Working With Hierarchies - SuperWEB2
You may have fields in your data that are represented as hierarchies.
For example, in the sample Retail Banking dataset, the Area field contains a hierarchy of several levels, with states at the top level, down to post codes at the lowest level:

Using Select All At Level with Hierarchies
You can use the Select all at level option with hierarchies to quickly select all values at a particular level in a hierarchical field.
For example:
Use the option from the top level to select all post codes under all branches of the hierarchy:
Use the option from one of the states to select all the post codes under that state only:
Use the option from one of the state sub-divisions to select all the post codes from all the branches under that sub-division only:
Use the option from one of the suburbs to select just the post codes under that suburb:
Navigating the Hierarchy within a Table
When your table includes a hierarchical field, you can also navigate the hierarchy within the table itself.
Click any of the underlined field items to navigate down through the hierarchy. For example:

Click << next to the row or column heading to navigate up the hierarchy. For example:

Drag and Drop with Hierarchies
When you use drag and drop with a hierarchical field, you can choose whether you want to add the item you are dragging or its children. This will depend on where you click to start dragging:
- If you start dragging from the Select all at level button, then SuperWEB2 will add the item's children to the table.
- If you start dragging from anywhere else on the item, then SuperWEB2 will add the item you are dragging.
For example:
Dragging from the name of the item New South Wales adds the item New South Wales to the table:

Dragging from the Select all at level button adds the item's children to the table:

Using Items from Different Levels of a Hierarchy in the Table
By default, SuperWEB2 allows you to add items from different levels in a hierarchy to a table at the same time.
For example, with the Retail Banking Area field, you can add a mix of cities and states to the table: