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Use this command to configure the catalogue; the collection of folders, databases, tables and recodes available to SuperSERVER.

FolderSimilar to a folder in a filesystem, you can use folders to organise the items in the catalogue and group together related items. The folders will be displayed to end users in the client (SuperCROSS, SuperWEB2, etc)
DatabaseAn sxv4 file containing the SuperSTAR database for cross tabulation.
TableA saved table that can be loaded by SuperSTAR clients.
Recode GroupA set of saved recodes or User Defined Fields (UDFs) that can be loaded by SuperSTAR clients.

Use the cat command to:

View Current Catalogue Settings

Display all the items in the catalogue, including databases, folders, tables and recode groups, along with their settings.
cat <id>

Display the settings for the specified database, folder, table or recode group.

Note: Items in the catalogue have a display name (the name that is displayed to end users in the client) and an ID (a unique identifier). When managing the item in SuperADMIN, you must always use the ID, not the display name.

If a display name or ID includes non alphanumeric characters (e.g. a space) then you must enclose it in quote marks. You must also enclose a display name or ID in quotes if it starts with a numeric character.

cat <database_id> fields
List all the fields for the specified database.
cat <database_id> <field_name>
List all the ID and value set IDs for the specified field.
cat <database_id> <field_name> <value_set> values
List all the values for this value set.
cat [ <folder_id> ] databases
List all the databases in the specified folder (or at the root level if you omit the folder ID).
cat [ <folder_id> ] folders
List all the folders in the specified folder (or at the root level if you omit the folder ID).
cat [ <folder_id> ] tables
List all the tables in the specified folder (or at the root level if you omit the folder ID).
cat [ <folder_id> ] recodegroups
List the recode groups in the specified folder (or at the root level if you omit the folder ID).

Add Databases, Folders, Tables and Recode Groups

cat [ <folder_id> ] adddb <database_id> [ <display_name> ] <path_location> <server_id>

Add a new database to the catalogue.

(Optional): the folder to install the database in. If you omit this the database will be installed at the top level of the catalogue.

A unique identifier for the database. This is the identifier that you will use to manage and configure the database in SuperADMIN.

The ID must only contain ASCII characters.


(Optional): a display name for the database. This is what users will see in the client (SuperCROSS, SuperWEB2, etc).

For example, if the ID is bank, the display name might be "Retail Banking".

  • Use double quotes if the display name contains a space.
  • If you omit the display name it will automatically be set to the same value as the database ID.
The location of the sxv4 file that contains the database. This can either be an absolute path or a location relative to the SuperSERVER program data directory (in a default installation, this is C:\ProgramData\STR\SuperSERVER SA). The location must be accessible from the machine that SuperSERVER is installed on.
The network name of the machine running SuperSERVER.
cat [ <folder_id> ] addfolder <new_folder_id> [ <display_name> ]

Create a new folder.

(Optional): the folder to create the folder in. If you omit this the folder will be created at the top level of the catalogue.

A unique identifier for the new folder. This is the identifier that you will use to manage and configure the folder in SuperADMIN.

The ID must only contain ASCII characters.


(Optional): a display name for the folder. This is what users will see in the client (SuperCROSS, SuperWEB2, etc).

  • Use double quotes if the display name contains a space.
  • If you omit the display name it will automatically be set to the same value as the folder ID.
cat [ <folder_id> ] addrecodegroup <recode_group_id> [ <display_name> ] <path_location>

Add a group of recodes to the catalogue.

(Optional): the folder to add the recodes to. If you omit this the recodes will be added at the top level of the catalogue.

A unique identifier for the recode group. This is the identifier that you will use to manage and configure the group in SuperADMIN.

The ID must only contain ASCII characters.


(Optional): a display name for the recode group. This is what users will see in the client (SuperCROSS, SuperWEB2, etc).

  • Use double quotes if the display name contains a space.
  • If you omit the display name it will automatically be set to the same value as the recode group ID.
The location of the file that contains the recode information. This can either be an absolute path or a location relative to the SuperSERVER installation directory, but it must be accessible from the machine that SuperSERVER is installed on.
cat [ <folder_id> ] addtable <table_id> [ <display_name> ] <path_location> 

Add a table to the catalogue.

(Optional): the folder to add the table to. If you omit this the table will be added at the root level of the catalogue.

A unique identifier for the table. This is the identifier that you will use to manage and configure the table in SuperADMIN.

The ID must only contain ASCII characters.


(Optional): a display name for the table. This is what users will see in the client (SuperCROSS, SuperWEB2, etc).

  • Use double quotes if the display name contains a space.
  • If you omit the display name it will automatically be set to the same value as the table ID.
The location of the file that contains the table information. This can either be an absolute path or a location relative to the SuperSERVER program data directory (in a default installation, this is C:\ProgramData\STR\SuperSERVER SA). The location must be accessible from the machine that SuperSERVER is installed on.

