Output API Functions - SuperCROSS
The OutputCallBackType
provides all the information and functionality you need to thoroughly examine a SuperCROSS table. This section provides a comprehensive listing of the available functions:
short QuerySuperMARTID(HANDLE hTable, LPSTR IDBuff, short LenBuff)
Function | Get the Identifier (ID) of the SuperMART. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | IDBuff | Buffer to receive the ID. | LenBuff | Length of the buffer. |
Output | IDBuff | ID of the SuperMART. |
Returns | The length of the ID. |
short QueryTitleTable(HANDLE hTable, LPSTR NameBuff, short LenBuff)
Function | Get the template of the tables title |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | NameBuff | Buffer to receive the title. | LenBuff | Length of the buffer. |
Output | NameBuff | Title of the table. |
Returns | The length of the title of the table. The title returned here is the complete title as displayed over the table.
The user may change the composition of the title, but the standard template is "&o&dTable 1&v&s", which means that the table shows: - The organisation.
- The database.
- The phrase "Table 1".
- The list of fields making up the table.
- The list of values making up the subject population.
See QueryPartTitleTable() below for a complete list of template entries.
Function | Get the footnote of the table. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | NoteBuff | Buffer to receive the footnotes. | LenBuff | Length of the buffer. |
Output | NoteBuff | Footnote of the table. |
Returns | The length of the footnotes of the table. The footnotes returned here are the complete list of footnotes displayed below the table.
The user may change the composition of the footnotes, but the standard template is "&r&f&c&p", which means that the footnotes contain: - A string describing the randomisation applied to the table.
- All of the footnotes supplied from the database.
- All footnotes attached to derivations.
- Descriptions of power of ten formatting used on the cell data.
short QueryPartTitleTable(HANDLE hTable, LPCSTR Template, LPSTR PartBuff, short LenBuff)
Function | Get only part of the title and/or footnote. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | Template | String describing template of the parts required. | PartBuf | Buffer to receive the part of the title and/or footnotes. | LenBuff | Length of the buffer. |
Output | PartBuff | Requested portion of the title/footnote. |
Returns | The length of the text in the buffer. Valid template strings are: String | Represents |
&a | The cell/field/field value annotations. | &c | The derivation's footnotes. | &d | The name of the database. | &e | The standard annotation's footnotes. | &f | The total set of footnotes defined in the database for the table. | &n | A newline. | &o | The name of the organization (user set). | &p | The descriptions of the usage of power of ten formatting for the data cells. | &r | The description of the randomness of confidentiality note applied. For example, confidentially rules have been applied to all cells in this table, including randomly rounding to base 3. | &s | The summation fields. | &t | The name of the table file. | &v | The list of fields (variables) in the table. | &x | The table method annotation. The table method annotation will display automatically ifthe Administrator has set up an initialisation file. | &z | The database annotations. |
short QueryTimeStampDatabase(HANDLE hTable, LPSTR TimeStampBuff, short LenBuff)
Function | Get the time stamp of the table. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType | TimeStampBuff | Buffer to receive the timestamp. | LenBuff | Length of the buffer. |
Output | TimeStampBuff | Timestamp of the table. |
Returns | The number of characters used by the timestamp string. This returns the timestamp of the database file. For the format of the timestamp see QueryTimeStampField() below. |
long QueryNumNonZeroCells(HANDLE hTable)
Function | Get the total number of non zero cells in the table. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType |
Returns | The number of non zero cells in the table. If the number of non zero cells is greater than the maximum size of a long then this function will return the maximum size of a long. |
short QueryNumDecimalPlaces(HANDLE hTable)
Function | Get the number of decimal places used in the table. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . |
Returns | The number of decimal places (for the whole table not individual cells). |
short QueryNumField(HANDLE hTable)
Function | Get the total number of fields in the table. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . |
Returns | The number of fields in the table. The total number of fields in the table includes the fields in the wafers, rows, columns, and subject population. |
short QueryNumFieldAxis(HANDLE hTable, AxisType Axis)
Function | Get the total number of fields in a particular axis. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | Axis | A nominated axis. |
Returns | The number of fields in the nominated axis. There are four axes (including the subject population), and there may be zero or more fields in each. Each field dimension in the table is in exactly one axis. |
long QuerySizeField (HANDLE hTable, short FieldNum)
Function | Get the total number of entries in a particular field. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | A nominated field. |
Returns | The number of entries in the field. This returns the number of entries displayed in each occurrence of the nominated field. This can be different from the number of natural values in the field dimension if the user has defined one or more field derivations. |
long QueryNumNaturalField(HANDLE hTable, short FieldNum)
Function | Get the total number of natural values in the field |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | A nominated field. |
Returns | The number of natural (non-derivation) values in the field. A natural value is one which is a dimension value that is not a derivation belonging to that dimension. |
BOOL QueryFieldHasSpannerLabel(HANDLE hTable, short FieldNum)
Function | Determines if a given field has a spanner label. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | A nominated field. |
Returns | True if the field has a spanner label, false otherwise. |
short QueryNameField(HANDLE hTable, short FieldNum, LPSTR NameBuff, short LenBuff)
Function | Get the name of a particular field. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | A nominated field. | NameBuff | Buffer to receive the name. | LenBuff | Length of the buffer. |
Output | NameBuff | Name of the nominated field. |
Returns | The length of the name of the field. This name is the name that is displayed in the Fields window, shown in the spanner heading, and used as part of the variables list (see QueryPartTitleTable() above). The name is a text string that may contain spaces. |
short QueryCodeField(HANDLE hTable, short FieldNum, LPSTR CodeBuff, short LenBuff)
Function | Get the code for a particular field |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | A nominated field. | CodeBuff | Buffer to receive the code. | LenBuff | Length of the buffer. |
Output | CodeBuff | Code for the nominated field. |
Returns | The length of the code of the field (up to 8 chars, all uppercase). This code is the identifier for the field. It may only contain uppercase alphanumeric characters; it will not contain spaces. |
Function | Get the footonote relating to a particular field. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | A nominated field. | FootnoteBuff | Buffer to receive the footnotes. | LenBuff | Length of the buffer. |
Output | FootnoteBuff | Footnote related to the nominated field. |
Returns | The length of the footnotes relating to the field. This provides the footnotes associated with the field in the database. |
short QueryTimeStampField(HANDLE hTable, short FieldNum, LPSTR NameBuff, short LenBuff)
Function | Get a time stamp for a particular field. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | A nominated field. | NameBuff | Buffer to receive the timestamp. | LenBuff | Length of the buffer. |
Output | NameBuff | Timestamp for the nominated field. |
Returns | The length of the timestamp for the field (a string in the format "YYYYmmddhhmmss"). - The timestamp for a user defined field is the timestamp when the user pressed OK on defining or editing the user defined field.
- The timestamp for a recoded field is the timestamp when the user pressed OK on defining or editing the recode. A recode that is saved to a file and reloaded will retain the timestamp from when it was defined (loading a recode from a file does not change its timestamp).
short QueryNameValue(HANDLE hTable, short FieldNum, long ValueNum, LPSTR NameBuff, short LenBuff)
Function | Get the name for a particular value in a particular field. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | A nominated field. | ValueNum | A nominated value in the field. | NameBuff | Buffer to receive the name of the value. | LenBuff | Length of the buffer. |
Output | NameBuff | Value name of the nominated value in a nominated field. |
Returns | The length of the name of a value in a field. This name is the name that is displayed on the table, providing the user did not select the Codes option in the Define Recode dialog. The name is a text string and may contain spaces. This function applies to a specific point in a field as displayed, not a natural value. |
short QueryCodeValue(HANDLE hTable, short FieldNum, long ValueNum, LPSTR CodeBuff, short LenBuff)
Function | Get the code for a particular value in a particular field. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | A nominated field. | ValueNum | A nominated value in the field. | CodeBuff | Buffer to receive the code. | LenBuff | Length of the buffer. |
Output | CodeBuff | Value code of the nominated value in a nominated field. |
Returns | The length of the code of a value in a field. This code is the code that is displayed in the table if the user selected Codes in the Define Recode dialog. The code is a short string that does not contain spaces. This function applies to a specific point in a field as displayed, not a natural value. |
short QueryUniqueValue(HANDLE hTable, short FieldNum, long ValueNum, LPSTR CodeBuff, short LenBuff)
Function | Get the unique code for a particular value in the field |
Parameters | hTable | A handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | A nominated field. | ValueNum | A nominated value in the field. | CodeBuff | Buffer to receive the unique code. | LenBuff | Length of the buffer. |
Output | CodeBuff | The unique code of the nominated value in the nominated field. |
Returns | The length of the unique code of a value in a field The unique codes are normally numeric. They are guaranteed to be unique within a field, even if the field is hierarchical. They are especially useful for area fields, where areas at different levels in the hierarchy may have the same code, returned by QCodeValueOPROC() , they will have different codes returned by this function. This function applies to a specific point in a field as displayed, not a natural value. |
BOOL QueryHiddenValue(HANDLE hTable, short FieldNum, long ValueNum)
Function | Check if the particular value in the field is hidden. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | A nominated field. | ValueNum | A nominated value in the field. |
Returns | Whether the nominated natural value in the field is hidden. This function applies to a specific value in the field, not a displayed entry. |
long QueryNaturalValue(HANDLE hTable, short FieldNum, long EntryNum)
Function | Get the natural value for the particular entry in the field |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | A nominated field | EntryNum | A nominated entry in the field |
Returns | The natural value at a specific point in the field as displayed. If the point nominated is not natural this function returns a negative number. |
ValueType QueryTypeValue(HANDLE hTable, short FieldNum, long EntryNum)
Function | Get the valueType for a particular entry in the field |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | A nominated field. | EntryNum | A nominated entry in the field. |
Returns | The type of value at a specified point in a field. This function applies to a specific point in a field as displayed, not a natural value. |
AxisType QueryAxisField(HANDLE hTable, short FieldNum)
Function | Get the axis that contains the nominated field. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | A nominated field. |
Returns | The axis on which a nominated field lies. Every field in the table appears in exactly one of the four axes (including subject population, which includes all fields with exactly one entry). |
short QueryLevelAxisField(HANDLE hTable, short FieldNum)
Function | Get the level on the axis at which a nominated field lies |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType. | FieldNum | A nominated field. |
Returns | The level on the axis at which a nominated field lies. The level of a field on an axis is a number. Considering column headings, the level 0 field is at the top. The level 1 field is immediately under the level 0, and so forth. |
long QueryDerivationField(HANDLE hTable, short FieldNum, long EntryNum, char *ExprBuff, long LenBuff)
