Annotations Sample Code - Data Control API
The etc\annotation directory (C:\ProgramData\STR\SuperSERVER SA\etc\annotation) contains sample code for the annotations:
- etc\annotation\Financial.sxv4.sqlite.db
- etc\annotation\README.txt
- etc\annotation\financial.sql
- etc\annotation\schema.sql
The annotation engine uses a Public Domain relational database implementation, SQLite, available from
The SuperSERVER installation includes the necessary run-time components of SQLite to allow annotations to be processed by the server. However, to configure annotations in the database it is necessary to obtain an SQL command line utility, sqlite3.exe.
You can download this for Windows and Linux installations from the 'downloads' page at
The SuperSERVER implementation requires at least version 3.3 to operate correctly.
SQLite is often shipped automatically with Linux installations, but this may be an older (incompatible) version of SQLite (for example GNU/Linux 2.6.13-15-smp ships with SQLite v2.8.16).
To determine the version of a previously installed sqlite3.exe from a DOS shell or Linux command prompt invoke the command:
> sqlite3 -version
Create a new Annotations Database
The SuperSERVER implementation associates the SQLite database with a SuperSERVER database by name. For example, annotations for the Retail Banking sample database would be stored in a file called Retail Banking.sxv4.sqlite.db.
To create a new annotations database perform the following steps:
- Open a command prompt.
- Change directory to the database directory of the SuperSERVER installation.
Run the command:
POWERSHELL> sqlite3 <YourDBName>.sxv4.sqlite.db
At the SQLite command prompt run following command to configure the schema:
POWERSHELLsqlite> .read ..\etc\annotation\schema.sql
Add annotations using SQL Insert statements (from the sqlite3 command prompt) for your table.
To exit SQLite type the EOF character (normally Ctrl-D).