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This command maintains the registered and available SuperSERVERs.

Displays a list of available servers.
server <id>
Displays the properties and settings for the specified server.
server servers
Displays the settings for all configured servers.
server <id> config cacheDatabases {true|false}

Configures whether or not to cache databases on the specified server:

Cache all databases irrespective of their usage. This will cause high memory usage.
Cache databases on demand. This will cache the databases only upon user requests. Memory usage will grow with demand for new tables.
server <id> config cacheUserDBCatalog {true|false}

Configures whether or not to cache user database catalogues. This can speed up a user's first login.

Cache the user database catalogue.
Do not cache the user database catalogue. This is the default.
server <id> config dataCubeDenseMemoryLimit <value>
Sets the cache memory limit beyond which SuperSERVER suppresses zero value cells from the cache.

When the cache memory increases beyond this limit, zero value cells will be suppressed from the cache. However, they are still returned when the user requests data. Use this command when you want to optimize your cache.

server <id> config cubeConcealmentRule {nullAsConcealed|nullAsZero}

This setting is used by the Production System when creating an SXV4 cube. It sets the cube concealment rule:

Configures Production System to treat a summation or recode total as concealed if all contributing cells are also concealed. If any of the cells are not concealed then all the remaining concealed values are treated as having the value 0.
Concealed data is treated as having the value 0. This is the default setting.
server <id> config dataCubeTransferLimit <value>

Sets the transfer size (in number of cells) of tabulation results sent to client programs.

Tabulation results are essentially n dimensional data cubes, and they can be millions of cells in size. To ensure network performance does not degrade when SuperSERVER transfers a large chunk of data, SuperSERVER uses the dataCubeTransferLimit to set the number of cells it sends in each chunk of data.

The size of the cell depends on the type of job, either 32 or 64 bytes. 1024 cells is therefore equivalent to (at most) a 64 kb chunk of data.

If client programs spend long periods waiting for results, you might need to increase the size of this setting. However, if you make the setting too large, other clients will be locked out of communicating with the server while it spends time transmitting large data chunks.

server <id> config jobPurgeResultTime <value>

Sets the time (in seconds) to wait before purging unclaimed jobs.

This setting configures the length of time a result will sit in the result queue before it is deleted. You are recommended to set this to a higher values (sometimes even one or more minutes) in case there are jobs with longer processing times.

server <id> config xtabprocessors <value>

Sets the number of queries that can be run at the same time.

Depending on the number of users or queries being run, you might need to increase the number of concurrent queries. This will not affect the running time of queries. However it will prevent large queries from taking over the system and causing users who are running smaller queries to wait.

The default setting is 1. This means one job is processed at a time.

If the SuperSERVER machine has multiple CPUs that other applications do not use, you can increase the number of concurrent queries.

server <id> host <host>

Sets the name of the host where the specified SuperSERVER is running.

server <id> host port <port>
Sets the port of the specified SuperSERVER.
server <id> path <path>
Changes the file path location of the specified server.
server <id> displayname <display_name>
Changes the server's display name.
server <id> id <new_id>
Changes the ID for this server.
server <id> stop
Stops the specified server.
server <id> remove
Removes the SuperSERVER's configuration from the list.
server add <id>
Adds a new server with the specified ID. This is not normally required as a running SuperSERVER should automatically register itself with the SuperADMIN server.
server addmd <id>
Adds a new Metadata server with the specified ID.
server defaultid <id>
Sets a given server configuration as the default for new servers.
server mdservers
Displays the settings for the configured metadata servers.
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