Function | Get the expression for a particular field derivation. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | A nominated field. | EntryNum | A nominated entry in the field. | ExprBuff | Buffer to receive the expression. | LenBuff | Length of the buffer. |
Output | ExprBuff | Expression for the nominated field derivation. |
Returns | The length of the expression for a nominated field derivation. |
BOOL QueryDataCellIndex(HANDLE hTable, long far *Index, double far *Value)
Function | Get the data at a particular point in the table (indexed by field value). |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | Index | Index in to table by field entries. | Value | Pointer to store the datum at a particular point in the table, indexed by field value. |
Output | Value | Stores a datum for the nominated point in the table. |
Returns | TRUE if successful, FALSE if not. This function accesses the data by field value. It does not access the table as displayed. Axis derivations and arrangements are not accessible using this function. |
BOOL QueryNextNonZeroCellIndex(HANDLE hTable, long far *Index)
Function | Get the next non zero cell in the table. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | Index | Index in to table by field entries. |
Returns | TRUE if there is another non zero cell, FALSE if there is not. The caller initializes the index array and calls this routine, which updates the array to hold the index of the next non zero cell. This routine moves through the table field by field, enumerating all of the values in the last field before moving through the second-last field. Putting this another way, index[0] changes least often. If the index array is initialized to all zeros, and this function called repeatedly, all non zero cells (except 0, 0, 0...) of the table will be traversed. The caller is responsible for determining if the first cell (0, 0, 0...) is non zero, which can be done by calling QueryDataCellIndex() . |
long QuerySizeAxis(HANDLE hTable, AxisType Axis)
Function | Get the total number of entries in a particular axis. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | Axis | A nominated axis. |
Returns | The number of entries in an axis. This is not necessarily the same as the product of the number of entries in each field on the axis. The user may add axis derivations, and may hide values. |
long QueryNumNaturalAxis(HANDLE hTable, AxisType Axis)
Function | Get the total number of natural entries in a particular axis. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | Axis | A nominated axis. |
Returns | The number of natural entries in an axis. This is the product of the sizes of the fields in the axis, not the product of the numbers of natural values in the fields. Field derivations are considered natural values for axes. |
short QueryNameAxis(HANDLE hTable, AxisType Axis, long EntryNum, LPSTR NameBuff, short LenBuff)
Function | Get the name of a particular entry in the axis |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | Axis | A nominated axis. | EntryNum | A nominated entry in the axis. | NameBuff | Buffer to receive the name. | LenBuff | Length of the buffer. |
Output | NameBuff | Name of the nominated entry in the axis. |
Returns | The length of the name of the entry at the specified point in the axis. The name of an entry is obtained in one of two ways: if the entry is an axis derivation, then the name is the name of that axis derivation; if the entry is not an axis derivation, then the name is the concatenation of the names of the component entries for each field. If this name is composed from different fields, entries from different fields are separated by a comma followed by a blank space. |
short QueryNameAxisEx(HANDLE hTable, AxisType Axis, long EntryNum, LPSTR NameBuff, short LenBuff, DWORD Flags, char * EscChar, char * Seperator)
Function | Get the name of a particular entry in the axis |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | Axis | A nominated axis. | EntryNum | A nominated entry in the axis. | NameBuff | Buffer to receive the name. | LenBuff | Length of the buffer. | Flags | Specifies the formatting that should be applied to the axis name: FORMAT_QUOTED | Encloses the sub strings in quotes. | FORMAT_STRIP_NEW_LINES | Replaces new lines with blank spaces. | FORMAT_USE_ESC_CHAR | Replaces carriage returns and line feeds with an escape character followed by an 'n'. If being quoted then a quote present in the string is preceded by an escape character. | FORMAT_USE_SPECIFIC_DIVIDER | Replaces the comma used to separate the concatenated names with the provided separator character. |
| EscChar | Escape character to use. | Separator | Separator to use. |
Returns | The length of the name of the entry at the specified point in the axis. The name of an entry is obtained in one of two ways: if the entry is an axis derivation, then the name is the name of that axis derivation; if the entry is not an axis derivation, then the name is the concatenation of the names of the component entries for each field. If this name is composed from different fields, the entries are separated by a comma followed by a blank space. |
short QueryDerivCompValue(HANDLE hTable, AxisType Axis, long EntryNum, LPSTR NameBuff, short LenBuff, DWORD Flags, char EscChar, char * Seperator)*
Function | Gets the name of the field value (either natural or field derivation) that is referenced from an axis derivation ie (V1, V2 .. Vn). |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | Axis | A nominated axis | EntryNum | A nominated entry in the axis NameBuff Buffer to receive the name | LenBuff | Length of the buffer | Flags | Specifies the formatting that should be applied to the axis name: FORMAT_QUOTED | Encloses the sub strings in quotes. | FORMAT_STRIP_NEW_LINES | Replaces new lines with blank spaces. | FORMAT_USE_ESC_CHAR | Replaces carriage returns and line feeds with an escape character followed by an 'n'. If being quoted then a quote present in the string is preceded by an escape character. | FORMAT_USE_SPECIFIC_DIVIDER | Replaces the comma used to separate the concatenated names with the provided separator character. |
| EscChar | Escape character to use. | Separator | Separator to use. |
Output | NameBuff | Name of the nominated component for the derivation. |
Returns | The length of the name of the nominated component for the derivation. |
EntryType QueryEntryTypeAxis(HANDLE hTable, AxisType Axis, long EntryNum)
Function | Get the type of a particular entry in the axis. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | Axis | A nominated axis. | EntryNum | A nominated entry in the axis. |
Returns | The type of entry at a specified point on a nominated axis. There are three possible results from this function. The nominated entry may be an axis derivation (kAxisDerivation ). If it is not, it may be composed strictly of natural values from each of the fields on this axis (kNatural ). If any of the fields contributes a field derivation rather than a natural value, then kFieldDerivation is returned. |
long QueryNaturalAxis(HANDLE hTable, AxisType Axis, long EntryNum)
Function | Get the natural number for a particular entry in the axis. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | Axis | A nominated axis. | EntryNum | A nominated entry in the axis. |
Returns | The natural value at a specific point in the axis as displayed. If the point nominated is not a natural value this function returns a negative number. |
long QueryFieldIndexAxis(HANDLE hTable, short FieldNum, long EntryNum)
Function | Get the index in the nominated field of the particular entry in the axis. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | A nominated field. | EntryNum | A nominated entry in the axis. |
Returns | The index in the field of a specified point on an axis. This function allows a point on an axis to be decomposed into its component field entries. A natural axis value will yield anon-negative index. The return value of this function is not defined when the EntryNum specifies an axis derivation (this function should not be called if QueryEntryTypeAxis() returns kAxisDerivation for this entry). The axis is implicit; each field is on exactly one axis, so specifying the field number specifies the axis. |
long QueryDerivationAxis(HANDLE hTable, AxisType Axis, long EntryNum, char *ExprBuff, long LenBuff)
Function | Get the expression for a particular axis derivation. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | Axis | A nominated axis. | EntryNum | A nominated entry in the axis. | ExprBuff | Buffer to receive the expression. | LenBuff | Length of the buffer. |
Output | ExprBuff Expression for the nominated axis derivation |
Returns | The length of the expression for a nominated axis derivation. For more information on on the format of derivations, see Derivations - SuperCROSS. The return value of this function will be zero if EntryNum does not specify an axis derivation. |
BOOL QueryDataCellAxis (HANDLE hTable, long Index[3], double far *Value)
Function | Get the data value for a particular cell in the table. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | Index | Index in to table by axis entries. | Value | Pointer to store the datum at a particular point in the table, indexed by wafer, row, and column. |
Output | Value | Stores the datum of the nominated cell in the table. |
Returns | TRUE if successful, FALSE if not. This accesses the data by wafer, row, and column, accessing the table as displayed, including derivations and rearrangements. Hidden values are not accessible using this function. |
BOOL QueryNextNonZeroCellAxis(HANDLE hTable, long Index[3])
Function | Get the next non zero cell in the table. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | Index | Index in to table by axis entries. |
Output | Index | Index of the new non zero cell. |
Returns | TRUE if there is another non zero cell, FALSE if there is not. The caller initializes the index array and calls this routine which updates the array to hold the index of the next non zero cell. This routine moves through the table by column, then row, then wafer. If the index array is initialized to all zeros, and this function called repeatedly, all non zero cells (except 0, 0, 0) of the table will be traversed. The caller is responsible for determining if the first cell (0, 0, 0) is non zero, which can be done by calling QueryDataCellAxis() . |
BOOL QueryIsConfidentialityOn(HANDLE hTable)
Function | Check if this table's confidentiality is on. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . |
Returns | TRUE if the table has confidentiality turned on, FALSE otherwise. |
short QueryDefSumField(HANDLE hTable, LPSTR FieldBuff, short LenBuff)
Function | Get the default summation field for the table. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldBuff | Buffer to receive the field name. | LenBuff | Length of the buffer. |
Output | FieldBuff | Field name of the default summation field. |
Returns | The length of the default summation field name. |
BOOL QueryMappableField(HANDLE hTable, short FieldNum)
Function | Check if a particular field is mappable. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | A nominated field. |
Returns | TRUE if the field is mappable (meaning it does have mapping data associated with it), FALSE otherwise. |
short QueryBaseSetIDField(HANDLE hTable, short FieldNum, LPSTR NameBuff, short LenBuff)
Function | Get the base set ID of a particular field. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | A nominated field. | NameBuff | Buffer to receive the Base Set ID. | LenBuff | Length of the buffer. |
Output | NameBuff | Base Set ID of the nominated field. |
Returns | The length of the Base Set ID of the field used in mapping data. |
DerivationKindType QueryDerivationKindField(HANDLE hTable, short FieldNum, long EntryNum)
Function | Check what kind of derivation is this field derivation. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | A nominated field. | EntryNum | A nominated entry in the field. |
Returns | The type of the nominated field derivation. |
DerivationKindType QueryDerivationKindAxis(HANDLE hTable, AxisType Axis, long EntryNum)
Function | Check what kind of derivation is this axis derivation. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | Axis | A nominated axis. | EntryNum | A nominated entry in the axis. |
Returns | The type of the nominated axis derivation. |
DerivProperties QueryDerivationPropertiesAxis(HANDLE hTable, AxisType Axis, long EntryNum)
Function | Get the properties of the derivation if it is an axis derivation. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | Axis | A nominated axis. | EntryNum | A nominated entry in the axis. |
Returns | A structure filled with the properties of a specified derivation. |
short QuerynoCellAnnotations(HANDLE hTable)
Function | Get the total number of annotations defined for this table. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . |
Returns | The number of cell annotations defined for the table. This is the number of annotations that appear in the footnotes (not the number of annotated cells). |
short QuerycellAnnotationText(HANDLE hTable, short ANum, LPSTR TextBuff, short LenBuff)
Function | Get the annotation text of a particular annotation. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | ANum | The number of the annotation to receive ie. a nominated cell annotation. | TextBuff | Buffer to receive the text. | LenBuff | The sizeof the TextBuff to receive the text. |
