fields to the table.

Note that changing this setting will not affect any fields that are already in the table. If you want to add or remove or a total from a field that is already in the table you will need to:

  1. Remove the field from the table.
  2. Select or clear the Add Total With Default Recodes check box.
  3. Add the field back into the table.


If you have added row and column totals to your table, you can choose to replace these with percentages, or append percentages to your table:

  1. Select one of the total options from the Calculations menu (Grand Total, Row Total or Column Total) to turn on totals.
  2. Select one of the percentage options:
    • Select Calculations > Replace Percentages to replace the number values in the table with percentages.
    • Select Calculations > Append Percentages to append a set of percentages to your table. This option is only available when you have either the row totals or the column totals activated. You cannot append percentages if you have added the totals on both rows and columns.
  3. After you have activated percentages, you can use the Calculations > Format option to turn the percent symbol on or off.

Select Calculations > Reset to turn off percentages and column/row totals.



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