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You can set various options and settings for the SuperCROSS client from the Options window (Edit > Options).

This section explains the options available on each tab.

You can use the Set As Default check box to save your settings as the defaults for the next time you use SuperCROSS.


Guide LinesSpecifies whether to display the column and row guide lines.

Sets the default action when SuperCROSS starts:

Create New TableOpen the Catalogue to create a new table.
Open FileOpen a file browser where you can select a saved table.
Do NothingSuperCROSS will do nothing and wait for your input.
Table BackgroundChanges the table background colour.
Field List BoxChanges the font used in the Fields window.
Table Labels


  • The organisation name (displayed in the table header).
  • The indentation displayed on sub items in the Define Recode window.

Sets the amount of error/warning messages displayed in SuperCROSS.

NoviceDisplays all error and warning messages.
ExperiencedDisplays fewer warning and error messages.
AdvancedDisplays only the most serious warnings.
ExpertDisplays very few error and warning messages.
Status Bar HelpSelect this option to display help messages in the application status bar.
Display Fields Dialog AutomaticallySelect this option to display the Fields window automatically when you open a database.
Use As DefaultSelect this option to save your settings as the defaults for next time you use SuperCROSS.
Always Allow Cross-tabulationSelect this option to always allow re-tabulation even if the table has not changed.


Recode TotalSets the default position of recode totals in a table.
Field Derivation

Sets the default display position of field derivation totals in a table:

FirstNew field derivations will be added as the first field in the axis.
LastNew field derivations will be added as the last field in the axis.
Cursor PositionNew field derivations will be added to the right of the field you clicked on (if you are adding a derivation to a column) or below the field you clicked on (if you are adding a derivation to a row or wafer).
Grand TotalAdds an automatic grand total to all tables, either as the First field or the Last field.
Axis Derivation

Sets the default display position of axis derivation totals in a table:

FirstNew axis derivations will be added as the first field in the axis.
LastNew axis derivations will be added as the last field in the axis.
Cursor PositionNew axis derivations will be added to the right of the field you clicked on (if you are adding a derivation to a column) or below the field you clicked on (if you are adding a derivation to a row or wafer).
LabelsSets the default label for the derivation and recode table totals. If you create a derivation by adding all the values to the expression, SuperCROSS will automatically populate the label with this value.
Use As DefaultSelect this option to save your settings as the defaults for next time you use SuperCROSS.


Data Storage

Controls how data is stored when creating large tables. These settings determine memory usage:

Dense MatrixAll table data is stored in memory (approximately 10 bytes of memory is required per cell).
Sparse MatrixOnly non-zero data values are stored in memory (no memory is allocated to zero value cells). Slightly more memory (approximately 14 bytes) is required for each non-zero cell, but this reduces the amount of memory used overall. This setting will slightly decrease tabulation performance as the memory allocation is performed "on the fly".
Prefer DenseSuperCROSS will use a dense matrix until the memory is full and then switch to the sparse matrix. This is the recommended setting and the default.
Data Font

Sets the font used to display table data:

FirstUse the first font set in the Fonts options (Edit > Fonts).
RowUse the same font as the row header.
ColumnUse the same font as the column header.
PriorityDisplay column, row or derivation label font headers in the same font as the assigned font selections, overriding the table data font display.
Large Axes

Use this setting to allow the creation of tables with a very large number of values. When you create a very large table, SuperCROSS will switch to "large axes mode". In this mode, only the first two items in the large axis display while you are constructing the table. This makes it easier to create the table. The full set of values will be retrieved when you run the cross tabulation.

To activate large axes mode, select the Allow Very Large Axes check box and choose whether you want to activate the mode when:

  • There are more than X items in an axis; or
  • There is no more physical memory.

If you are going to be building very large tables, then you may want to select the After X Items In Axis option and set it to a very low number (e.g. After 6 Items In Axis). This will make it much quicker to construct your table, as SuperCROSS will not need to display the full axis until you run the cross tabulation.

Data Strings

Controls the strings used to represent various data values:

Zero StringThe string used to represent cells where the result is zero.
No Contributors StringThe string representing a cell that has no records contributing to its value.
Confidentiality StringThe string representing con­fidential table cell data.
Suppress Total StringThe string representing a sup­pressed cell.
Use As DefaultSelect this option to save your settings as the defaults for next time you use SuperCROSS.


Data Layout

Sets the default display of columns, rows, and wafers (in points):

Column WidthThe default column width.
Row WidthThe default row width.
Auto Row WidthOverrides the row width setting; if you select this option the row width will be set automatically to fit the field name.
Row IndentationThe spacing used to indent nested fields in rows.
Row WrappingThe spacing used to indent wrapped text in rows.
WaferThe spacing used to indent nested fields in wafers.
Annotation Width

The width of annotations at the right of data cells. If annotation symbols cannot fit in the space, they display a symbol on the left of the data. For example * 12345.

