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Configure Record View Permissions

The Record View feature allows users of the clients (such as SuperWEB2 and SuperCROSS) to view the individual unit record data that contributes to a cell.

Use the cat command to control which users and groups have access to the Record View feature.

  • To give a user or group access to Record View, use the command:

    cat <id> recordview value {<user>|<group>} true

    For example:

    cat bank recordview value allusers true
  • To prevent a user or group from accessing Record View, use the command:

    cat bank recordview value jsmith false

You can check a user or group's current Record View permissions by using the command without true or false. For example:

> cat bank recordview value jsmith
[Value Settings : jsmith]
    Value : true

Additional Configuration for SuperWEB2

 For SuperWEB2, in addition to giving the relevant users the Record View permission, you must also enable the feature in the SuperWEB2 configuration.

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