Configure the Connection to SuperSERVER - SuperWEB2
In a standard installation, the Tomcat server running SuperWEB2 is installed on the same machine as the machine running SuperSERVER.
If you want to install Tomcat/SuperWEB2 on a different machine to SuperSERVER, you need to configure the connection between SuperWEB2 and SuperSERVER.
- Follow the standard installation instructions for SuperWEB2 .
- Run Tomcat at least once so that the contents of the SuperWEB2 War file get extracted to the <tomcat_home>\webapps directory.
- Open the file <tomcat_home>\webapps\webapi\WEB-INF\data\.repository\administrationServerCatalog.xml in a text editor.
Make a backup copy of this file before making any changes.
Locate the following section of the file:
XML<sa:administrationServer id="defaultprofile"> <sa:host corbaport="9230" registryport="9234" rmiport="9231">localhost</sa:host> <sa:configServer protocol="http" host="localhost" port="9000" basePath="/v1/config" /> </sa:administrationServer>
with the hostname of the machine running SuperSERVER. You may also need to change the port numbers if you are running on non-standard ports.To avoid potential DNS issues, you should ensure you use a fully qualified domain name wherever possible,
Save the changes to administrationServerCatalog.xml and restart Tomcat.