  • If this is set to 0 the annotation is added just before the cell text.
  • If this is set to a positive value the annotation is added the specified number of characters to the right of the cell text.
  • If this is set to a negative value the annotation is added the specified number of characters to the left of the cell text.
Number Format

Sets the formatting of large numbers in cell values. You can choose:

  • Whether or not to show a thousand separator, such as a comma (the character used as the separator is determined by your system settings).
  • How many decimal places to show. You can specify a value from -9 to 9 inclusive:
    • Set this to a positive value to show that number of decimal places.
    • Set this to 0 to show no decimal places.
    • Set this to a negative number to apply integer rounding (for example if you set this to -1 then the value 15.151 would be rounded up to 20).

The number of decimal places configured by this setting applies to all values in tables except for grand total percentages (activated by selecting Calculations > Grand Total followed by Calculations > Replace Percent). Grand total percentages use the OtherDataDecimalPlace setting defined in the super.ini configuration file.

Decimal Places

Sets the default decimal places setting for tables and controls whether this value will be explicitly saved to TXD and SCS files. This is particularly important when saving tables for use in SuperWEB2 as any explicit decimal places setting in the TXD will override the SuperWEB2 precision settings.

DefaultThe value entered in the text box will be used as the table default, but the value will not be saved in the TXD or SCS file.
SpecifyThe value entered in the text box will be used as the table default and will be explicitly saved in the TXD or SCS file.

If you select the Use As Default check box then you setting will be saved to the super.ini configuration file and applied the next time you start SuperCROSS.


Sets the default table display of decimal places. The cell uses the largest of the settings when all the dimensions have different settings, and commonly used values are listed.

0Displays the power of ten units at zero.
3Displays the power of ten units at thousands.
6Displays the power of ten units at millions.
9Displays the power of ten units at billions.
OtherEnter a number.

Set automatic formatting:

Table FormattingSets table formatting options automatically after cross tabulation.
ConfidentialitySelect this option to apply confidentiality rules to tables automatically.
Use As DefaultSelect this option to save your settings as the defaults for next time you use SuperCROSS.


Default SettingsControls whether lines are displayed on tables. Use the drop-down list to select whether to change the settings for the column headings, row headings, table body, etc and then use the check boxes to turn the individual lines on or off.
Lines Around Empty Axis HeadingsSelect this option to display the lines for the row, column and wafer headings even if there is no heading in that axis.
Use As DefaultSelect this option to save your settings as the defaults for next time you use SuperCROSS.


Zero Suppression

Activates zero suppression. You can use this feature to hide (suppress) any columns, rows, or wafers that only contain zeros.

Reveal All FirstAll cell values will display initially, before zero suppression occurs.
Suppress RowsAny rows that contain only zero values will be suppressed.
Suppress ColumnsAny columns that contain only zero values will be suppressed.
Suppress WafersAny wafers that contain only zero values will be suppressed.
Fast Zero SuppressionSelect this option to enhance the performance of the suppression process (the performance of the cross tabulation process will be slightly decreased).
Use As DefaultSelect this option to save your settings as the defaults for next time you use SuperCROSS.


Date FormatSets the date format to use throughout SuperCROSS.
Time FormatSets the time format to use throughout SuperCROSS.
Use As DefaultSelect this option to save your settings as the defaults for next time you use SuperCROSS.

Duty of Care

It is quite common for a SuperSTAR database to contain multiple fact tables in a parent-child (one-to-many) type relationship. When a result table contains classifications from both fact tables, it is very important that the user understands where the cell counts come from (the parent table or the child table).

The duty of care settings are designed to prevent you from creating potentially erroneous tables, and to ensure that you will always know what is being counted in the cross tabulation.


This setting is designed to protect you against unintentionally counting from the wrong table for databases with two or more fact tables. You can get incorrect table results if the default count is not associated with the correct fact table. Choose from the following options:

Use default countUse the first field value in the Summation Options table (for example a default database count/measure) irrespective of the type of fact tables added to the table.
Use count from tableUse the count associated with the fact table that corresponds to the added fields.
Multiple Tables

Controls what happens when a database contains multiple count/measure fact tables:

Use default count when fields from multiple tableThe default count is always used.
Select count when fields from multiple tablesThe user will be prompted to choose the fact table count.
Multi Response

Ensures that all parts of a multi-response field are added to the table together. When this option is selected, if one part of a multi-response field is dragged into a table (either the question or the answer), then the other part of the multi-response field is automatically added into the table too.

This setting is only applicable to situations where the multi-response table has separate fields for the question and the answers. For example, the following multi-response question consists of two fields; one contains the question (the methods of transport) and the other contains the positive responses. These fields need to be added to the table together in order to see meaningful results.

If the multi-response field is structured differently in the SXV4 (i.e. there is no separate field containing answers), then this setting does not need to be enabled.

When you activate this option, you can select where to place the other field by selecting one of the following radio buttons:

  • Place added field in the opposite axis
  • Place added field in the same axis

See Multi-Response Questions in Survey Data for more information about building SXV4 databases with multi-response data.

UndoSelect this option to enable the undo feature, and set the number of available levels of undo.
Use As DefaultSelect this option to save your settings as the defaults for next time you use SuperCROSS.


The configuration tab controls various configuration settings. Select the area from the Settings drop-down list and then select a setting to change it.

When you select a setting from the list, the Description area provides information about the setting.

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