Modify Databases, Folders, Tables and Recode Groups

cat <id> {up|down}

Change the order items are listed in the catalogue (the order of items in the catalogue is also the order they will be displayed to users in the clients).

Use this command to move an item up or down the list.

cat <id> move <folder_id>

Move the specified item into the specified folder.

To move an item to the top level of the catalogue, use the folder ID root. For example:

cat myDatabase move root
cat <database_id> location <path_location>
Change the location of the sxv4 file that contains the database. This can either be an absolute path or a location relative to the SuperSERVER program data directory (in a default installation, this is C:\ProgramData\STR\SuperSERVER SA). The location must be accessible from the machine that SuperSERVER is installed on.
cat [ <id> ] displayname <display_name>

Change the display name of the specified database, folder, table, or recode group.

If you omit the <id> then this command will change the display name of the database server (the display name is visible to end users in SuperCROSS, in the Select Database or Table dialog). The default server display name is SuperSTAR Database Server. You can change this to something more meaningful to your deployment. For example:

cat displayname "Initech Database Server"
cat <id> id <new_id>

Change the ID of the specified database, folder, table or recode group.

You are recommended not to change IDs, but if you do you will need to restart SuperSERVER and re-apply all the user permissions for the catalogue item.

cat {<database_id>|<folder_id>} multilingual {true|false}
Set the database or folder to be multilingual. This setting is used in conjunction with multilingual metadata to display database/table names, and field names in multiple languages. See Metadata and Multilingual Tables - SuperCROSS for more details on setting up multilingual metadata.
cat remove <id>

Remove the specified database, folder, table, or recode group from the catalogue.

Removing a folder will remove all the databases within that folder.

Set and Check User Access Permissions

cat <id> [ <item> ] access {<user>|<group>}
Check what permissions the specified user or group has over the specified database, folder, table, or recode group.
cat <id> [ <item> ] access {<user>|<group>} reset
Reset the permissions for this user or group over the specified database, folder, table, or recode group to the defaults.
cat <id> permissions
Check which users or groups have permissions set for the specified catalogue item.
cat userpermissions
Check the logged in user's permissions.
cat {<database_id>|<folder_id>} [ <item> ] access {<user>|<group>|<collection>} 
{read|write|readpermissions|writepermissions} {true|false}

Allow or deny access to the database or table.


The ID of the database or folder you are applying the permission to.


(Optional): the ID of an item within the database to apply security to. If you omit this, the permission is applied to the whole database.

The item can be a field, summation option, value, or value set ( see these instructions for more information about configuring Field Level Security ).


The user or group this setting applies to.

Use <collection> to set access permissions for multiple users in one go. Enclose the list of users in square brackets and separate each user with a comma. For example:

cat bank access [user1,user2,user3] read true 

The permission to apply.

  • read - the user can read/view the catalogue item. You must give users read access to at least one database.
  • write - the user can write/edit/change the catalogue item.
  • readpermissions - the user can give other users read permissions over the catalogue item.
  • writepermissions - the user can give other users write permissions over the catalogue item.
  • Set to true to allow access for the specified user or group.
  • Set to false to deny access for the specified user or group.

View and Export Tables and Recode Groups

cat {<table_id>|<recode_group_id>} content

Display the details of the table or recode group. For example:

> cat savedtable1 content
        DBID "bank"
        HEADING "&&o&n&&d&nTable 1&n&&v&n&&s"
        FOOTER "&&r&n&&f&n&&c&n&&p&n&&a"
cat {<table_id>|<recode_group_id>} export <path_location>
Export the table or recode group to a file. The path location must be a full path to the location to save the file on disk.

Statistical Functions

cat aggregatestatfunction family name <name> 

Set the aggregated statistical function used by SuperSERVER. This algorithm is used for calculating medians, percentiles and paretos in derivations.

The default is Parzen#1; you can change it to Parzen#2 if necessary, using the following command:

cat aggregatestatfunction family name Parzen#2
cat [ <database_id> ] addstatfunction {mean|median} 

Add a statistical function to the available options in the SuperWEB2 Summation Options. Currently mean and median are the only available options.

If you specify a database ID then the change will apply to that database only. If you omit the ID then it will apply to all databases by default (unless it is overridden for a specific database).

This setting applies to SuperWEB2 only.

cat [ <database_id> ] removestatfunction {mean|median} 

Remove a statistical function from the available Summation Options in SuperWEB2. If you specify a database ID then the change will apply to that database only. If you omit the ID then the function will be removed from the global default setting.

This setting applies to SuperWEB2 only.

cat [ <database_id> ] availablestatfunctions

List the statistical functions currently enabled for the specified database. If you omit the database ID this command will list the functions currently enabled at the root level.

This statistical functions apply to SuperWEB2 only.

cat unitrecord nullhandling {NullAsSkipped|NullAsZero}

Configure how SuperSERVER will handle null values when computing statistical functions on measure fields.

