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Mapping Property Reference - SuperWEB2

This section describes all the available mapping properties. It is intended to be used as a quick reference guide. If you are starting to configure mapping for the first time, you are recommended to follow the tutorial.

See Example Mapping Configuration Properties - SuperWEB2 for examples of each of these properties.


This key contains an array of field codes that have been excluded from mapping. Users will not be able to access Map View if the table contains any of these fields. See Block Map View when Certain Fields Appear in the Table - SuperWEB2 for more information.


This key allows you to enable caching of map data. See Caching Map Data - SuperWEB2 for more details.


This key can be used to set the hostname of the Tomcat instance that will be used when one of the mapping REST endpoints makes a sub-request to another of the REST endpoints.

By default, SuperWEB2 will use the value "localhost", which will work in most cases. In some cases, you may need to explicitly set this key to the fully qualified hostname of the Tomcat instance.


This key contains the settings for the thematic map layers:

  • Use superweb2.mapping.thematic.defaults to set your defaults. These settings will apply to all layers unless they are specifically overridden in the layer-specific properties.
  • Use superweb2.mapping.thematic.layers to define each individual layer. You will need to specify:
    • The layer bindings for this layer. This forms the link between an SXV4 value set containing mappable items and the corresponding field in the mapping server that has the geographical shape data. If necessary, you can bind a single layer definition to multiple SXV4 value sets.
    • Any default properties you want to override for this layer. Any properties you do not specifically set for a given layer will use the default value from superweb2.mapping.thematic.defaults.

General Settings

The following are general Map View settings. You must set a default value for each of these properties in superweb2.mapping.thematic.defaults. You can choose to override any of them in the layer-specific settings if you wish.


The default number of ranges that will be selected from the Number of Ranges drop-down list when users open Map View.

This value must not be greater than the value set for maxRanges.


The maximum number of ranges that will be available for selection from the Number of Ranges drop-down list.


The default option that will be selected from the Data Classifier drop-down list when users access Map View. You can set this to any of the following values:

  • NaturalBreaks
  • EqualDistribution
  • Quantile
The default transparency of the coloured shapes overlaid onto the map. Set this to any value from 0 (completely transparent) to 255 (completely solid shapes).
The fill colour of the polygons displayed when a data value cannot be assigned to a geographic area (for example because the area is missing from the source data, or has no value).
The fill colour of the polygons displayed when the user switches to edit mode.

The spatial reference ID for this layer. In most cases this should be set to 4326.


The maximum number of areas a user can add to the map.

  • If the number of field items from the mappable field in the table exceeds this limit then the user will not be able to access Map View.
  • Users will not be able to add more than this number of areas to the map in map Edit Mode.

By default, the limit is set to 1,000. You may need to adjust this setting if you have geographical fields that contain a very large number of areas.

It is important to synchronise this setting with the Maximum Number of Records Returned per Request setting in your ArcGIS server. By default, the ArcGIS setting is set to 1,000 so if you change this value in your SuperWEB2 configuration you must adjust the ArcGIS setting to match. See for more details about configuring this setting in ArcGIS.

Map Server Settings

The following settings specify the details of the ArcGIS Map Server, including:

  • The URLs of the REST endpoints for the server.
  • The relationship (binding) between the value sets in the SXV4 and the corresponding data on the mapping server.

The URL of the REST endpoint for the ArcGIS mapping server that will provide the outline/boundary images (this is the background layer image that shows the areas that can be selected; it is a transparent image that only shows boundary outlines and labels).

SuperWEB2 allows you to configure dynamicImageServiceURL and arcgisServiceUrl separately. This gives you the option to use two ArcGIS servers (one for images and one for vectors), which will help with performance. If you only want to use one ArcGIS server for both then you can simply use the same URL for both settings, or alternatively you can omit the dynamicImageServiceURL property altogether and just set the arcgisServiceURL.

The URL of the REST endpoint for the ArcGIS mapping server that will provide the geometry layer that is shown on top of the dynamicImageServiceURL layer.

The ID of the layer on the ArcGIS server that contains the geometric data for this value set.

Space-Time Research has a demonstration ArcGIS server that provides layers for Australian geographies that are used with Retail Banking. The IDs can be found here:

This server is provided for demonstration purposes only. You will need your own mapping server for production use.

An array containing the IDs of the layers on the ArcGIS server that contain the outline/boundary images.

The field on the ArcGIS server that you want to join to the SXV4.

This will be the field on the ArcGIS server within the specified layer that contains the geographical data corresponding to the SXV4 field and value set you have specified in the bindings for this layer.

The field type (on the ArcGIS server) of the joinField. This can be either STRING or NUMBER.

The field on the ArcGIS server that contains the names associated with the shapes for this layer.

When a user clicks on a shape in Map View, SuperWEB2 displays a pop-up message; the value from the nameField displays as the heading in this pop-up.

Please note that as these names come from the ArcGIS server, they will be displayed in whatever language they were configured to use in ArcGIS, regardless of the dataset or user interface language that is currently selected in SuperWEB2.

The name of this layer (this can be set to any value).

An array specifying the SXV4 value sets that this layer applies to. These are the value sets that contain the mappable items.

A single thematic mapping layer definition can apply to multiple SXV4s. For example, you might have multiple datasets containing information based on Australian geographies. In this case you only need to define the layers once.

See below for more details.


Due to the complexity of some geometries and poor browser performance, each time a map is displayed the browser will split the request into chunks before transferring the polygon data from the server to the client. This setting determines the maximum number of polygons that the browser will request per chunk.

  • Setting a lower chunk size will cause the browser to call the ArcGIS server more often with smaller results. This is good for detailed geometries, but it will take longer to display/draw the map.
  • Setting a higher value will cause more polygons to be retrieved per request. This is better for less detailed geometries.

The first time a map is generated for a layer, a cache is created in SuperWEB2.

This setting determines the maximum number of polygons that will be requested per chuck when populating the initial cache.


Each layer defines the mapping properties for one or more SXV4 value sets. The bindings property identifies the SXV4 fields and value sets that contain the mappable items.


The ID of the SXV4 field that contains this layer's value set of mappable items.

The ID of the SXV4 that contains this field.
The ID of the value set that contains the mappable items.
See Mapping Configuration Tutorial - SuperWEB2 for details of how to find the field and value set IDs.


This key contains settings for the colour palettes used to draw the shapes on the map. See Configure Mapping Colours - SuperWEB2 for more information.

This key contains an array of colour swatches that will be available for selection in the drop-down list.
The name of this swatch. This will be displayed in the Palette drop-down list.

An array of hexadecimal colour values that make up this colour swatch. Each swatch must have at least as many colours as the largest value set for maxRanges for any layer.

It is also necessary to create a PNG image containing a solid block of colour that matches each colour defined in every swatch. These are used in PDF downloads. See the section on configuring mapping colours for more information.

The default colour swatch that will be selected when users open Map View. You must set a value for this setting and it must exactly match the name of one of the defined swatches (it is case sensitive).
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