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Check and Reset Field Level Security Settings

How Do I Check the Current Field Level Security Settings?

The following examples show how you can check the current Field Level Security settings configured on the database.

Check If Field Level Security Is In Use

To find out if a database has any Field Level Security configured, use the command:

cat <database_id>

The security flag at the database level is set to true if there is any Field Level Security set anywhere on the database. Otherwise the flag is set to false.

In this example, the Retail Banking database has Field Level Security configured, but the people database does not:

Check Field Level Security for a Specific Field

To check the security settings for a field, summation option, value or value set use the command:

cat <database_id> <field> access

In this example, access to Marital Status is explicitly denied to nswuser1, qlduser1 and Guests; access is explicitly granted to vicuser1:

> cat bank "Marital Status" access
[Access Settings : nswuser1, qlduser1, Guests (Inheritable:true)  ]
    read         : false
 [Access Settings : vicuser1 (Inheritable:true)  ]
    read         : true

In this example there are no explicit permissions set to the Marital Status value Single:

cat bank "Marital Status" "Single" access

Check Field Level Security for a Specific Field and User/Group

To check the security settings applicable to a specific user or group for a given field, summation option, value or value set, use this command:

cat <database_id> <field> access {<user>|<group>}

In this example the bankusers group has explicit access to the Marital Status field:

> cat bank "Marital Status" access bankusers
[Access Settings : bankusers]
    read         : true

How Do I Reset Field Level Security?

Use these commands to reset Field Level Security. The permissions will be reset to those in place at the time SuperSERVER was last started.

Reset Security for a Field/Summation Option/Value/Value Set

To reset the security for a given field, summation option, value or value set, use this command:

cat <database_id> <field> access reset

This example resets all permissions on the field Marital Status:

> cat bank "Marital Status" access reset
> cat bank "Marital Status" access

Reset Security for a Specified User/Group

To reset the security for a specific user or group, use this command:

cat <database_id> <field> access {<user>|<group>} reset

This example resets permissions on the field Marital Status for the bankusers group:

> cat bank "Marital Status" access bankusers reset
> cat bank "Marital Status" access bankusers
[Access Settings : bankusers]
    read         : true
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