The treatment of null values can affect the result. For example, suppose you have the following set of values: 4, 2, NULL

If you calculate the mean from these values, then the result will either be:

  • 2, if you treat the NULL value as zero: (4+2+0)/3 = 2
  • 3, if you skip the NULL value: (4+2)/2 = 2

The default setting is NullAsSkipped.

cat unitrecord
Display the current null handling setting.
cat Quantile

Display the current quantile settings.

cat Quantile algorithm {Step|AverageStep|WeightedAverage}

Set the algorithm used for quantile calculations:

StepEmpirical distribution.
AverageStepEmpirical distribution with averaging and interpolation.
WeightedAverageEmpirical distribution with interpolation.
cat Quantile Buckets [<array_of_integers>]

Set the quantile ranges available in SuperWEB2. Specify the buckets using an array of integers. These must be whole integers greater than 1.

For example:

cat Quantile Buckets [2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]

These ranges will be available in SuperWEB2 as follows:

This setting applies to SuperWEB2 only. You must restart Tomcat or the SuperWEB2 service for the change to take effect.

cat Quantile confidentialitystring <string>

Set the confidentiality string. This string is used to conceal the minimum of the bottom range and the maximum of the top range when quantile perturbation is enabled. For example:

cat Quantile confidentialitystring "*"

You are recommended not to change the confidentiality string except during the initial system configuration. If the string is changed then it may not be possible to reload some pre saved TXD files with recodes on the quantile.

Method Catalogue Settings

cat [ <folder_id> ] findmethod <method_id>

Displays the database IDs of all the databases that the specified method is assigned to.

  • If you specify a folder ID, it searches only within that folder.
  • If you omit the folder ID, it searches the whole catalogue.

 SuperADMIN applies permissions to this command. It will only search databases where you have at least read permission.

cat <database_id> methods
Displays a summary of the methods assigned to this database.
cat <database_id> methods details <method_id>
Displays detailed information about the specified method.
cat <database_id> addmethod <method_id> [ <priority> ]

Apply a method to the specified database.

The priority is optional. If you do not specify a priority then it defaults to the highest in the order and the method will be executed last.

cat <database_id> methods <method_id> priority <priority>
Change the priority of the specified method.
cat <database_id> removemethod <method_id>
Removes the specified method from this database.
cat <folder_id> removemethod <method_id>
Removes the specified method from all database in this folder.
cat <database_id> methods remove
Remove all methods from this database.
cat <database_id> disablemethods access {<user>|<group>} read {true|false}

Control whether or not users are allowed to disable mandatory methods in SuperCROSS. Set this to true to allow this or false otherwise.

cat <database_id> selectTableMethods access {<user>|<group>} read {true|false}
Control whether or not users are allowed to disable table methods in SuperCROSS. Set this to true to allow this or false otherwise.

Change Other Catalogue Settings

cat <database_id> enablerecodetotals {true|false}

Enable or disable the ability for users to create recode totals. If you set this to false, then:

  • SuperCROSS users will not be able to select the Add Total With Default Recodes check box in the Fields window or add totals to recodes in the Define Recode window.
  • SuperWEB1 users will not be able to display recode totals.
cat <folder_id> maxfiles <value>

Set the maximum number of files that can be saved into this folder. You can use this setting to prevent users from saving files to a particular folder, or to restrict the number of saved files to a reasonable limit.

For example:

cat user2 maxfiles 10

Set this to "-1" if you do not want to impose a limit on the number of files. When setting the value to -1 you must use quotes. For example:

cat user2 maxfiles "-1"

If you use this command without specifying a folder, then it will set the value at the root level. That value will be used as a default for all new folders as they are created. For example:

cat maxfiles "-1"
cat createpersonalfolder <user>

Create a personal folder accessible only to the specified user and the administrator. Personal folders are used in SuperWEB1.

Before issuing this command you must turn on the autofoldercreation setting first (using the gc command) if it is not already enabled. That setting configures SuperADMIN to automatically create personal folders when a user logs in to SuperWEB1. You can turn this feature off again after manually creating the folder if you wish.

For example, to create a personal folder for user2 and user3:

> gc autofoldersection autofoldercreation value "true"
> cat createpersonalfolder user2
Added folder 'user2' to folder 'Users'
> cat createpersonalfolder user3
Added folder 'user3' to folder 'Users'
> gc autofoldersection autofoldercreation value "false"
[ Folder : Users (id:Users) (Multilingual:false) (maxfiles:0) (files:0)]
    [ Folder : user2's Folder (id:user2) (Multilingual:false) (maxfiles:-1) (files:0)]
    [ Folder : user3's Folder (id:user3) (Multilingual:false) (maxfiles:-1) (files:0)]
cat <id> recordview value {<user>|<group>} {true|false}

Allow or deny access to the Record View feature in SuperWEB1, SuperWEB2 , and SuperCROSS .

The ID of the catalogue ID (database, folder, etc) to apply the setting to.
The user or group this setting applies to.
  • Set to true to allow Record View access for the specified user or group.
  • Set to false to deny Record View access for the specified user or group.
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