Output | TextBuff | Text for the nominated annotation. |
Returns | Length of the TextBuff (Annotation text in the cell). Copies the text for the nominated annotation into TextBuff if it is not null and if LenBuff is greater than zero. This function will truncate the text to the number of characters indicated by LenBuff . If TextBuff is null or LenBuff is zero, then this function will simply return the length of the annotation text. |
BOOL QuerycellAnnotationIndex(HANDLE hTable, long far *Index, short Annotation)
Function | Check if a particular cell has a particular annotation. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | Index | Index in to table by field entries. | Annotation | The nominated annotation enumerate. |
Returns | TRUE if the nominated cell has the nominated annotation, FALSE if not. This accesses the cell annotation by field value. This does not access the table as displayed. Axis derivations and arrangements are not accessible using this function. |
BOOL QueryIsSpannerLabel(HANDLE hTable, short FieldNum)
Function | Check if the spanner label is turned on for a given field. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | A nominated field. |
Returns | TRUE if the spanner label is on for this field, FALSE otherwise. |
BOOL QuerycellAnnotationAxis(HANDLE hTable, long Index[3], short Annotation)
Function | Check if a particular cell has a particular annotation. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | Index | Index in to table by axis entries. | Annotation | The nominated annotation enumerate. |
Returns | TRUE if the nominated cell has the nominated annotation, FALSE if not. Determine if a cell, nominated by its axis index, has a particular annotation. This accesses the data by wafer, row, and column, as displayed (including derivations and rearrangements). Hidden values are not accessible using this function. |
short QueryDatabasePath(HANDLE hTable, LPSTR PathBuff, short LenBuff)
Function | Get the path of the database for this table. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | PathBuff | Buffer to receive the path. | LenBuff | Length of the buffer. |
Output | PathBuff | Path of the database files associated with his table. |
Returns | The length of the database path for the table. |
long QuerySizeDBField(HANDLE hTable, short FieldNum)
Function | Get the number of original entries in the nominated field. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | A nominated field. |
Returns | The number of entries in the original database field. |
BOOL QueryIsValueRecodeTotal(HANDLE hTable, short fieldNum, long ValueNum)
Function | Check if a particular value in the field is a recode total. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | fieldNum | A nominated field. | ValueNum | A nominated value in the field. |
Returns | TRUE if this value is a recode total, FALSE otherwise. |
BOOL QueryIsDerivedValue(HANDLE hTable, short fieldNum, long ValueNum)
Function | Check if a particular value in the field is a derived value |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | A nominated field. | ValueNum | A nominated value in the field. |
Returns | TRUE if it is a derived value, FALSE otherwise. This function applies to a specific point in a field as displayed, not a natural value. |
BOOL QueryFieldHasGroups(HANDLE hTable, short FieldNum, long nValue)
Function | Check if the field has any group recodes |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | A nominated field. | nValue | Total number of values in the field. |
Returns | TRUE if the nominated field has at least one group recodes, FALSE otherwise. |
short QueryDatabasePrefix(HANDLE hTable, LPSTR NameBuff, short LenBuff)
Function | Get the database prefix of the database associated with this table |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | NameBuff | Buffer to receive the path. | LenBuff | Length of the buffer. |
Output | NameBuff | Database ID of the database associated with the table. |
Returns | The length of the database ID for the table. |
long QueryNumFieldRecode(HANDLE hTable, short FieldNum)
Function | Get the total number of concatenated recodes in this field dimension. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | The number of the field dimension in question. |
Returns | The number of concatenated recodes making up this field dimension. |
long QueryFieldRecodeID(HANDLE hTable, short FieldNum, long RecodeNum, char *IDBuff, long LenBuff)
Function | Get the recode ID of the a particular recode of the field |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | The number of the field dimension in question. | RecodeNum | The number of the recode within the field dimension. | IDBuff | Buffer to receive the ID. | LenBuff | Length of the buffer. |
Output | IDBuff | ID of the nominated recode. |
Returns | The length of the recode ID text. This function copies the ID of the nominated recode in to IDBuff if it is not null and if LenBuff is greater than zero. This function will truncate the ID to the number of characters specified by LenBuff . If IDBuff is null or LenBuff is zero, then this function will simply return the length of the recode ID. |
BOOL SetFieldRecodeID(HANDLE hTable, short FieldNum, long RecodeNum, const char *IDBuff)
Function | Sets the Recode ID to the contents of IDBuff . |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | The number of the field dimension in question. | RecodeNum | The number of the recode within the field dimension. | IDBuff | Buffer containing the new recode ID. |
Returns | TRUE if the assignment was successful, FALSE otherwise. |
long QueryFieldRecodeBaseID(HANDLE hTable, short FieldNum, long RecodeNum, LPSTR IDBuff, long LenBuff)
Function | Get the ID of the base field of the given recode in the field dimension. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | The number of the field dimension in question. | RecodeNum | The number of the recode within the field dimension. | IDBuff | Buffer to receive the ID. | LenBuff | Length of the buffer. |
Output | IDBuff | ID of the base field of the nominated recoded in the field dimension. |
Returns | The length of the Base field ID text. This function copies the ID of the Recode's Base Field (the field the recode is based on) into IDBuff , if it is not null and if LenBuff is greater than zero. This function will truncate the ID to the number of characters specified by LenBuff . If IDBuff is null or LenBuff is zero, then this function will simply return the length of the recode ID. |
long QueryFieldRecodeValues(HANDLE hTable, short FieldNum, long RecodeNum, long *Values, long NumValues)
Function | Get the value numbers of the given field which are part of the given recode |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | The number of the field dimension in question. | RecodeNum | The number of the recode with in the field dimension. | Values | Buffer to receive the value numbers in the field dimension belonging to the specified recode. | NumValues | Length of the buffer. |
Output | Value | Value numbers in the nominated field which belong to the given recode. |
Returns | The number of values for the given recode. This function copies the value numbers for each of the values in the field dimension belonging to this recode into the values array up to NumVals . If values is null or numVals is zero, then this function will simply return the number of values in this recode. |
long QueryFieldRecodeTotalValues(HANDLE hTable, short FieldNum, long ValueNo, long *Values, long NumValues)
Function | Get the value numbers for the field values that make up the given total. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | The number of the field dimension in question. | ValueNo | The value number of the value in the field; must be a recode total. | Values | Buffer to receive the value numbers in the field dimension belonging to the specified recode. | NumVals | Length of the buffer. |
Output | Values | Value numbers in the field dimension belonging to the nominated recode total. |
Returns | The length of the Recode ID text. This function copies the value numbers for each of the values making up the given recode total into the values array up to numVals . If Values is null or NumVals is zero then this function simply returns the number of values making up this total. |
long QueryFieldRecodeName(HANDLE hTable, short FieldNum, long RecodeNum, char *NameBuff, long LenBuff)
Function | Get the recode name of the a particular recode of the field. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | The number of the field dimension in question. | RecodeNum | The number of the recode within the field dimension. | NameBuff | Buffer to receive the name. | LenBuff | Length of the buffer. |
Output | NameBuff | Name of the nominated recode. |
Returns | The length of the Recode Name text (not including the terminating '\0'). This function copies the name of the nominated recode into NameBuff if it is not null and if LenBuff is greater than zero. This function will truncate the ID to the number of characters specified by LenBuff . If NameBuff is null or LenBuff is zero, then this function will simply return the length of the recode name. If this is the only recode in the field dimension (that is, not recode/field concatenation), this should return the same name as the field dimension name. |
BOOL SetCodeValue(HANDLE hTable, short FieldNum, long ValueNum, LPSTR CodeBuff)
Function | Sets the code fora particular value in a particular field |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | A nominated field. | ValueNum | A nominated value in the field. | CodeBuff | Buffer to receive the code. |
Output | CodeBuff | Value code of the nominated value in a nominated field. |
Returns | TRUE if the code value was set successfully. |
Function | Tells SuperCROSS to save this recode in rcd format appended to the end of the file with the given file name |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | The number of the field dimension in question | RecodeNum | The number of the recode within the field dimension | FileName | Buffer containing the filename (including path) for the recode to be saved to | format | The file format in which to save the recode: "Native Recode" | SuperCROSS native binary format. | "TXT Recode" | Recode textual format. | "TXT BaseField" | Field textual format (used for User Defined Fields). | "TXD Recode" | Recode textual format but without derivations. |
Returns | TRUE if the assignment was successful, FALSE otherwise. |
BOOL SetFieldRecodeBaseID(HANDLE hTable, short FieldNum, long RecodeNum, LPSTR IDBuff)
Function | Set the ID of the base field of the given recode in the field dimension. This function will only work for User Defined Fields as base fields; you can not reset the base field ID for Database Fields. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | The number of the field dimension in question. | RecodeNum | The number of the recode within the field dimension. | IDBuff | Buffer containing the new ID. |
Returns | TRUE if the ID was set successful, else FALSE. If it is not null and if LenBuff is greater than zero, this function will truncate the ID to the number of characters specified by LenBuff . If IDBuff is null or LenBuff is zero, then this function will simply return the length of the recode ID. |
short QueryFieldValueFootnote(HANDLE hTable, short FieldNum, long EntryNum, LPSTR TextBuff, short LenBuff)
Function | Get the footnote for a particular entry in the field. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | A nominated field. | EntryNum | A nominated entry in the field. | TextBuff | Buffer to receive the footnote text. | LenBuff | The sizeof the TextBuff to receive the footnote text. |
Output | TextBuff | Text for the nominated footnote. |
Returns | Length of the text copied into TextBuff (including the terminating '\0'). This function copies the text for the nominated footnote into TextBuff if it is not null and if LenBuff is greater than zero. This function will truncate the text to the number of characters indicated by LenBuff . If TextBuff is null or LenBuff is zero, then this function will simply return the length of the footnote text. This function applies to a specific point in a field as displayed, not a natural value. |
BOOL QueryFieldRecodeSummations(HANDLE hTable, short FieldNum, long RecodeNum)
Function | Does this recode contain only summation fields? |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | The number of the field dimension in question. | RecodeNum | The number of the recode within the field dimension. |
Returns | TRUE if the field contains only summation fields. |
BOOL QueryIsDefaultRecode(HANDLE hTable, short FieldNum, long RecodeNum)
Function | Is this recode a field's default recode? A default recode is one that has not be recoded in the Define Recode window or with a textual recode definition. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | The number of the field dimension in question. | RecodeNum | The number of the recode within the field dimension. |
Returns | TRUE if the field is a default recode. |
BOOL QueryIsAutoLoadRecode(HANDLE hTable, short FieldNum, long RecodeNum)
Function | Is this recode an autoloaded standard recode? |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | The number of the field dimension in question. | RecodeNum | The number of the recode within the field dimension. |
Returns | TRUE if the field is an auto loaded recode. |
