gc, config, globalconfiguration
This command manages some global configuration properties, most of which relate to the creation of personal folders in the discontinued SuperWEB1 product. The personal folder settings do not apply to SuperWEB2.
, config
and globalconfiguration
are the same command and can be used interchangeably.
Personal Folders in SuperWEB1
You can use the gc
command to configure the automatic creation of personal folders for users of SuperWEB1. If you turn this feature on then a personal folder will be created automatically when the user logs in. The user can then save TXDs and recodes.
Files saved to the personal folder will only be available to the user who saved the file and the administrator. They will not be available to other SuperWEB1 users.
In addition to turning automatic creation of folders on or off, you can also configure the naming convention that SuperADMIN will use when it creates these folders.
Usage | Description |
gc | Display the current SuperADMIN configuration settings. |
gc AutoFolderSection AutoFolderCreation value {"true"|"false"} |
Sets the automatic folder creation policy. If this is set to true then a personal folder will be created in SuperADMIN when a user logs into SuperWEB1. The quotation marks around true or false are required. If it you do not want to have automatic folder creation enabled for all users then you can manually create personal folders for specific users with the For example, to create a personal folder for user2 and user3:
gc AutoFolderSection AutoParentFolder value <folder_name> |
Sets the value of the parent folder property. The default is
gc AutoFolderSection AutoFolderId value <folder_id> |
Sets the automatic folder ID to use when creating new personal folders. The default value is [userid] (i.e. the name of the personal folder will match the ID of the user who created it). Every folder must have a unique ID. You can add additional text to the folder name, but you must still include [userid] in the folder name so that each folder is unique. For example, the following command sets the automatic id of the personal folder to Sales_tables_XX (where XX is the ID of the user who created the folder):
gc AutoFolderSection AutoFolderName value <folder_name> |
Sets the display name to use when creating new personal folders. The default value is [userid]'s Folder. Display names do not need to be unique, but you can still [userid] in the folder name if you wish, and this will be replaced by the user's ID when the folder is created. |
gc Search indexDirectory value <folder_name> |
Sets the directory for the search index. By default the search index is created in a directory called meta_search_index in the SuperADMIN server directory (C:\ProgramData\STR\SuperADMIN\server). You can change the directory by specifying a new name. See Update the Search Index - SuperWEB2 for more details. |
gc Search maxNumberSearchBooleanClauses value <value> |
Sets the maximum number of search boolean clauses. The default is 5000. |
gc RSE numberDecimalPlaces value <value> |
Set the number of decimal places in Relative Standard Error output for:
gc RSE concealmentString value <value> | Set the concealment string for RSE. |
If a display name or ID includes non alphanumeric characters (e.g. a space) then you must enclose it in quote marks. You must also enclose a display name or ID in quotes if it starts with a numeric character.