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Command Line Options - Production System

By default, Production System will use the configuration settings defined in its configuration file, but you can override any of these settings on the command line, by using the following command line options.

Connection Type

This setting tells Production System which mode to use.


The type of connection to the server.

Run production system in local mode, connecting to local SXV4 files (do not use SuperSERVER).
Connect to SuperSERVER. This is the default.

Remote Mode Settings

The following settings are only applied when running in remote mode (connecting to SuperSERVER):

-sn <server_host>
The hostname of the SuperSERVER to connect to.
-pn <port>
The port number of the SuperSERVER to connect to.
-un <username>

The username for connecting to SuperSERVER. Make sure this user account has access to all the databases on the SuperSERVER that you will be using with Production System.

-pw <password>

The password for connecting to SuperSERVER.

Local Mode Settings

The following setting is only applied when running in local mode:

-dp <file_path>

The location of the XML file containing details of the database catalogue. This file is only required for local mode; it tells Production System where to find the local SXV4 database.

This option is independent of the -ip option.

Input and Output Settings

The following settings tell Production System which file(s) to process and where to save the output:

-tn <tablename>

The name of the TXD file to process. You do not need to include the .txd file extension.

You can either use a relative path (relative to the current directory where you are located when executing Production System) or an absolute path.

-ff <filename>

The name of a TXD from the SuperSERVER for processing. 

This setting can only be used in remote mode; it is used to process a TXD that has been saved to the SuperSERVER (using the SuperADMIN cat command) rather than a local TXD from disk.

-tl <filename>

The filename of a text file containing a list of tables for processing. This file is a standard text file; each TXD must be specified on a separate line in the file.

You can either specify an absolute path to the list file or a relative path (relative to the current working directory), but you must specify the full name of the list file, including its file extension.

The files referenced within the list file can either use absolute paths or relative paths (relative to the current working directory). You must not use the .txd file extensions when specifying TXD files within the list file.

Where Will the Output Files be Saved?

If the files within the list file are specified...Then the output for each table will be saved...
Using absolute paths.To the same directory as that table's input file (regardless of any other settings).
Using relative paths and you set the -op directory.Relative to the -op directory.
Using relative paths and you do not set the -op directory.Relative to the current working directory.

Any directory locations you specify must already exist. Production System will not create the directories if they do not exist.

-fl <directory>

Use this option to specify a directory of TXD files from the SuperSERVER to process.

This setting only applies in remote mode; it is used to batch process a collection of TXDs that have been saved to the SuperSERVER.

-ip <input_directory>

The directory where the input file specified by the -tn option or the files in the table list file are located. This can either be an absolute path or a path relative to the current working directory.

If you do not specify the input directory it defaults to the current working directory.

-of <filename>

The output file. You can either specify just the filename, a relative path and filename, or an absolute path.

Where Will the Output File be Saved?

If you set -of to...Then the output will be saved...
A full absolute path and filename.To that location (regardless of any other settings).
A relative location (or just the filename) and you set the -op directory.Relative to the -op directory.
A relative location (or just the filename) and you do not set the -op directory.Relative to the current working directory.

Any directory locations you specify must already exist. Production System will not create the directories if they do not exist.

This setting will be ignored if you specify a table list file using the -tl option.

-op <output_directory>

The directory to write the output files. This can either be an absolute path or a path relative to the current working directory.

If you do not specify the output directory it defaults to the current working directory.

Other Settings

-fc <configuration_files>
The path to the directory containing the Production System configuration files, and sa2ps.config.xml. The default location for these files is the SuperSERVER program data directory. If you installed to the default location this will be C:\ProgramData\STR\SuperSERVER SA.
-ds <dense_cube_max_size>
The maximum number of cells in a table before the results will be stored in a sparse data cube. Below this threshold, the results will be stored in a dense data cube.
-nt <threads>
The number of threads to use for concurrent processing.
-cb <setting> {true|false}

Use this option to override any of the boolean settings from the configuration file.

You must specify the full "path" to the setting you want to override. The path is identified by the nested <KEY> names in the configuration file; use forward slashes to separate each level of the path.

For example, to activate SXV4 and XML output you would use the following command line options:

-cb TableManager/Output/OutputFormats/EnableSXV4Output true -cb TableManager/Output/OutputFormats/EnableXMLOutput true
-cn <setting> <value>

Use this option to override a numeric setting from the configuration file.

You must specify the full "path" to the setting you want to override. The path is identified by the nested <KEY> names in the configuration file; use forward slashes to separate each level of the path.

For example, to change the number of progress dots displayed, you would use the following command line option:

-cn ProductionSystem/ProgressDisplay/ProgressDots "40"
-cs <setting> <value>

Use this option to override a string value setting from the configuration file.

You must specify the full "path" to the setting you want to override. The path is identified by the nested <KEY> names in the configuration file; use forward slashes to separate each level of the path.

For example, to change the elapsed time string format, you would use the following command line option:

-cs ProductionSystem/ProgressDisplay/ElapsedTimeFormat "$h:$i:$s"


-rl <recode_file>
The filename of a text file containing recodes to be cached. These recodes will be loaded into all applicable databases. This option is independent of the -ip option.

By default, Production System will not output rows that contain only zero values (or no-contributors).

If you specify this command line option, then Production System will output all rows, including those that only contain empty/zero values. 

-wt <directory>
The location of the XML weightings file.
When you use this option, Production System will use the zero string instead of a numeric zero.
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