BOOL QueryIsValueRecodeGroup(HANDLE hTable, short fieldNum, long ValueNum)
Function | Check if a particular value in the field is a recode group. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | fieldNum | A nominated field. | ValueNum | Nominated value in the field. |
Returns | TRUE if this value is a recode group, FALSE otherwise. |
BOOL QueryDataCellIndexSpecial(HANDLE hTable, long far *Index, double far *Value, char far *SpecialString, int maxlen)
Function | Get the data at a particular point in the table (indexed by field value) with special string. This function is same as QueryDataCellIndex() except that it also gets any special string displayed in this cell, such as zero values or ...C for confidential values. Use this function if you need to know whether the cells are confidential, not applicable or blank. If you just need the real value, use QueryDataCellIndex() . If SpecialString is NULL or maxlen is 0, this function will behave exactly the same way as QueryDataCellIndex() . |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | Index | Index in to table by field entries. | Value | Pointer to store the datum at a particular point in the table, indexed by field value. | SpecialString | Buffer to get the special string, would be empty if there is no special string for this cell. | maxlen | Maximum number of characters in the buffer. |
Output | Value | Stores a datum for the nominated point in the table. | SpecialString | Copies the special string for this cell into this buffer. |
Returns | TRUE if successful, FALSE if not. This accesses the data by field value. This does not access the table as displayed. Axis derivations and arrangements are not accessible using this function. |
BOOL QueryDataCellAxisSpecial(HANDLE hTable, long far *Index, double far *Value, char far *SpecialString, int maxlen)
Function | Get the data value for a particular cell in the table with special string. This function is same as QueryDataCellAxis() except that it also gets any special string displayed in this cell, such as zero values or ...C for confidential values. Use this function if you need to know whether the cells are confidential, not applicable or blank. If you just need the real value, use QueryDataCellAxis() . If SpecialString is NULL or maxlen is 0, this function will behave exactly the same way as QueryDataCellIndex() . |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | Index | Index in to table by axis entries. | Value | Pointer to store the datum at a particular point in the table, indexed by wafer, row, and column. | SpecialString | Buffer to get the special string, would be empty if there is no special string for this cell. | maxlen | Maximum number of characters in the buffer. |
Output | Value | Stores the datum of the nominated cell in the table. | SpecialString | Copies the special string for this cell into this buffer. |
Returns | TRUE if successful, FALSE if not. This function accesses the data by wafer, row, and column. It accesses the table as displayed, including derivations and rearrangements. Hidden values are not accessible using this function. |
int QueryNumDecPlaceCellAxis(HANDLE hTable, long far *Index)
Function | Get the number of decimal places for the particular cell indexed by Index in the table. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | Index | Index in to table by axis entries. |
Returns | The number of decimal places. This function accesses the data by wafer, row, and column. It accesses the table as displayed, including derivations and rearrangements. Hidden values are not accessible using this function. |
BOOL QueryIsSumDerivationValue(HANDLE hTable, short FieldNum, long ValueNum)
Function | Is this value a derived value based exclusively on the summation of other values? |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | The number of the field dimension in question. | ValueNum | A nominated value in the field. |
Returns | TRUE if the value is a derived value based exclusively on the summation of other values. |
long QueryDerivationValues(HANDLE hTable, short FieldNum, long ValueNum, long *Values, long NumValues)
Function | Get the value numbers for the field values that make up the given derived value. This value must be the derived value based exclusively on the summation of other values. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | Fieldum | The number of the field dimension in question. | ValueNum | The value number of the value in the field; must be derived sum. | Values | Buffer to receive the value numbers in the field dimension belonging to the specified recode. | NumVals | Length of the buffer. |
Output | Values | Value numbers in the field dimension belonging to the nominated recode total. |
Returns | The number of values making up this derived sum. If Values is not NULL and NumValues is not zero, and if the actual number of values making up the derivation total is higher than NumValues , it simply returns NumValues . |
BOOL QueryAxisItemContainsType(HANDLE hTable, DerivationKindType Type, AxisType Axis, long EntryNum)
Function | Determine if this axis item contains an axis or field derivation of the given type. This function is built up of QueryEntryTypeAxis() , QueryDerivationKindAxis() and QueryDerivationKindField() . It is used in conjunction with QueryEntryTypeAxis() to avoid having to get loop through all the field items to see what type of derivation we are dealing with. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | Type | A nominated derivation type. | Axis | A nominated axis. | EntryNum | A nominated entry in the axis. |
Returns | Returns TRUE if this axis item contains an axis or field derivation of the given type. |
long QueryNumNonZeroCellsFieldIndex(HANDLE hTable)
Function | Returns the number of non zero cells that can be accessed via the field index. Some cells not accessible via the axis index are accessible via the field index due to the axis item been hidden. Hidden field items are not accessible |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . |
Returns | Returns the number of non zero cells that can be accessed via the field index or -1 if an error occurred. |
BOOL QueryFirstNonZeroCellFieldIndex()(HANDLE hTable, long far *Index, short far *SortOrder)
Function | Gets the field index of the first non zero cell. You should be certain that there is a least one non zero cell before calling this function. You can check this using the function QueryNumNonZeroCellsFieldIndex() . You should also sort the list according to the field order specified in the sort order array. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | SortOrder | The pointer to the order of the fields used when comparing the field position. |
Output | Index | The index of the first non zero cell. |
Returns | Returns TRUE if there are more non zero cells to follow, FALSE if this is the last or -1 if an error occurred. |
BOOL QueryNextNonZeroCellFieldIndex(HANDLE hTable, long far *Index)
Function | Gets the field index of the next non zero cell. The first non zero field index should be found using the function QueryFirstNonZeroCellFieldIndex() . Each successive call to QueryNextNonZeroCellFieldIndex() will then retrieve the next non zero field index until there are no more cells to be retrieved, at which point this function will return 0. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | Index | Will contain the index of the current non zero cell. |
Output | Index | The index of the next non zero cell. |
Returns | Returns TRUE if there are more non zero cells to follow, FALSE if this is the last or -1 if an error occurred. When this function returns FALSE, it indicates that there are no more to follow, but the index it returned with is a valid one and it should be processed. |
short QueryTableSubmitTimeStamp(HANDLE hTable, LPSTR TimeStampBuff, short LenBuff)
Function | Get the time stamp created when the table was submitted for to the server. For the format of the timestamp see QueryTimeStampField() . |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | TimeStampBuff | Buffer to receive the timestamp. | LenBuff | Length of the buffer. |
Output | TimeStampBuff | The timestamp. |
Returns | The number of characters used by the timestamp string. |
short QueryStartProcessTimeStamp(HANDLE hTable, LPSTR TimeStampBuff, short LenBuff)
Function | Get the timestamp created when processing of the table began. For the format of the timestamp see QueryTimeStampField() . |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | TimeStampBuff | Buffer to receive the timestamp. | LenBuff | Length of the buffer. |
Output | TimeStampBuff | The timestamp. |
Returns | The number of characters used by the timestamp string. |
short QueryStartSortTimeStamp(HANDLE hTable, LPSTR TimeStampBuff, short LenBuff)
Function | Get the timestamp created when sorting of the table began. For the format of the timestamp see QueryTimeStampField() . |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | TimeStampBuff | Buffer to receive the timestamp. | LenBuff | Length of the buffer. |
Output | TimeStampBuff | The timestamp. |
Returns | The number of characters used by the timestamp string. |
short QueryEndProcessTimeStamp(HANDLE hTable, LPSTR TimeStampBuff, short LenBuff)
Function | Get the timestamp created when the server finished processing the table (including sorting). For the format of the timestamp see QueryTimeStampField() . |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | TimeStampBuff | Buffer to receive the timestamp. | LenBuff | Length of the buffer. |
Output | TimeStampBuff | The timestamp. |
Returns | The number of characters used by the timestamp string. |
short QueryApplicationName(HANDLE hTable, LPSTR NameBuff, short LenBuff)
Function | Get the name of the SuperSTAR Application. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | NameBuff | Buffer to receive the name. | LenBuff | Length of the buffer. |
Output | NameBuff | Name of the application. |
Returns | The length of the name. |
short QueryWorkGroupName(HANDLE hTable, LPSTR NameBuff, short LenBuff)
Function | Get the name of the work group this server belongs to. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | NameBuff | Buffer to receive the name. | LenBuff | Length of the buffer. |
Output | NameBuff | Name of the work group. |
Returns | The length of the name. |
short QueryWorkGroupFile (HANDLE hTable, LPSTR FileBuff, short LenBuff)
Function | Get the filename of the work group this server belongs to. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FileBuff | Buffer to receive the file name. | LenBuff | Length of the file name buffer. |
Output | FileBuff | File Name of the work group. |
Returns | The length of the name. |
short QueryUserName(HANDLE hTable, LPSTR NameBuff, short LenBuff)
Function | Get the name of the user who submitted this table to the server. |
Parameters | hTable7 | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | NameBuff | Buffer to receive the name. | LenBuff | Length of the buffer. |
Output | NameBuff | Name of the user. |
Returns | The length of the name. |
Function | Get the total number of formats the user nominated this table to be saved to. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . |
Returns | The number of save formats. |
Function | Get the name of the particular format the user nominated this table to be saved to. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | NameBuff | Buffer to receive the name. | FormatNo | The format number, ranging from zero to the one less than the result of QueryNumSaveFormats() . | LenBuff | Length of the buffer. |
Output | NameBuff | Name of the format. |
Returns | The length of the name. |
Function | Get the timestamp created when SuperCROSS began saving the file in the specified format. For the format of the timestamp see QueryTimeStampField() . |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FormatNo | The format number, ranging from zero to the one less than the result of QueryNumSaveFormats() . | TimeStampBuff | Buffer to receive the timestamp. | LenBuff | Length of the buffer. |
Output | TimeStampBuff | The timestamp. |
Returns | The number of characters used by the timestamp string. |
Function | Get the timestamp created when we finished saving the file in the specified format. For the format of the timestamp see QueryTimeStampField() . |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FormatNo | The format number, ranging from zero to the one less than the result of QueryNumSaveFormats() . | TimeStampBuff | Buffer to receive the timestamp. | LenBuff | Length of the buffer. |
Output | TimeStampBuff | The timestamp. |
Returns | The number of characters used by the timestamp string. |
short QueryLogFileName(HANDLE hTable, LPSTR NameBuff, short LenBuff)
Function | Gets the Log File name for the Server Job Log |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | NameBuff | Buffer to receive the log file name. | LenBuff | Length of the buffer. |
Output | NameBuff | The server job log file. |
Returns | The number of characters returned. |
BOOL QueryTableHasSummationFields(HANDLE hTable)
Function | Does this table have any summation fields specified? |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . |
Returns | Whether or not this table has any summation fields specified. - If this function returns FALSE, then
QueryFieldRecodeSummations() will always return FALSE. - If this function returns TRUE, then
QueryFieldRecodeSummations() will return TRUE once.
