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User Access and Restrictions - SuperWEB2

You can configure limits and restrictions on what users can do when connected to SuperWEB2.

User Limits

Concurrent User Limits

You can configure concurrent user limits to restrict the number of users from a particular SuperADMIN user group who can be logged in at any one time.

For example, if you have enabled guest access, you might want to limit the number of guest users who can be logged in at once.

Learn more about configuring user limits.

Saved Table Limits

You can restrict the number of saved tables that users can have at any one time. If users exceed their limit they will have to delete some existing tables before they can save any more.

Learn more about configuring limits on saved tables.

User Query Limits

You can set limits on the size of tables that users can create. For example you can restrict the number of fields users can add to a table, and the number of rows and columns they can have in a table.

Learn more about configuring user query limits.

Guest Access

You may wish to allow users to access SuperWEB2 without logging in (referred to as guest access).

When guest access is enabled, users can access SuperWEB2 by clicking the guest login link on the login screen, or by visiting a special URL that bypasses the login screen altogether and takes them straight to SuperWEB2.

Learn how to...

Control Which Fields Can be Added to or Removed from Tables

There are a number of options you can configure to control what fields can be added to or removed from a table.

Field Exclusion Rules

You can use the field exclusion rules to limit the number of fields from a defined group that can be added to the table at any one time. This feature is typically used to restrict the number of sub-state geographies that can be added into a table at the one time.

Learn more about configuring the field exclusion rules.

Mandatory Fields

It is possible to configure certain fields so that they are automatically added to all new tables by default.

If you wish, you can also make these fields mandatory. In this case it will not be possible for users to remove the fields from that table.

Learn more about configuring mandatory fields.

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