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Menu Options

This page describes the menu options available in chart mode. For details about the standard SuperCROSS menu options, see Menu Options.

File Menu

OptionIconKeyboard ShortcutSelect To...
Ctrl+NOpen the Catalogue dialog to choose a database and create a new table.
Ctrl+OOpen a SuperCROSS project, saved table definition, or database file.
Ctrl+SSave the current table and chart. See Output Formats and Saving for more information.
Save As

Save the current table with a new filename.
Save All

Save all open tables.
Ctrl+F4Close the current cross tabulation.
Create Chart

Create a chart based on the current table.
Create Map

Create a map based on the current table.
Create Page Layout

Print Chart

Print the current chart.

Export Chart

Export the chart as a bitmap image.
Alt+F4Exit SuperCROSS.

Edit Menu

OptionSelect To...
Deselect All

View Menu

OptionIconSelect To...
Layer Control
Show or hide the Layer Control window.
Open the Chart Settings window. See Settings for more information.

Chart Menu

OptionIconSelect To...
Chart Explorer

Chart Wizard


Chart Type
Change the chart type to one of the other chart options.

Tools Menu

OptionIconSelect To...
Zoom In

Zoom in to the chart. Select this option and then click the chart to zoom.

Zoom Out
Zoom out of the chart. Select this option and then click the chart to zoom.
Zoom to Layer
Resize the current chart to fit the entire area in the current window.
Select annotations or the entire chart. After activating this tool, you can click annotation objects to select them, or click to select the entire chart.
Rect Select
Select annotations or the entire chart. After activating this tool, you can click and drag to draw a selection area on the chart. All the annotations inside the area will be selected.
Activate the pan tool. After activating this tool, click and drag to pan around the chart area.
Activate the centre tool. After activating this tool, click the chart to centre it in the window.
Activate the information ToolTip. After activating this tool, move the mouse pointer over the chart to display annotations showing information about the values in the chart.

Annotations Menu

OptionIconSelect To...
Create a textual annotation.
Draw a rectangle.
Draw an ellipse.
Draw a line.
Draw a symbol.
Add a legend (key).
Bring to Front
Bring the selected annotation to the front.
Send to Back
Send the selected annotation to the back.

Window Menu

OptionSelect To...
CascadeArrange the windows for all open tables in a cascade.
Tile HorizontallyArrange the windows for all open tables on top of each other as horizontal tiles.
Tile VerticallyArrange the windows for all open tables side-by-side on screen as vertical tiles.
ArrangeArrange the windows for all open tables on screen.

Help Menu

OptionKeyboard ShortcutSelect To...
Online User GuideF1Open the online user guide.
About Table Data

E-mail Support
Start a new message in your default email client that you can use to contact support.
WingArc Australia on the Web
Open the WingArc Australia website in your default web browser.
See information about the product version.
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