long QueryAutoAxisTotalItem(HANDLE hTable, AxisType axis)
Function | Get the axis index of the auto axis-total item. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | Axis | A nominated axis. |
Returns | The axis index of the auto axis-total item or -1 if there is no axis item. This function is guaranteed to return kAxisDerivation from QueryEntryTypeAxis() and TRUE from QueryIsSumDerivationValue() . |
AlignmentSettings QueryAlignmentSettings(HANDLE hTable)
Function | Get the table alignment settings. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . |
Returns | A structure filled with the alignment information for the table's header, footer, rows, columns and wafers, and also the vertical alignment of the row. Possible horizontal settings are: left, right or center, and possible vertical settings are: top, bottom or center. |
PrintSettings QueryPrintSettings(HANDLE hTable)
Function | Get the table print settings. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . |
Returns | A structure filled with the print settings, including the horizontal alignment of the page numbers on the page (possible values: left, right or center) as well as the margin (top or bottom). Also specifies whether the table is to be centred on the page. |
TextTablePrefs QueryTablePreferences(HANDLE hTable, TextTablePrefs * Preferences)
Function | Fills the table preference structure with the table's current preferences as set in the table preferences dialog. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBack . | Preferences | Structure to be filled with the table preferences. |
Output | Preferences | Structure filled with the table preferences. |
Returns | TRUE if the returned structure is valid, FALSE otherwise. |
short QueryAutoAxisValue(HANDLE hTable, AxisType Axis)
Function | Get the grand auto axis value for the given axis. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBack . | Axis | The axis we are requesting information for: - 0 - No Axis
- 1 - First Axis
- 2 - Last Axis
Returns | The grand auto axis value for the given axis. |
Function | Get a pointer to the sorting information structure. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBack . |
Returns | A void pointer to the sorting information. |
Function | Retrieve metadata info attached to this database. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | MetaDataInfo | Structure to hold the metadata info. |
Output | MetaDataInfoT | Contains the metadata type and string (if there is one). MetaDataInfoT is declared in MetaDataType.h. |
Returns | Size in bytes of the MetaDataInfo->Info string: - 0 if there is no TextMetaData.
- -1 if there is an error.
If 0 is returned, it is probable the text MetaData is a link; check MetaDataInfo>Type to confirm. |
Function | Retrieve metadata info attached to this field. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | Number of the specified field. | RecodeNum | Number of the specified recode. | MetaDataInfo | Structure to hold the metadata info. |
Output | MetaDataInfoT | Contains the metadata type and string (if there is one). MetaDataInfoT is declared in MetaDataType.h. |
Returns | Size in bytes of the MetaDataInfo->Info string: - 0 if there is no TextMetaData.
- -1 if there is an error.
If 0 is returned, it is probable the text MetaData is a link; check MetaDataInfo>Type to confirm. |
Function | Retrieve metadata info attached to this value. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | Number of the specified field. | RecodeNum | Number of the specified recode. | ValueNum | Number of the specified value. | MetaDataInfo | Structure to hold the metadata info. |
Output | MetaDataInfoT | Contains the metadata type and string (if there is one). MetaDataInfoT is declared in MetaDataType.h. |
Returns | Size in bytes of the MetaDataInfo->Info string: - 0 if there is no TextMetaData.
- -1 if there is an error.
If 0 is returned, it is probable the text MetaData is a link; check MetaDataInfo>Type to confirm. |
Function | Returns whether the requested field has metadata info. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | Number of the request field. | RecodeNum | Number of the recode. |
Returns | TRUE if the requested field has metadata info for at least one of its values, FALSE if none of its values have any metadata info. |
int QueryHiddenAxisIndices(HANDLE hTable, AxisType Axis, int * IndicesBuff, int BuffSize)
Function | Fills a buffer with the indices of all the hidden axis items. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | Axis | The axis we are requesting the hidden items for. | IndicesBuff | Memory to hold the required indices. | BuffSize | Maximum size for this buffer. |
Output | IndicesBuff | Memory to hold the required indices. |
Returns | The number of hidden axis items. Any axis derivations that have been hidden will not be identified with this function (because they have been removed entirely from the cross tabulated results). Only items considered to be natural at the axis level will be listed. |
int QueryAxisDerivIndices(HANDLE hTable, AxisType Axis, int * IndicesBuff, int BuffSize)
Function | Fills a buffer with the indices for all the axis derivations in a given axis. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | Axis | The axis we are requesting the hidden items for. | IndicesBuff | Memory to hold the required indices. | BuffSize | Maximum size for this buffer. |
Output | IndicesBuff | Memory to hold the required indices. |
Returns | The number of axis derivations in the axis. |
BOOL WriteOutTablesUDFs(HANDLE hTable, LPSTR FilePath)
Function | Writes out all the User Defined Fields (UDFs) in the table to the specified file. These UDFs are written out in a textual format and appended to the end of the file. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FilePath | Buffer containing the filename (including path) for the recode to be saved to. |
Output | The file with the textual UDFs written to it. |
Returns | Whether the save process was successful. |
short QueryTableTitleTemplate(HANDLE hTable, char TitleBuffer, short BufferLen)*
Function | Get the template for the table title that SuperCROSS uses to construct the table title. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | TitleBuffer | Buffer to store the table title template. | BufferLen | The length of the buffer. |
Output | TitleBuffer | The title template. |
Returns | The length of the template string. |
Function | Get the template for the table footer that SuperCROSS uses to construct the table footer. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table that we are returning the template for. | FooterBuffer | Buffer to store the table footer template. | BufferLen | The length of the buffer. |
Output | FooterBuffer | The footer template. |
Returns | The length of the template string. |
short QueryLargeAxisMode(HANDLE hTable, AxisType Axis)
Function | Query which large axis mode the axis is in. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table. | Axis | The axis type (either wafer, column or row). |
Returns | The large axis mode of the axis: - 0 if the axis is not in a large axis mode.
- 1 if the axis is in a large axis mode with values not revealed.
- 2 if the axis is in a large axis mode with the values revealed.
short QueryAutoAxisTotalName(HANDLE hTable, AxisType axis, char Name, short BufferLen)*
Function | Query the name for the auto axis total for the particular axis (row, column or wafer). |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table that we are returning the template for. | Axis | Axis type (either wafer, column or row). | Name | Buffer to store the auto axis total name (this could be NULL, in which case this function returns only the length of AutoAxisTotalName ). | BufferLen | The length of the buffer (maximum number of characters to get). |
Output | Name | The auto axis total name. |
Returns | The length of the AutoAxisTotalName . |
int DisplayMessage(HANDLE hTable, LPCTSTR message, LPCTSTR caption, UINT style, UINT defret)
Function | Register a message to the user, displays or logs. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table that we are returning the template for. | message | String containing the message. | caption | Caption for the message. | style | Style of the message box. | defret | Style of the return type. |
Returns | Response of user. |
DerivProperties QueryDerivationPropertiesField(HANDLE hTable, short FieldNum, long EntryNum)
Function | Get the properties for a field derivation. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | A nominated field. | EntryNum | A nominated entry in the field. |
Returns | A structure containing field derivation properties. |
short QueryNameNaturalValueEx(HANDLE hTable, short FieldNum, long ValueNum, LPSTR NameBuff, short LenBuff, DWORD Flags, char EscChar)*
Function | This name is the name that is displayed on the table, providing the user did not select Codes in the Define Recode dialog. This name is a text string which may contain spaces. This function applies to a specific point in a field as displayed, not a natural value. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | A nominated field. | ValueNum | A nominated natural value in the field. | NameBuff | Buffer to receive the name of the value. | LenBuff | Length of the buffer. | Flags | Specifies the formatting that should be applied to the axis name: FORMAT_QUOTED | Encloses the sub strings in quotes. | FORMAT_STRIP_NEW_LINES | Replaces new lines with blank spaces. | FORMAT_USE_ESC_CHAR | Replaces carriage returns and line feeds with an escape characater followed by an 'n'. If being quoted then a quote present in the string is preceded by an escape character. |
| EscChar | Escape character to use. |
Output | NameBuff | The name of the value. |
Returns | The length of the name. |
long QueryAxisMap(HANDLE hTable, AxisType Axis, long *AxisMap, long MaxItems)
Function | Get an axis map for a particular axis in the table. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table. | Axis | The axis (row, column or wafer) for which the axis map is being sought. | AxisMap | Pointer to the array of long to get axis map. | MaxItems | Maximum number of items (in the mapping) to get. |
Output | AxisMap | The axismap (if not NULL). |
Returns | The total number of items in the mapping. |
BOOL QueryAutoZeroSuppress(HANDLE hTable, AxisType Axis)
Function | Query if the auto zero suppression is set for a particular axis in the table. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table. | Axis | The axis for which auto zero suppression info is needed. |
Returns | TRUE if the auto zero suppression is set for the specified axis, FALSE otherwise. |
BOOL QueryXtabulated(HANDLE hTable)
Function | Query if the table has already been cross tabulated. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table. |
Returns | TRUE if the table has already been cross tabulated, FALSE otherwise. |
long QueryFieldMap(HANDLE hTable, long FieldNum, long *FieldMap, long MaxItems)
Function | Get a field map for a particular axis in the table. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table. | FieldNum | Field for which the field map is being sought. | FieldMap | Pointer to the array of long to get field map. | MaxItems | Maximum number of items (in the mapping) to get. |
Output | FieldMap | The field map is received in FieldMap(if this is not NULL). |
Returns | The total number of items in the mapping. |
short QueryNameValueEx(HANDLE hTable, short FieldNum, long ValueNum, LPSTR NameBuff, short LenBuff, DWORD Flags, char EscChar)*
Function | Get the name of a particular entry in the axis. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | A nominated field. | EntryNum | A nominated entry in the dimension. | NameBuff | Buffer to receive the name. | LenBuff | Length of the buffer. | Flags | Specifies the formatting that should be applied to the axis name: FORMAT_QUOTED | Encloses the sub strings in quotes. | FORMAT_STRIP_NEW_LINES | Replaces new lines with blank spaces. | FORMAT_USE_ESC_CHAR | Replaces carriage returns and line feeds with an escape character followed by an 'n'. If being quoted then a quote present in the string is preceded by an escape character. |
| EscChar | Escape character to use. |
Returns | The length of the name of the entry at the specified point in the dimension. |
HANDLE QueryDatastoreHandle(HANDLE hTable)
Function | Get the SuperCROSS Datastore Handle. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . |
Returns | The SuperCROSS Datastore Handle. |
void QueryFieldSequence(HANDLE hTable, short far *Sequence)
Function | Get the actual sequence in which the fields appear in the table. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | Sequence | The array to put the sequence in. |
Output | Sequence | The field sequence. |
double ApplyRounding(double value, long seed, ConfidentialMethodtype Method)
Function | Apply a random rounding to the given value cell according to the specified confidentiality method. |
Parameters | value | The value to be rounded. | seed | Seed value to use when rounding. | Method | Confidentiality method to use. |
Returns | The new value after it has been rounded. |
ConfidentialMethodtype QueryRoundingMethod(HANDLE hTable)
Function | Get the rounding method associated with the database. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . |
Returns | The rounding method associated with the database. Possible return values are: kConfid_Not-Set kConfid_None kConfid_0to3 kConfid_Mod3 kConfid_1to4 kConfid_Grad kConfid_NoDisplay
BOOL QueryFieldHasItemsFromDifferentLevels(HANDLE hTable, long FieldNum)
Function | Query if the field has items from different levels of the hierarchy. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | A nominated field (or dimension to be precise). |
Returns | TRUE if the field has items from different levels in the hierarchy, FALSE otherwise. |
short QueryTableAnnexFileName(HANDLE hTable, LPSTR PathBuff, short LenBuff)
Function | Query the table annex filename associated with this table. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | PathBuff | Buffer to receive the path. | LenBuff | Length of the buffer. |
Output | PathBuff | Table annex file name with complete path. |
Returns | The length of the complete path to the annex file. |
HANDLE QueryConfidDatastoreHandle(HANDLE hTable)
Function | Get the SuperCROSS Confidentiality Datastore Handle. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . |
Returns | The SuperCROSS Confidentiality Datastore Handle. |
BOOL QueryCellIndexConfidential(HANDLE hTable, long *Index)
Function | Query if the particular cell in the table is confidential (indexed by field value). |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | Index | Index into table by field entries. |
Returns | TRUE if is confidential, FALSE if not. This function accesses the data by field value; it does not access the table as displayed. Axis derivations and arrangements are not accessible using this function. |
short QuerycellAnnotationFootnote(HANDLE hTable, short ANum, LPSTR TextBuff, short LenBuff)
Function | Get the annotation footnote text of a particular annotation. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | ANum | The number of the annotation to receive footnote for: - 0 - Slightly Positive
- 1 - Slightly Negative
- >1 - RSE
RSE Annotations are not supported. | TextBuff | Buffer to receive the footnote text. | LenBuff | The size of the TextBuff to receive the footnote text. |
Output | TextBuff | Footnote text for the nominated annotation. |
Returns | Length of the annotation footnote text. This function copies the footnote for the nominated annotation into TextBuff if it is not null and if LenBuff is greater than zero. This function will truncate the text to the number of characters indicated by LenBuff . If TextBuff is null or LenBuff is zero, then this function will simply return the length of the annotation footnote text. |
short QueryStandardAnnotationText(HANDLE hTable, short ANum, LPSTR TextBuff, short LenBuff)
Function | Get the annotation text of a standard annotation. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | ANum | The number of the standard annotation to receive the text for: - 0 - Slightly Positive
- 1 - Slightly Negative
- >1 - RSE
RSE Annotations are not supported. | TextBuff | Buffer to receive the text. | LenBuff | The size of the TextBuff to receive the text. |
Output | TextBuff | Text for the nominated standard annotation. |
Returns | Length of the TextBuff . Copies the text for the nominated standard annotation into TextBuff if it is not null and if LenBuff is greater than zero. This function will truncate the text to the number of characters indicated by LenBuff . If TextBuff is null or LenBuff is zero, then this function will simply return the length of the annotation text. |
short QueryStandardAnnotationFootnote(HANDLE hTable, short ANum, LPSTR TextBuff, short LenBuff)
Function | Get the annotation footnote text of a standard annotation. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | ANum | The number of the standard annotation to receive the footnote for: - 0 - Slightly Positive
- 1 - Slightly Negative
- >1 - RSE
RSE Annotations are not supported. | TextBuff | Buffer to receive the footnote text. | LenBuff | The size of the TextBuff to receive the footnote text. |
Output | TextBuff | Footnote text for the nominated standard annotation. |
Returns | Length of the TextBuff . Copies the footnote for the nominated standard annotation in to TextBuff if it is not null and if LenBuff is greater than zero. This function will truncate the text to the number of characters indicated by LenBuff . If TextBuff is null or LenBuff is zero, then this function will simply return the length of the annotation footnote text. |
BOOL QueryIsStandardAnnotationOn(HANDLE hTable, short AType)
Function | Query if the particular standard annotation is turned on. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | AType | The type of standard annotation: - 0 - Slightly Positive
- 1 - Slightly Negative
- >1 - RSE
RSE Annotations are not supported. |
Returns | TRUE if it is on, FALSE if not. |
short QueryFirstAnnotationFieldIndex(HANDLE hTable, long far *Index, long far annotationNumbers)*
Function | Gets the field index of the first annotated cell and what annotations are present in it. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . |
Output | Index | The index of the first non zero cell. | annotationNumber | A list of annotation numbers that apply to the cell specified by the index. |
Returns | Returns the number of annotations in the first annotated cell or 0 if there are no annotated cells. If this function is called with annotationNumbers = NULL it returns the number of annotations for the first annotated cell. |
short QueryNextAnnotationFieldIndex(HANDLE hTable, long far *Index, long far annotationNumber)*
Function | Gets the field index of the next annotated cell and what annotations are present in it. The first annotated field index should be found using the function QueryFirstAnnotationFieldIndex() . Each successive call to QueryNextAnnotationFieldIndex() will then retrieve the next annotation field index until there are no more indices to retrieve, at which point this function will return 0. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType. | Index | The index of the next non zero cell. | annotationNumber | A list of annotation numbers that apply to the cell specified by the Index. |
Output | Index | The index of the first non zero cell. | annotationNumber | A list of annotation numbers that apply to the cell specified by the index. |
Returns | Returns the number of annotations that are in the cell specified by the return values in Index or 0 if there are no more annotated cells. If this function is called with annotationNumbers = NULL it returns the number of annotations for the next annotated cell. |
BOOL QueryIsCompulsoryField(HANDLE hTable, long FieldNum)
Function | Query if the field has been declared compulsory. Need only for added functionality in ToSCB, when building an SRD file. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | A nominated field (or dimension to be precise). |
Returns | TRUE if the field is compulsory, FALSE otherwise. |
short QueryConfidentialString(HANDLE hTable, LPSTR NameBuff, short LenBuff)
Function | Get the confidential string used in the table. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | NameBuff | Buffer to receive the confidential string. | LenBuff | Length of the buffer. |
Output | NameBuff | Confidential String. |
Returns | The length of the confidential string. |
short QueryDefaultTXDFile(HANDLE hTable, LPSTR NameBuff, short LenBuff)
Function | Get the name of the default TXD file (complete path) if one exists. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | NameBuff | Buffer to receive default TXD filename (complete path). | LenBuff | Length of the buffer. |
Output | NameBuff | Default TXD filename (complete path) if one exists. |
Returns | The length of TXD file name. |
short QueryNumDecPts(HANDLE hTable, short FieldNum, long ValueNum)
Function | Get the number of decimal places to be used for a particular summation field. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | Field no. for the summation options. | ValueNum | Value no. for a summation field within the summation options. |
Returns | The number of decimal places to be used for the specified summation option. |
BOOL QueryCanSumMeasure(HANDLE hTable, short FieldNum, long ValueNum)
Function | Query if a particular summation field (measure) is summable. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | Field number for the summation options. | ValueNum | Value no. for a summation field within the summation options. |
Returns | TRUE if the specified summation field is summable, FALSE otherwise. |
BOOL QueryCellAxisConfidential(HANDLE hTable, long Index[3])
Function | Query if the particular cell in the table is confidential (indexed by axis value). |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | Index | Index into the table by axis entries. |
Returns | TRUE if is confidential, FALSE if not. This function accesses the table as displayed. |
short QueryPowerTenAxis(HANDLE hTable, AxisType Axis, long EntryNum)
Function | Query the power of ten for a particular item in an axis. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | Axis | Axis to look along to get power of ten: - 0 - Wafer
- 1 - Row
- 2 - Column
| EntryNum | Index in the axis to get the power of ten for. |
Returns | Number of power of ten for an axis position. |
short QueryNumDecimalPlacesAxis(HANDLE hTable, AxisType Axis, long EntryNum)
Function | Query the decimal places for a particular item in an axis. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | Axis | Axis to look along to get decimal places: 0 - Wafer 1 - Row 2 - Column
| EntryNum | Index in the axis to get the decimal places for. |
Returns | Number of decimal places for an axis position. |
BOOL QueryIsLastItemAxisReferenceItem(HANDLE hTable, AxisType Axis)
Function | Query if the last item in the axis is the axis reference item. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | Axis | Axis to check: - 0 - Wafer
- 1 - Row
- 2 - Column
Returns | TRUE if it is, FALSE otherwise. |
long QueryAxisReferenceItemGet(HANDLE hTable, AxisType Axis)
Function | Query the index of the item in the axis that is set as the reference item. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | Axis | Axis to check: - 0 - Wafer
- 1 - Row
- 2 - Column
Returns | Index for the axis reference item. |
long QueryNumTopValue(HANDLE hTable, long FieldNum)
Function | Query number of top values from the database. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | Field number in table. |
Returns | The number of top values. |
long QueryTopValues(HANDLE hTable, long FieldNum, long *items)
Function | Query top values from the database. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType. | FieldNum | Field number in table. | items | Array to hold the values. |
Output | |
Returns | The number of top values. |
long QueryNumSubValue(HANDLE hTable, long FieldNum, long itemno)
Function | Query the number of sub values from the database. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | Field number in table. | itemno | Value number of the parent. |
Returns | The number of sub values. |
long QuerySubValues(HANDLE hTable, long FieldNum, long itemno, long *list)
Function | Query sub values from the database. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | Field number in table. | itemno | Value number of the parent. | list | Array to hold the sub values. |
Output | |
Returns | The number of sub values. |
short QueryCodeValueDB(HANDLE hTable, short FieldNum, long value, LPSTR NameBuff, short LenBuff)
Function | Query value code from the database. |
Parameters | hTable7 | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | Field number in table. | value | ID in database. | NameBuff | Buffer to hold the code of the database. | LenBuff | Size of NameBuff. |
Output | NameBuff | The code from the database. |
Returns | The length of the databases code. |
short QueryNameValueDB(HANDLE hTable, short FieldNum, long value, LPSTR NameBuff, short LenBuff)
Function | Query value name from database. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | Field number in table. | value | ID in database. | NameBuff | Buffer to hold the name of the database. | LenBuff | Size of NameBuff . |
Output | NameBuff | The name from the database. |
Returns | The length of the database name. |
short QueryNameAxisIncudeHidden(HANDLE hTable, AxisType Axis, long EntryNum, LPSTR NameBuff, short LenBuff)
Function | Get the name of a particular entry in the axis as well as the hidden entry. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | Axis | A nominated axis. | EntryNum | A nominated entry in the axis. | NameBuff | Buffer to receive the name. | LenBuff | Length of the buffer. |
Output | NameBuff | Name of the nominated entry in the axis. |
Returns | The length of the name of the entry at the specified point in the axis. The name of an entry is obtained in one of two ways: if the entry is an axis derivation, then the name is the name of that axis derivation; if the entry is not an axis derivation, then the name is the concatenation of the names of the component entries for each field. If this name is composed of entires from different fields, they are separated by a comma followed by a blank space. |
long QuerySizeFieldIncludeHidden(HANDLE hTable, short FieldNum)
Function | Get the number of entries in the nominated field. This can be different from the number of natural values in the field if the user has defined one or more field derivations. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | A nominated field. |
Returns | The number of entries in the field. |
short QueryNameValueIncludeHidden(HANDLE hTable, short FieldNum, long ValueNum, LPSTR NameBuff, short LenBuff)
Function | Get the name for a particular value in a particular field at a certain position including items that are hidden. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | A nominated field. | ValueNum | A nominated value in the field. | NameBuff | Buffer to receive the name of the value. | LenBuff | Length of the buffer. |
Output | NameBuff | Value name of the nominated value in a nominated field. |
Returns | The length of the name of a value in a field. |
BOOL QueryCanSumMeasureIncludeHidden(HANDLE hTable, short FieldNum, long ValueNum)
Function | Query if a particular summation field (measure) is summable, including hidden field items. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | Field number for the summation options. | ValueNum | Value number for a summation field within the summation options. |
Returns | TRUE if the specified summation field is summable, FALSE otherwise. |
short QueryTranslatedName(HANDLE hTable, LPSTR NameBuff, short LenBuff)
Function | This retrieves the name keyword of the item from the metastore and translates the keyword into the appropriate multilingual string. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | NameBuff | The text to translate. | LenBuff | The max length of the buffer. |
Output | NameBuff | The translated name. |
Returns | The length of the translated name. |
long QueryBlockpercentInfo(HANDLE hTable, int iID, void pBuffer, int iBufferSizer)*
Function | Retrieve information related to blockpercentage. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | iID | Indicates what value is to be retrieved: - 0 - Total indicator set.
- 1 - Grand recode total field name.
- 2 - Append/Replace indicator set.
- 3 - Format indicator set.
- 4 - Grand Total indicator set.
- 5 - Number of Grand Total decimal points.
| pBuffer | Used to store string or other value. | iBufferSize | Size of the buffer pointed by pBuffer. |
Output | |
Returns | The value specified by iID or the length of the string stored in the buffer. |
BOOL QueryFieldRecodeFactTable(HANDLE hTable, long fieldno, long RecodeNum, char *name, short namelimit)
Function | Returns the name of the specified field recodes fact table. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | fieldno | The number of the field dimension in question. | RecodeNum | The number of the recode within the field dimension. | name | Buffer to receive the name. | namelimit | Length of the buffer. |
Output | name | The name of the fact table that the field belongs to. In non-mappable SXV3 fields the returned string is empty. |
Returns | TRUE for success or FALSE for failure. |
long QueryContributorsCellField(HANDLE hTable, long *Index)
Function | Query the number of contributors to a particular cell in the table (indexed by field value). |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | Index | Index into the table by field entries. |
Returns | The number of contributors to the specified cell or -1 on failure. This will return -1 if used in a table where the number of contributors is not used for any confid methods in the table because in this case the hDSNumContribs datastore will not exist. |
long QueryContributorsCellAxis(HANDLE hTable, long Index[3])
Function | Query the number of contributors to a partcular cell in the table. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | Index | Index into the table by axis entries. |
Returns | The number of contributors to the specified cell or -1 on failure. This will return -1 if used in a table where the number of contributors is not used for any confid methods in the table because in this case the hDSNumContribs datastore will not exist. |
long QueryNumberOfTopContributionsStored(HANDLE hTable)
Function | Query the number of contributors stored for the table. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . |
Returns | The number of contributors stored for the table or -1 on failure. |
BOOL QueryTopContributionsCellField(HANDLE hTable, long *Index, double *contributions)
Function | Output the values of the top contributors stored to the contributions array for a particular cell in the table (indexed by field value). The number of records written to the contributions buffer is returned by QueryNumberOfTopContributionsStored() . |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | Index | Index into the table by axis entries. | contributions | Handle to a buffer for contribution values. |
Output | contributions | The contribution values. |
Returns | TRUE on success FALSE on failure. The values of the top contributors for the specified cell are copied into the provided contributions buffer. The caller must allocate and free the contributions buffer. If the number of contributors to the specified cell are less than or equal to the number of values to be stored for the rule, the results will be zero. |
BOOL QueryTopContributionsCellAxis(HANDLE hTable, long Index[3], double *contributions)
Function | Output the values of the top contributors stored to the contributions array for a particular cell in the table (indexed by axis index). The number of records written to the contributions buffer is returned by QueryNumberOfTopContributionsStored() . |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | Index | Index into the table by axis entries. | contributions | Handle to a buffer for contribution values. |
Output | contributions | The contribution values. |
Returns | TRUE on success FALSE on failure. The values of the top contributors for the specified cell are copied into the provided contributions buffer. The caller must allocate and free the contributions buffer. If the number of contributors to the cell specified are less than or equal to the number of values to be stored for the rule, the results will be zero. |
long QueryNumColumnWidth(HANDLE hTable, long *ColumnIndex)
Function | Get the number of the manual column width. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . |
Output | ColumnIndex | The array of the manual column width index. |
Returns | The number of the manual column width. |
long QueryColumnWidth(HANDLE hTable, long Column)
Function | Get the manual column width. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | Column | The index of the column. |
Returns | The width of the column. |
long QueryFieldReferenceItem(HANDLE hTable, short FieldNum, LPSTR NameBuff, short LenBuff, DWORD Flags, char EscChar)*
Function | Get the length of the name of a reference item in a field. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | A nominated field. | NameBuff | Buffer to receive the name of reference item. | LenBuff | Length of the buffer. | Flags | Specifies the formatting that should be applied to the axis name: FORMAT_QUOTED | Encloses the sub strings in quotes. | FORMAT_STRIP_NEW_LINES | Replaces new lines with blank spaces. | FORMAT_USE_ESC_CHAR | Replaces carriage returns and line feeds with an escape character followed by an 'n'. If being quoted then a quote present in the string is preceded by an escape character. | FORMAT_USE_SPECIFIC_DIVIDER | Replaces the comma used to separate the concatenated names with the provided separator character. |
| EscChar | The escape character to use. |
Output | NameBuff | The name of the reference item. |
Returns | The length of the name of a reference item in a field. |
BOOL SaveConfidentialSummationRecode(HANDLE hTable, LPSTR filename)
Function | This function covers an odd case where the user has confidentiality applied to the default count summation but has not added this to the table. Confidentiality is still applied but the recode is not saved. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | filename | Buffer containing the filename (including path) for the recode to be saved to. |
Returns | Returns true on success, false on failure. |
long QueryAxisManualDecimal(HANDLE hTable, AxisType Axis, long *Index, short *Value)
Function | Get the number of the manual decimal in the axis. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | Axis | The Axis. |
Output | Index | The array of the manual decimal index. | Value | The array of the manual decimal value. |
Returns | The number of the manual decimal in the axis. |
long QueryAxisManualPowerTen(HANDLE hTable, AxisType Axis, long *Index, short *Value)
Function | Get the number of the manual power of ten in the axis. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | Axis | The Axis. |
Output | Index | The array of the manual power of ten index. | Value | The array of the manual power of ten value. |
Returns | The number of the manual power of ten in the axis. |
BOOL QueryValueIndexAxis(HANDLE hTable, short FieldNum, long AxisNum, long *ValueNum)
Function | Get the field index of a given axis item. If the AxisNum is a derivation, it will return the first field item before it. If there are no field items before it will return the first field item after it. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | A nominated field. | AxisNum | A nominated entry in the axis. | ValueNum | Used to hold the field index. |
Output | ValueNum | Index of the field item found, 0 if no item found. |
Returns | TRUE if the next item on the axis is from a different field to the current item (for concatenated fields only). |
short QueryValueNameField(HANDLE hTable, short FieldNum, long ValueNum, LPSTR NameBuff, short LenBuff)
Function | Get the name of a particular field given an item in a field. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | FieldNum | A nominated field. | ValueNum | A nominated item within the field. | NameBuff | Buffer to receive the name. | LenBuff | Length of the buffer. |
Output | NameBuff | Name of the nominated field. |
Returns | The length of the name of the field. This name is the name that is displayed in the spanner heading. The name is a text string that may contain spaces. |
short QueryNumOfFontsUsed(HANDLE hTable)
Function | Return the number of fonts used by the table. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . |
Returns | The number of fonts used by the table. |
LOGFONT QueryGetFont(HANDLE hTable, int fontIndex)
Function | Return the font structure of a certain font from used by the table. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | fontIndex | A zero based index to fonts in the table. |
Returns | The font structure LOGFONT of the requested font. The index order is the same as the order in which the fonts are displayed in the Font menu. |
int QueryGetFieldLabelFont(HANDLE hTable, AxisType axistype, int fieldNum, int valueno)
Function | Return the font of a specified field entry. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | AxisType | A nominated axis where the nominated field resides. | fieldNum | A nominated field. | valueno | The axis index specifying the location of the field entry within the axis. |
Returns | The font index of the requested field entry. The font index returned corresponds to the font indexes of the table. |
int QueryGetFieldValueFont(HANDLE hTable, int rowFieldNo, int colFieldNo, int rowIndex, int colIndex)
Function | Return the font of a specified data cell within the table. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | rowFieldNo | The row nominated field. | colFieldNo | The column nominated field. | rowIndex | The axis index specifying the location within the row axis. | colIndex | The axis index specifying the location within the column axis. |
Returns | The font index of the requested data cell entry. The font of a data cell in a table is determined by the fonts of the data cell's row and column. The font index returned corresponds to the font indexes of the table. |
Followtype QueryGetAllFonts(HANDLE hTable, AxisType axistype, short **fontsInAxis, int axisSize, BOOL *foundFont, BOOL *foundFontForData)
Function | Return all the fonts in the axis. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | axistype | The axis. | axisSize | The axis size. |
Output | fontsInAxis | Two dimensional array storing the font indexes found. | foundFont | TRUE if any font other than the default is used in the table. | foundFontForData | TRUE if any font other than the default is used in the lowest field. This means there are fonts that will affect the data area. |
Returns | The Followtype definition for the data fields in the table. The Followtype indicates what font will be used in the data cells (column, row, priority, etc...) |
short QueryDefaultNumDecimalPts(HANDLE hTable)
Function | Return the default number of decimal points in the table. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . |
Returns | The default number of decimal points in the table. |
short QueryRowLabelColumnWidth(HANDLE hTable, short *leftWidth, short *naturalLeftWidth, short *oldLeftWidth, short *defaultWidth)
Function | Return the column width information of the row label column. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . |
Output | leftWidth | Width of left side (row labels). | naturalLeftWidth | Width of row labels naturally (not multiline). | oldLeftWidth | The real width of the table if it was not for the fact that the client window is not big enough to fit it on the screen. | defaultWidth | The default width of a column (used when column width is zero). |
Returns | The row label column width. |
void QueryGetAllFontStructs(HANDLE hTable, LOGFONT *lfs)
Function | Get an array of all the LOGFONT structures for the table. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | lfs | Array to store the structures. |
Returns | The LOGFONT structures. |
void ProgressMessage(HWND hWnd, LPSTR message)
Function | Creates a progress bar window with the supplied message shown. |
Parameters | hWnd | Handle to the parent window. | message | A string containing your message. |
void ProgressBar(HWND hWnd, long current, long maximum)
Function | Advance the progress bar. |
Parameters | hWnd | Handle to the parent window. | current | The current position in our process. | maximum | The maximum position for this process. |
void EndProgress(HWND hWnd)
Function | Close the progress window |
Parameters | hWnd | Handle to the table window. |
void QueryTranslatedKeyword(HANDLE hTable, LPSTR NameBuff, short LenBuff)
Function | Translates keyword identifiers (##keyword.) to their display names. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | NameBuff | Buffer to containing the text to translate. | LenBuff | Max length of the buffer. |
Output | NameBuff | The translated name. |
Returns | The length of the translated name. |
BOOL QueryAddAnnotationToFieldValue(HWND hWnd, HANDLE hTable, LPSTR NameBuff, short LenBuff, short FieldNum, long ValueNum)
Function | Adds field annotations to display names. |
Parameters | hWnd | Handle to the parent window. | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | NameBuff | Buffer to field name. | LenBuff | Max length of the buffer. | fieldNum | A nominated field. | valueno | The axis index specifying the location of the field entry within the axis. |
Output | NameBuff | Stores the annotated name. |
Returns | TRUE if the annotation assignment was successful. |
void QueryAddBackendAnnotationToNumber(HWND hWnd, HANDLE hTable, LPSTR NameBuff, short LenBuff, long far AxisIndex[3])
Function | Retrieves backend cell annotations. |
Parameters | hWnd | Handle to the parent window. | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | NameBuff | Buffer to hold the cell annotation. | LenBuff | Max length of the buffer. |
Output | NameBuff | The cell annotation. |
short QuerynoCellManualAnnotations(HANDLE hTable, short annType)
Function | Determine the number of cell manual annotations for the table. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | annType | Type of annotation: - 0 - cell manual annotation.
- 1 - external RSE annotation.
- 2 - both
RSE Annotations are not supported. |
Returns | The number of cell manual annotations defined for the table. |
double ApplyCellRounding(HANDLE hTable, long access)
Function | Apply rounding to the specified cell. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | access | Access number to the desired cell (in the table datastore). |
Returns | The new rounded value. |
Function | Retrieve the table language. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | NameBuff | Buffer to hold the table language name. | LenBuff | Max length of the buffer. |
Output | NameBuff | The language the table is in. |
Returns | The length of the table language name. |
short QueryReportCode(HANDLE hTable, LPSTR NameBuff, short LenBuff)
Function | Retrieve the report code. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType. | NameBuff | Buffer to hold the report code. | LenBuff | Max length of the buffer. |
Output | NameBuff | The table report code. |
Returns | The length of the report code. |
long QuerySelectedAxisInfo(HANDLE hTable, int iAxisID, long plList, int iTotal)*
Function | Get information on the current table selection. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | iAxisID | ID of axis information requested: - 0 - selected wafer axis index
- 1 - indices of selected rows
- 2 - indices of selected columns
- 3 - table selection
- 4 - current wafer index
- 5/6 - output type (0 - all table, 1 - selected wafers, 2 - current wafer)
- 7 - list of wafers with selected items
| plList | Array of longs to hold return values. | iTotal | Length of the supplied array of longs. |
Output | plList | List of requested values. |
Returns | The number of elements written to plList . |
BatchPrintSettings QueryBatchPrintSettings(HANDLE hTable)
Function | Retrieve batch print settings. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . |
Returns | A BatchPrintingSettings struct containing the current settings (defined in AxisType.h). |
Function | Check whether the current database is an SXV4 database or not. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . |
Returns | TRUE if the database is SXV4, else FALSE. |
BOOL SaveAsStructuralXML(HANDLE hTable, LPSTR filename)
Function | Save the table as structural XML. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | filename | Destination file path and name. |
Returns | TRUE or FALSE, depending on whether save was successful. |
BOOL SaveAsCALS(HANDLE hTable, LPSTR filename)
Function | Save the table in XML - CAL model format. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | filename | Destination file path and name. |
Returns | TRUE or FALSE, depending on whether the save was successful. |
short QueryNameAxisForSortRange(HANDLE hTable, AxisType Axis, long EntryNum, LPSTR NameBuff, short LenBuff, DWORD Flags, char EscChar, char * Seperator)*
Function | Get the name of a particular entry in the axis. This function is similar to QueryNameAxisEx , but can also handle axes with sort ranges. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | Axis | A nominated axis. | EntryNum | A nominated entry in the axis. | NameBuff | Buffer to hold the name. | LenBuff | Length of the buffer. | Flags | The formatting that should be applied to the axis name: FORMAT_QUOTED | Encloses the sub strings in quotes. | FORMAT_STRIP_NEW_LINES | Replaces new lines with blank spaces. | FORMAT_USE_ESC_CHAR | Replaces carriage returns and line feeds with an escape character followed by an 'n'. If being quoted then a quote present in the string is preceded by an escape character. | FORMAT_USE_SPECIFIC_DIVIDER | Replaces the comma used to separate the concatenated names with the provided separator character. |
| EscChar | Escape character to use. | Separator | Seperator to use. |
Output | NameBuff | The name in the axis. |
Returns | The length of the name of the entry at the specified point in the axis The name of an entry is obtained in one of two ways: - If the entry is an axis derivation, then the name is the name of that axis derivation.
- If the entry is not an axis derivation, then the name is the concatenation of the names of the component entries for each field.
If this name is composed from different fields, the entries are separated by newline characters. This function is an extension in that there are a series of flags that can be used to define how the string is formatted. |
char QueryDecimalSymbol(HANDLE hTable)
Function | Get the multilingual version of the decimal symbol used on the table. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . |
Returns | The decimal point character. |
char QueryThousandsSeparatorSymbol(HANDLE hTable)
Function | Get the multilingual version of the thousands separator symbol used in the table. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . |
Returns | The thousands separator character. |
int QueryTableLanguages(HANDLE hTable, char **names, short length)
Function | Get the list of available table languages for a multilingual database. If the names array is not big enough to hold all the language codes, no information is stored in it. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | names | A two dimensional array to hold the language codes. | length | The size of the names array. |
Output | |
Returns | The number of table languages available, or: - 0 - the database is not multilingual.
- -1 - there was an error.
BOOL SetTableLanguage(HANDLE hTable, char *lang)
Function | Set the table language for a multilingual database. This changes the text retrieved when text is translated with QueryTranslatedKeyword() . The table language is automatically reset after the output plugin returns. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | lang | The language code of the language desired. |
Returns | TRUE if the language change was successful, else FALSE. |
long QueryParentValue(HANDLE hTable, long fieldno, long itemno)
Function | Get the field ID of the parent value in the supplied hierarchical field. You can use QueryUniqueValue() to retrieve a field's ID in order to recognize the parent if it's on the table. Alternatively QueryAllAncestorValues() can be used to retrieve all ancestors. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | fieldNum | The field ID of the child field. | itemno | The item in the field. |
Returns | The field ID of the parent field. |
BOOL QuerySuperCROSSVersion(HANDLE hTable, char *buffer, int length)
Function | Get the SuperCROSS version number. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | buffer | An array to hold the version number string. | length | The length of buffer. |
Output | buffer | The version number string in [major].[minor].[micro].[build] format |
Returns | The length on the version number string. |
long QueryAllAncestorValues(HANDLE hTable, long fieldno, long itemno, long *ancestors, long ancestorSize)
Function | Get the field IDs of all the parent values in the supplied hierachical field. You can use QueryUniqueValue() to retrieve a field's ID in order to recognise the parent if it is on the table. QueryParentValue() can also be used to retrieve only the immediate parent. If ancestors is NULL or ancestorSize is less then 1, then only the number of ancestors is returned. |
Parameters | hTable | Handle to the table data taken from the OutputCallBackType . | fieldNum | The field ID of the child field. | itemno | The item in the field. | ancestors | An array to hold the ancestor IDs. | ancestorSize | The size of the ancestors array. |
Output | ancestors | A list of the unique IDs of the parents from closest ancestor to greatest ancestor (parent, grandparent, great grandparent, etc.) |
Returns | The number of ancestors. |